Chapter 54 Seoul

Ten minutes later, Tang Xiyue pushed Fang Yu away with difficulty, her face rosy like a ripe cherry, and she gasped for air.

Fang Yu patted her back gently to help her calm down, "Xiyue, are you okay?"

Tang Xiyue's pretty face was rosy, and she gave Fang Yu a charming look, and said coquettishly: "Humph! It's not you who caused her harm."

The girl's coquettishness was the most touching, and Fang Yu was immediately stunned.


Looking at Fang Yu who was dumbfounded, the corners of Tang Xiyue's mouth raised slightly.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, now you are my sister, I want to make an agreement with you."

Fang Yu: "You said?"

"One: Don't make me angry."

"Two: Don't look for women behind my back."

"Three: Don't have affairs with other women!"

Having said this, Xun glanced at Fang Yu somewhere, grinned, and showed two cute little tiger teeth, "If I find out that you are looking for a woman behind my back, I will cut you off!"

Fang Yu subconsciously crossed his legs and said with a smile: "Xiyue, don't worry, I can definitely do it!"

Tang Xiyue had a bright smile on her pretty face.

"Xiyue, I have something to tell you. In fact, I can..."

Before Fang Yu could finish speaking, Tang Xiyue blocked his mouth with his fingers.

"Idiot, I've already guessed it!"

Tang Xiyue said softly, and then said with a serious face: "Remember, never bring strangers into your Grotto-Heaven in the future. If one more person enters your Grotto-Heaven, you will be in more danger! "

Fang Yu nodded solemnly, "Yeah!"

Looking at the considerate girl in front of me, I was very moved.

He actually wanted to tell her just now that he could increase the level of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

"Xiyue, let me perform a trick for you."

Fang Yu put his arms around Tang Xiyue's waist and looked at the bronze palace directly in front of him.

Palace Spirit Treasure (unnamed) [+]

Tang Xiyue leaned on Fang Yu's shoulder and looked at the bronze palace directly ahead.

The next moment, she saw a bright purple divine light shooting down from the clouds, instantly covering the bronze palace.

Just a few breaths.

The divine light dissipates.

Palace Spirit Treasure has undergone tremendous changes.

Not only has the area increased ten times, but its appearance has also changed from bronze to milky white.

Tang Xiyue's eyes lit up, as expected!

She had just felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Primordial Dao Palace suddenly increase several times, and she had already guessed that Fang Yu could improve the quality of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

Facts also verified her guess.


Looking at the magnificent white jade courtyard in front of him, Fang Yu frowned.

"What's wrong?"

Tang Xiyue saw Fang Yu frowning and asked in confusion.

“I originally thought that the palace Spirit Treasure would turn into the same as [Primordial Dao Palace], but I didn’t expect that it would turn into a white jade courtyard.”

Fang Yu expressed his doubts.

Tang Xiyue said: "Maybe there can only be one Primordial Dao Palace?!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed: "Is that so?"

Is it true that as Xiyue said, there can only be one Primordial Dao Palace.

Wouldn't that mean that for the same type of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, the first one is dark blue and has the highest quality?

But I clearly got two dragon veins of the same quality before?

Could it be because Spirit Vein is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth and is not subject to the level restrictions of Grotto-Heaven!

Although I think what Tang Xiyue said makes sense, there are some things that need to be verified to be certain.

Get rid of the thoughts in your mind and immediately check the properties panel of the new palace.

[Palace Spirit Treasure]: Unnamed.

[Type]: Palace.

[Quality]: Epic.

[Grade]: First Grade (0/1000).

[Function]: Gather the aura of heaven and earth.

[Characteristics]: Cultivation speed +100%, comfort +100%.

[Introduction]: Nice Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, a pig will feel very comfortable living in it.

"Xiyue is only of epic quality, and its characteristics are only cultivation speed and comfort +100%."

After reading the attributes, Fang Yu turned to look at Tang Xiyue and said with some disgust.

"Epic quality, you still dislike it!"

Tang Xiyue rolled her eyes at him, "Did you know that even the veteran Grotto-Heaven masters of our Great Xia Dynasty don't have many Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures of epic quality!"

"If you let them know that you actually dislike the epic Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, they will definitely curse you."

Hearing Tang Xiyue's words, Fang Yu scratched his head: "This was not a Mythical quality before, but now it is a fact. This gap is too big, and I can't accept it."

Tang Xiyue rolled her eyes at Fang Yu again and stopped talking.

Fang Yu immediately spent 1,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the palace Spirit Treasure in front of him to Second Grade.

The courtyard turned into a small white jade city.

Tang Xiyue smiled and asked: "Xiao Yu'er, what do you plan to name this city?"

Fang Yu pondered for a moment, "This city is intended to be a residence for the people I collected in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. The royal family of this Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm is called the 'Han Dynasty', so it was named 'Seoul' Bar!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, two large gilt characters with flying dragons and phoenixes suddenly appeared on the four city gates - Hancheng.

"Xiyue, let me take you to see my Seoul!"

Fang Yu teleported Tang Xiyue to the sky above Seoul and took a look.

The city is square in shape, has four gates, and covers an area of ​​nine square kilometers.

There is a city lord's mansion in the middle. The city lord's mansion faces north and south.

There are four residential areas at the four corners of the city gate, each area has 250 antique nanmu houses.

There is a market around the city lord's palace. The entrance of the market is 500 meters away from the city lord's palace. Each market has 250 two-story nanmu lofts.

The floors in the city are all paved with white jade, which looks like gold but not gold, and looks like jade but not jade.

"Xiao Yu'er, I think it would be more appropriate to name your city 'White Jade City' or 'Bai Yujing'!"

After Tang Xiyue looked at it for a few times, he turned to look at Fang Yu and said with a smile.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "I think so too, but there may be many such cities in the future. To distinguish them, let's call them 'Seoul'."

In fact, it’s okay to name it [Three Kingdoms City].

If he goes to the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm in the future to recruit people and builds a city for them to live in, he will name it [Fengyun City].

"You have now taken in nearly five hundred people. You must arrange manpower to manage them as soon as possible. Otherwise, the scattered sand will sooner or later turn your Grotto-Heaven into a mess."

Tang Xiyue said: "Let's go to your Primordial Dao Palace and I will explain to you how to manage Grotto-Heaven."


Fang Yu took Tang Xiyue and teleported back to the Primordial Dao Palace.

He sat on the purple and gold dragon chair, and Tang Xiyue sat on his lap.

"My beloved concubine, do you think I look like an emperor now?"

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue in his arms and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, do you need me to choose a concubine for you?"

Tang Xiyue rolled his big eyes and said with a half-smile.

"I only love my concubine!"

Fang Yu looked at Tang Xiyue with a tender expression.

"Glib tongue!"

Tang Xiyue raised the corner of her mouth and poked Fang Yu's forehead with her jade finger.

Immediately he said with a serious face: "Managing Grotto-Heaven is difficult to say, but easy to say."

"Actually, managing Grotto-Heaven is just like managing a country. The first thing you have to do is to separate military and political affairs. Those who have military talents, you let them lead the soldiers, and those who have political talents, you let them manage the people."

"In addition to these, you must make clear rewards and punishments. Rewards for meritorious deeds and punishment for delinquency, so that others can wholeheartedly work for you."

"After there are more people, you have to issue a set of currencies to allow people in Grotto-Heaven to trade with each other..."


After Tang Xiyue finished speaking, Fang Yu said softly: "Xiyue, thank you!"

With Tang Xiyue imparting these experiences, he only needs to arrange it step by step.

"You go to the Sacred Spring of Life to practice. I will go find you after making arrangements!"

Fang Yu smiled.


Tang Xiyue nodded, stood up and walked out.

Fang Yu immediately communicated the Grotto-Heaven mark and sent a message to Guo Jia and others.

After a while, Guo Jia, Cai Yong and others walked into the hall and all bowed to Fang Yu who was sitting at the head.

"Greetings, my lord!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, "No need to be polite, just sit down!"

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Guo Jia and others walked to the chairs on the right side of the hall and sat down.

"I just built a 'Seoul City' near Zhao Family Village, and I plan to move all the people in Grotto-Heaven to Seoul City."

Fang Yu glanced at everyone, and finally stopped at Guo Jia, "Fengxiao, you will appoint the city lord of Seoul. Bo Zhe and Youruo will serve as deputy city lords to assist you in managing Seoul."

"Here." After being nodded by Fang Yu, Guo Jia and the others stood up and bowed to Fang Yu.

"Zilong, you are responsible for selecting young men from the common people and training them into an army. Each person will receive five drops of life spirit fluid per day. Wen Ruo and Zhicai will assist you!"

"As for the exercises, teach them the "Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique" first."

Having said this, Fang Yu waved his right hand at Zhao Yun, and a book flew towards Zhao Yun.

"Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique" was revealed by one of them when he killed the fifteen Grotto-Heaven Lords around Wang Teng. It is the Second Grade Body Refining Technique, which is specially used to cultivate the Flesh Refining body. It has been practiced to perfection. At this time, the physical body can be compared to the Qi Gathering Realm Ninth Layer.


Zhao Yun took the book flying towards him, and then bowed to Fang Yu.

Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai, who were called by Fang Yu, also stood up and bowed to Fang Yu.

Second update.

Thanks to [Peach Blossom Moon], book friends [20230609230330418], [Dahechaotian], [Moonlight under the eaves], [Cool Dream Demon], [cm2018], [Different World Hongmeng], [Big Ajie Brother], [Xu Anwu], [Blue Ham] big monthly tickets.

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