Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 71 Killing Someone With A Borrowed Knife

Chapter 71 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

Fang Yu looked at the silver mobile phone in his hand.

After pondering for a moment, he decided to call Ji Mengfei.

The call was quickly answered.

Ji Mengfei's enchanting voice came over: "Brother Fang Yu, are you okay? My sister is very happy to help you!"

Hearing Ji Mengfei's words, Fang Yu's eyes were a little complicated.

It has to be said that Ji Mengfei is a woman with very high emotional intelligence, and no one can find a single fault in her words.

Fang Yu said calmly: "Qin Wudao, the eldest son of the Qin Family in the Imperial Capital, called me just now. He wants to force me to buy the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that can produce 'life spirit liquid'!"


Ji Mengfei's voice suddenly rose, "Brother Fang Yu, do you suspect that it was your sister who told Qin Wudao about you?"

Then he said in a very serious tone: "Sister, I can swear to God, I will never betray you!"

Fang Yu looked calm and said seriously: "I don't doubt you. After all, you, Ji Mengfei, are not that stupid, but the same cannot be said for you!"

"Only Xiyue and Xiao Yan know about the 'Life Spirit Liquid'."

"If it is really your people who betrayed me, I need you to give me an explanation!"

Ji Mengfei said very seriously: "Brother Fang Yu, I will have someone investigate right away."

"Don't worry, if it's really my people who betrayed you, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Fang Yu said softly: "Well, that's it, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first!"

After saying that, Fang Yu hung up the phone directly.

His face was very calm.

If it was really Ji Mengfei's people who betrayed him, even if Ji Mengfei didn't know about it, if she didn't give him a satisfactory explanation, he would never cooperate with Ji Mengfei again!

Just when Fang Yu hung up the phone.

Riverside City, in the Great Xia of the "Penguin Consortium" branch.

In the general manager's office.

Ji Mengfei put down her phone, her face as cold as frost.

She looked at Liu Yingying who was standing behind her with her narrow peach blossom eyes, and said coldly: "Sister Yingying, there are only eight people here who know about the life spirit liquid besides you and me."

"In less than half an hour after we came back, Qin Wudao knew about it. It must be one of them who tipped Qin Wudao off!"

"Go check the surveillance immediately and investigate the call records and whereabouts of all of them."

"I want to know where they went after they separated from us, who they talked to on the phone, and what they did?"

Ji Mengfei gave orders vigorously and resolutely.

She was very angry.

Less than half an hour after they came out of the Secret Realm, Qin Wudao already knew about the "Life Spirit Liquid".

She vaguely felt that it was her own people who betrayed Fang Yu.

Although Fang Yu didn't say it clearly, she was sure that if she didn't give Fang Yu a satisfactory explanation, Fang Yu would never cooperate with her again.

After a pause, he added: "Sister Yingying, if necessary, use the 'Chaos Talisman' on those eight people!"

Liu Yingying's expression changed, "Miss, once the 'Chaos Talisman' is used, I'm afraid they will be overly cautious!"

Ji Mengfei's attitude was very firm, "Sister Yingying, you don't need to persuade me. If I don't give Fang Yu a satisfactory explanation, he will never cooperate with me based on his character!"

"The spiritual liquid of life is too important to us, so I have to give him an explanation no matter what. After using the 'Chaos Talisman', if it's not them, I will give them some extra compensation!"

"Go down and do it!"

Liu Yingying said nothing more and solemnly said: "Okay!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Looking at Liu Yingying's back, Ji Mengfei narrowed her eyes slightly, "Haha, Qin Wudao, it seems you have an undercover agent next to me!"

"Do you really think that I, Concubine Ji Meng, am made of mud?"

It wasn't like she didn't suspect that someone else had betrayed Fang Yu.

But Fang Yu said that the only people on his side who knew about the 'spiritual liquid of life' were Tang Xiyue and Xiao Yan.

She has seen that Tang Xiyue and Fang Yu are having a relationship.

Tang Xiyue is Fang Yu's woman and it is impossible to betray Fang Yu.

If Xiao Yan coveted it, he would only tell the queen, but would not tell Qin Wudao at all and let Qin Wudao take advantage.

Even if other forces knew about the "Life Spirit Liquid" from the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty, they would not let Qin Wudao take advantage of it in vain.

Therefore, Ji Mengfei was sure that her people must have betrayed her!

She had already guessed that Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, which could condense the 'spiritual liquid of life', must be an epic High Grade Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to have such an effect.

As for the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of epic quality or above, Great Xia Dynasty currently does not have any.

Ji Mengfei was sure that Qin Wudao must have guessed it, so he coveted it.

Riverside City, northern suburbs.

In a magnificent, noble and luxurious manor.

In a spacious hall.

A beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a red cheongsam who still retains her charm looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to her, her eyes full of worry, "Brother Fei, my heart has been empty these past few days, and my right eyelid has been feeling empty. Jump, I always feel like something bad is going to happen?"

"It's already the seventh day, and Teng'er hasn't come out yet. Do you think something might have happened to him?"

The middle-aged man glanced at his wife and comforted him softly: "妧妧, don't worry, our Teng'er is Eight Grade qualified. He has the 'qualifications of an immortal' and is a true Unparalleled Genius. Except for Qin Wudao, all the same people are People in this realm are no match for him!"

"That Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm is only a one-star level, and he has four 'Purple Thunder Talismans' given to him by that person. He will definitely be fine!"

The worry in the middle-aged woman's brows has not dissipated, "Brother Fei, I'm still a little worried. How about we let someone go into the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to investigate?"

These two people are Wang Teng's biological parents, Wang Fei and Chen Concubine.

At this moment, a pleasant cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Wang Fei frowned, took out his cell phone and looked at it, and saw that the caller ID was an unfamiliar number from the Imperial Capital.

After hesitating for a moment, he pressed the answer button.

"Hello! I am Wang Fei, who are you?"

A faint voice came, "I am Qin Zhan, from the Qin Family of the Imperial Capital."

Wang Fei narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Qin Zhan! What do you want to see me for?"

"According to the information we, the Qin Family, have received, your son Wang Teng was killed in your one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm in Riverside City three days ago!"


Wang Fei stood up suddenly, his face suddenly turned extremely ugly, and he said in a deep voice: "Sir, can you tell me, who killed my...son?"

Wang Fei knew that the other party would not lie to him, because the person who called him was the top ten strong man in the world, the mad lion Qin Zhan of the Qin Family!

Such a strong man would never make such a joke with him.

Coupled with the abnormality of my wife!

Although he was unwilling or unwilling to admit it, he knew that his most proud son had died!

"What? Teng'er... was killed? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"My son will not die. It's all fake. I don't believe it!"

Chen Yiyu's face suddenly turned pale and she screamed loudly.

She grabbed her husband's cell phone from his hand and asked in a trembling voice: "You said that my son was... killed by someone three days ago. Is that true?"

Qin Zhan: "Do you think our imperial Qin Family would make such a joke with you?"


Chen Yan's body shook violently, her phone fell to the ground, tears rolled down her face, her face suddenly turned red, she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes turned white, and she fainted on the sofa.

Obviously he couldn't accept the shocking news that his son had died.


Wang Fei's expression changed drastically, and he quickly checked on his wife's condition. He was relieved when he found that she just fainted from sadness and was not seriously injured.

"Sir, can you tell me who killed my son?"

Wang Fei carefully put his wife away, tried hard to suppress the uncontrollable anger in his heart, picked up the mobile phone that fell on the floor, and asked in a deep voice.

"I can tell you, but you have to agree to one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"After you kill him, the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that fell from his body belongs to my Qin Family!"

"I promise you!"

Even the Qin Family coveted the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in the person who killed his son. He instantly guessed that the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure in that person was not simple.

But he didn't hesitate at all.

Because he just wants to avenge his son!

"His name is Fang Yu, and he is cultivated in the Qi Condensation Realm. He can cut your son and the helicopter he is sitting in in half with one sword!"

Hearing this, Wang Fei looked gloomy and furious. He clenched his fists and pierced his skin with his sharp nails. Blood dripped on the floor, making a crisp sound.

"Thank you for telling me. After I kill him, I will definitely give you the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure he revealed!"

"I will send you his information now. I hope you can keep your promise. Otherwise, you should know the consequences."

After Qin Zhan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"The Qin Family covets that little beast Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. They don't do it themselves, but want to borrow a knife to kill someone!"

"Teng'er, don't worry. Dad will definitely cut that little beast into pieces to avenge you and comfort your spirit in heaven!"

Wang Feihu's eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes were full of pain. His originally upright body became a little stooped, as if he had aged more than ten years in an instant.

Third update!

Please recommend and collect!

Thank you [I Love Mi Meng] for the big reward!

(End of chapter)

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