Chapter 65 Fusion Skills

The sun is like fire, mercilessly scorching the earth.

As soon as Fang Yu walked out of the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm office, he felt a wave of heat coming over him.

It's the height of summer in June, even though it's around ten in the morning.

But the weather is also very sultry, the heat is unbearable, and even the wind blowing on your face brings a scorching smell.

However, with Fang Yu's current cultivation level, he is immune to the cold and heat.

In the huge square in front of the Grotto-Heaven office building, there is a lot of traffic and people coming and going. There is an endless stream of people coming to the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm office to do business.

Soon, Fang Yu stopped a maglev taxi.

Sitting in the back seat of the taxi, he secretly thought: "It's so inconvenient not to have a car. It seems I have to buy a car!"

The taxi driver suddenly started chatting, "Little brother, judging from your appearance, you must have just come out of the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, right?"

Fang Yu nodded slightly, "Not bad!"

The uncle driver praised: "My little brother is so awesome. He dares to enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm at such a young age. My son is older than you, but he does not dare to enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm."

Fang Yu smiled: "Uncle, I am a common man. I have no cultivation resources but to look for them. In the era of National Grotto-Heaven, if I don't work hard, I will be eliminated. I will be helpless. If I am a big As for the children of the family, at my current age, I would never take risks."

"My little brother is right! Although there are endless opportunities in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, there are also many dangers. Most people would not take risks at your age if they were not forced to do so."

"Alas! In the era of National Grotto-Heaven, although everyone can become the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, there is no comparison between the children of us ordinary people and the children of big families!"

Speaking of this, the uncle driver laughed at himself: "The children of those big families are born in Rome, but the children of us ordinary people are like cows and horses when they are born. They are of the same people but have different fates!"

Fang Yu agreed with what the driver said.

Children born into big families grow up with a silver spoon in their mouths, and they need skills and resources.

Children from ordinary people's families don't have High Level skills, and they don't have the money or resources to practice.

Even if the children of ordinary people are more talented than the family disciples, their cultivation is generally not as high as that of the family disciples.

Fang Yu remembers that when a rich second-generation classmate had a conflict with a civilian classmate who was more talented than him, he said something very arrogant:

"Even if your talent is better than mine, so what. My dad is Li Gang. No matter how talented you are, it doesn't matter. You will still work hard for a big family like ours in the future!"

This is like what those second-generation people with low education in previous lives often said to people with higher education: "What's the use of your high education? In the future, you won't have to work for people like us with low education!"

Shaking away the thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu looked out the window and chatted with the driver about various rides.

The wide road was busy with traffic, and maglev cars flew by at high speeds.

The landscape trees on both sides of the road are lush and green, and the sun shines through the leaves, leaving mottled light and shadow on the road.

Although now is the era of Grotto-Heaven for all, everyone can open up Grotto-Heaven and become the master of Grotto-Heaven.

In the Grotto-Heaven era, everyone can practice and step into Transcendent.

But most people's talents are not high, and the ones they open are only ordinary Grotto-Heavens.

Therefore, people’s lives have not changed much since before the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm appeared.

You still have to work when you need to work, you still have to go to school when you need to go to school...

The biggest difference is that after the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm appeared, cultivation has become an essential part of people's lives.

More than half an hour later.

Fang Yu returned to his home.

"Xiao Yu'er, the Queen is here for a video. The Queen is here for a video. Hurry up, hurry up!"

As soon as he sat down, he heard a pleasant and crisp sound.

A trace of tenderness flashed in Fang Yu's eyes. He immediately took out his phone and saw that Tang Xiyue had sent him a [credible] video.

Click [Accept] immediately.

The video was connected, and Tang Xiyue was seen wearing a pink transparent pajamas, lying on a big pink bed, with her long legs crossed and shaking.

Looking at Tang Xiyue's seductive appearance in the video, Fang Yu's eyes became intense.

Looking at Fang Yu's fiery gaze, Tang Xiyue blushed, "Little pervert!"

Then he asked: "Xiao Yu'er, do you miss me?"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "I think about it, I think about you all the time!"

Tang Xiyue raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Yu'er, I have taken care of my parents, but my father seems to have a strong opinion on you. He said he will deal with you tomorrow, so be careful!"

Fang Yu smiled: "Xiyue, don't worry. At most, I'll let him clean it up. Just be obedient and prepare to be my little wife!"

Fang Yu didn't think anything of the future father-in-law's opinion of him. After all, he had never paid a visit, so he secretly gave Tang Xiyue to Hehe. Everyone would have opinions.

Tang Xiyue spat softly: "Bah! Who wants to be your little wife? You haven't proposed to me yet. I won't marry you so easily!"

"Then I propose to you now!"

"Humph! Not sincere at all."

"It's so sad. You wiped me clean and you didn't want to take responsibility, you scumbag!"

"Xiao Yu'er, I just realized that you are so thick-skinned. You talk as if you are at a disadvantage. Who cares about you, a stinky fish?"

The two flirted for a while, and Tang Xiyue said with a serious face: "Xiao Yu'er, I have told my mother about our killing of Wang Teng. She asked you to pay attention to the Wang family. After all, so many people saw it at that time. You killed him."

Fang Yu said calmly: "Xiyue, don't worry. With my current cultivation level, since it's the old Wang's family in the imperial capital who is coming here, they will also bring me food!"

Tang Xiyue was still a little worried and warned: "Xiao Yu'er, I know you are very strong!"

"But I hope you don't take it lightly. You must despise your opponents strategically and pay attention to your opponents tactically. Only by being careful can you make a thousand-year ship!"

Fang Yu said very seriously: "Well! Don't worry, I will pay attention to every opponent!"

You only have one life, if you are not careful, you will regret it!

Fang Yu doesn't want to let his boat capsize in the gutter because of his negligence!

After the two chatted for more than an hour, Tang Xiyue reluctantly hung up the video!

"It seems that my future father-in-law will have a very difficult time tomorrow!"

Fang Yu touched his nose and murmured softly.

Even if Tang Xiyue's father really wanted to deal with him tomorrow, he would endure it for Tang Xiyue's sake.

Get rid of the distracting thoughts in your mind, communicate with the Grotto-Heaven mark, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was under the Primordial Tree.

He glanced at the Primordial Tree, and then sat cross-legged under the Primordial Tree.

Take out all the forty-five exercises that were traded from your god-sister Qin Qingqing.

Then he also took out the techniques gained in the Three Kingdoms Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

In the Three Kingdoms Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, he gained a total of fifteen techniques.

The best ones are the three Fourth Grade skills that emerged from Wang Teng.

A metallic spiritual cultivation method "Ancient Gold Scripture."

A body technique called "Long You Bu".

The last one is a boxing technique called "Dragon Elephant Divine Fist".

"Sixty skills, including twenty-five for mental training, fifteen for swordsmanship, eleven for body skills, and nine for boxing!"

"I don't know how many levels of the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra" I can reach after integrating so many techniques?"

"How many levels of swordsmanship can you reach?"

"How many levels of boxing and body skills can you reach?"

Fang Yu murmured softly, his eyes full of anticipation.

After calming down, he immediately picked up the exercises and started watching them one by one.

A few minutes later.


Fang Yu put down the last exercise and let out a long breath.

After taking Primordial Tree leaves, he has been able to achieve photographic memory.

In just less than ten minutes, he had read sixty exercises and memorized their contents.


At this moment, the Primordial Tree standing behind him trembled slightly.

Suddenly, a bright purple divine light emanated from the Primordial Tree.

It instantly enveloped him and the sixty secret books placed at his feet.

The sixty secret books exploded instantly, turning into colorful words and rushing toward his head, like a very beautiful horse.

Just as those words poured into his head, his thoughts were instantly sucked into the boundless brain.

Next, he is like a "spectator".

He "saw" dense purple fonts suddenly pouring out of his brain. Those purple fonts "saw" colorful fonts, like bulls in heat, swarming towards the colorful fonts.

Instantly blend in with those colorful fonts!

First update!

Thanks to [Beiming Youyu] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to [Dingyuan Fatty] for your monthly ticket.

Thank you all for your great recommendation votes!

Thank you for your great support!

(End of chapter)

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