Chapter 68 Divine Weapon Forge

Fang Yu stood under the Primordial Tree, touching his chin with his right hand and thinking deeply.

Just now, he had a total of 1,652,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. He spent one million to upgrade Grotto-Heaven, two hundred thousand to upgrade Seoul and Primordial Dao Palace, and eleven thousand to upgrade two toilets.

In other words, he still has 441,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Third Grade Grotto-Heaven can bind nine pieces of Spirit Treasure.

Except for the three Spirit Veins, they are not included in the nine pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

He has bound six Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures.

In other words, he still has three spots left.

He planned to give a spot to that forge.

As for the remaining two spots, he doesn't plan to bind those ordinary Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures now.

He planned to go take a look at Skynet after he went out for a while.

Check if there are high-quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure for sale on Tianwang.

He had long discovered that the higher the quality of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, the more powerful it would be after dark blue added points.

However, he didn't have much expectations in his heart, because others might keep the High Level Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure for his own use.

Suppressing the thoughts in my heart, I summoned the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Primordial Dao Palace] (Mythical Second Grade, 441000/1000000).

[Dragon Vein]: (Legendary Second Grade, 441000/100000) [Upgradeable].

[Grain Reincarnation Square]: (Epic Second Grade, 441000/10000) [Upgradeable].

[Grain Reincarnation Square]: (Legendary Second Grade, 441000/100000) [Can be upgraded]

[Sacred Spring of Life]: (Second Grade, 441000/100000) [Upgradeable]

Looking at the upgradable Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, Fang Yu thought about it.

He currently only has 411,000 Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones, which is simply not enough to upgrade all Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu decided to upgrade [Sacred Spring of Life] and the three dragon veins first.

After making the decision, Fang Yu immediately upgraded the two Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures.

Four hundred thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, three dragon veins and Sacred Spring of Life were burned in an instant, and the Second Grade was upgraded to the Third Grade in the blink of an eye.

He immediately checked their properties.

[Sacred Spring of Life]

[type ]:……

[Quality]: Legend.

[Grade]: Third Grade.

[Function ]:……

[Characteristics]: The blessing of the goddess of life can increase cultivation, improve qualifications, and heal wounds. A drop of life spirit liquid can increase life span by three years (Third Grade can increase life by up to three hundred years).

[Stock]: 15/15 (1/day).

[introduce ]:……

The effect of the Third Grade Sacred Spring of Life is doubled compared to the Second Grade, the inventory is doubled, and the recovery speed remains the same.

The property panel of Third Grade Dragon Veins remains unchanged.

But Fang Yu could easily feel that the speed of the Third Grade dragon veins in producing the aura of heaven and earth had increased significantly.

Because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Primordial Dao Palace has turned into mist.

It is worth mentioning that after he upgraded Primordial Dao Palace to Second Grade just now, the mountains under Primordial Dao Palace also expanded and were once again raised by 1,000 meters, reaching 2,000 meters high.

"There are more than 1.9 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, and there are only 11,000 left before the heat is applied!"

"Yeah, now I'm going to be a pauper again!"

"Hey! The Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is really not enough!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and closed the properties panel.

More than 1.9 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are an astronomical sum.

But in the blink of an eye, he spent only 11,000 coins.

If they were the master of Grotto-Heaven without attributes, they would only need ten coins to upgrade their Grotto-Heaven from First Grade to Second Grade, and then it would be multiplied by ten times for each subsequent level.

In other words, one million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones are enough for the master of Grotto-Heaven without Grotto-Heaven attributes to upgrade their Grotto-Heaven from Eight Grade to Ninth Grade.

To upgrade the ordinary quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure from First Grade to Second Grade, ten Grotto-Heaven Holy Stones are required, and the amount will be increased tenfold for each liter of First Grade thereafter.

Rare quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure requires a hundred coins to upgrade First Grade to Second Grade, and requires a thousand coins to upgrade Second Grade to Third Grade...

Epic quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure requires a thousand coins to upgrade First Grade to Second Grade...

The legendary quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure costs 10,000 to upgrade from First Grade to Second Grade...

Mythical quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure First Grade to Second Grade requires one hundred thousand...

After his Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is added with Primordial Tree's dark blue points, it can reach the lowest level of epic quality.

As you can imagine, each time you upgrade your level, you need a huge sum of money.

If he did the math, he would be shocked.

He even suddenly felt that sometimes the level of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure was too high, which was not necessarily a good thing.

If other Grotto-Heaven masters knew what Fang Yu was thinking, they would definitely say: Since you dislike it, just give it to us. We don’t dislike the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure at all!

His god-sister Qin Qingqing just told him that the Grotto-Heaven office currently has less than 10 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones in stock.

In other words, even if he trades all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones in stock at Grotto-Heaven, it will not be enough for him to upgrade his Grotto-Heaven level to the Fourth Grade level.

He wants to upgrade Grotto-Heaven to Fourth Grade, but he doesn't know how long it will take.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yu raised his head and glanced at the Primordial Tree towering in front of him.

Now the Primordial Tree has grown to a height of 400 meters.

There are fourteen branches and fourteen leaves.

The whole body is purple, like the most precious work of art.

Looking away from the Primordial Tree, Fang Yu murmured softly: "The Forge is a rare quality Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. Bind it to the Forge first and see what quality it can achieve after adding some dark blue points?"

Turning his right hand, a palm-sized building appeared in his hand.

"Do you want to bind the forge?"


As soon as he finished speaking, the forge flew out of his hand, landed in an open space not far away, and then quickly grew in size.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into an antique building covering an area of ​​100 square meters. A large black hammer was carved on the building's plaque.

He immediately opened the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Forge] (+)

Fang Yu rubbed his hands, it was his favorite cheating time again!

Without hesitation, I clicked on the plus sign.

The purple divine light that arrived as promised instantly enveloped the forge.

When the divine light dissipates.

The area of ​​the forge directly increased ten times, and the color of the appearance changed to purple.

Click on properties.

[Magic Weapon Forge]

[Type]: Forge.

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: First Grade (0/100000).

[Function]: Forging.

[Features]: Provides weapon blueprints and artifact refining materials, can automatically forge Low Grade Mortal Weapon-level standard weapons, 100% forge weapons with two attributes, and 5% probability of forging weapons with three attributes.

[Introduction]: In a very powerful forging workshop, ordinary iron can also be forged into magical weapons.

"It is 100% possible to forge a weapon with two attributes, and there is a 5% probability of forging a weapon with three attributes. [Magic Weapon Forging Workshop], this name is really appropriate!"

After reading the attributes of [Shen Weapon Forge], Fang Yu suddenly became enlightened.

He knows that Mortal Weapon has only one attribute, Treasure Weapon has three attributes, and Spirit Weapon has three attributes.

For example, the Low Grade Treasure Weapon [Yuxi Sword] in his hand has two attributes.

One is cutting iron like clay.

One is attack power +5%.

With the Divine Weapon Forge, it means that the Low Grade Mortal Weapon he forges is at least as good as a Treasure Weapon, or even a Spirit Weapon.

[Magic Weapon Forge] lives up to its name, just like the [Introduction] on the attribute panel, ordinary iron can be turned into a magical weapon.

The original forge did not have this feature. After adding points of dark blue from the Primordial Tree, it can be described as "flying into the sky".

After calming down, Fang Yu walked towards the [Shen Weapon Forge].

When I first entered the Divine Weapon Forge, I saw a very spacious hall.

The floor of the hall is made of purple slate, which looks like gold but not gold, and looks like jade but not jade.

The entire hall, except for a large purple cauldron with three legs and two ears, about two meters high and a statue in the center, was empty and looked extremely empty.

The statue looked like him, naked to the waist, holding a big hammer in his hand, and covered in tendons.

"Fuck! This is ruining my image!"

"And this is obviously an alchemy furnace. Where is the forging workshop?"

Looking at the statue and the purple cauldron in the center of the hall, Fang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, and a few black lines suddenly appeared on his forehead.

He is clearly gentle and gentle, but this Blacksmith statue is simply ruining his image.

And it's obviously an alchemy furnace, so it has to be called a forging workshop.

At this time, Fang Yu felt a hole in his heart and didn't know whether he should vomit?

But when I think about the attributes of [Magic Weapon Forge].


——In fact, image and appearance don’t matter!

After all, the [Divine Weapon Forge] is of Mythical quality, which is countless times better than the ordinary forge.

Looking at the purple alchemy furnace, an urge to forge weapons immediately arose in his heart.

But when he thought that he didn't have the weapon blueprints, he suddenly stopped.

To forge weapons, you must have both weapon blueprints and artifact refining materials.

He only had artifact refining materials and no drawings, and it was difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

"I'm going to visit Xiyue's house tomorrow. The gifts for my future father-in-law are ready, but the gifts for my future mother-in-law and her grandfather's gifts are not yet ready."

"You can't favor one over the other, and the gifts you give them can't be worse than those given to your future father-in-law!"

"I don't have that much money on me, and I can't afford the spiritual wine for Grandpa Xiyue. It seems that I have no choice but to ask for help from others."

"A spiritual wine comparable to Low Grade Treasure Weapon, my dear sister should have it!"

"But she should have taken the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" I traded to her to go to the imperial capital of Grotto-Heaven to set up the headquarters."


"Ji Mengfei's family has Heavenly Treasure Pavilion and Penguin Consortium. Her family should sell spiritual wine!"

"Go out and contact her!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately escaped from Grotto-Heaven.

Fourth update!

A huge explosion of 10,000 words!

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Thanks to book friend [20240116863—aE] for your monthly ticket!

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(End of chapter)

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