Chapter 75 Shocking Harvest

In less than a minute, Fang Yu left and returned, back to the yard.

He is carrying a person in his right hand.

——A middle-aged man who refuses to rest in peace!

Concubine Ji Meng who was on the roof saw Fang Yu returning to the yard and jumped down from the roof, her black hair flying and her clothes flying.

Landing steadily in front of Fang Yu.

Liu Yingying also jumped down and landed behind Ji Mengfei.

Fang Yu carried the burly middle-aged man in black in front of Ji Mengfei and asked, "Mengfei, do you know this person?"

Ji Mengfei's beautiful eyes looked at the man in black. When she saw the sword mark on the man in black's neck, her pupils suddenly shrank and she said softly: "His name is Qin Zhan, Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer cultivation, Qin The guard captain beside Wu Dao!"

She was a little shocked.

From the injuries on the body, she knew that Qin Zhan's throat was sealed by Fang Yu's sword.

Qin Zhan's clothes were not in any disorder, his face was full of horror, and his eyes were still filled with unwillingness and fear.

From Qin Zhan's body, she saw that Qin Zhan had no ability to fight back in front of Fang Yu.

You must know that Qin Zhan is ranked tenth on the world's heavenly list, and is called a mad lion.

However, such a being had no ability to resist at all when facing Fang Yu.

Ji Mengfei vaguely felt that Fang Yu's true combat power might have surpassed Qin Wudao!


Fang Yu didn't pay attention and casually put Qin Zhan's body into the Grotto-Heaven.

Knowing that the other party was sent by Qin Wudao, Fang Yu was not surprised.

After all, he just offended Qin Wudao and Wang Fei now.

The other party should want to be an oriole.

However, it is a pity that he does not have the strength to be an oriole.

Although he killed in self-defense, the laws of the Great Xia Dynasty are strict, and he already over-defended.

If someone sees the body, maybe the Qin Family and the Wang Family will use legal means to deal with him.

Although he thought that the Wang family and the Qin family would not publicize this kind of thing, after all, they wanted to kill him and seize the treasure first.

But what if.

Only by being careful can you sail the ship of ten thousand years.

He didn't want to leave any clues.

Therefore, he planned to use Grotto-Heaven to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces.

Then Fang Yu released Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, and dozens of strong men.

"Greetings, my lord!"

As soon as Zhao Yun and others appeared, they all bowed to Fang Yu.

"No need to be polite!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, pointed to the place where Wang Fei and eight others fell, and ordered in an orderly manner: "This is the enemy I just killed. You go and collect all the trophies, and bring the corpses into my world as well. By the way, Also clean up the traces of the battle!”


Zhao Yun and others took the order and left.

Fang Yu stepped into the villa.

Ji Mengfei glanced at Zhao Yun and others, then followed Fang Yu, the red bell on her anklet making a sweet sound as she walked.

Walking to the villa, Fang Yu sat on the sofa and thought secretly.

Ji Mengfei, who was sitting on Fang Yu's right, asked curiously: "Brother Fang Yu, what are you thinking about?"

Fang Yu turned to look at Concubine Ji Meng, "I was wondering why they didn't release the soldiers just now, and after the death of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, did their Grotto-Heaven world collapse directly?"

In his opinion, Wang Bi and other veteran Grotto-Heaven masters should have soldiers under their command. Why didn't they release the soldiers just now?

Do they think too highly of themselves, or have they not trained soldiers at all?

Some teachers said that after the death of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, things from the Lord of Grotto-Heaven would randomly explode, but they did not say what would happen to their Grotto-Heaven world.

The Lord of Grotto-Heaven has killed more than twenty people.

He found that after they fell, there was no Grotto-Heaven wall at the place where they fell, and the people in their Grotto-Heaven did not explode.

Ji Mengfei smiled and said, "They didn't summon any soldiers. It's probably because they think too highly of themselves."

"Even if they have soldiers under their command, their cultivation level is not high, and their number is not large!"

"Because people like Wang Bi, or most of the Grotto-Heaven masters, if they have the resources, will train their own people instead of training soldiers. After all, the Grotto-Heaven masters don't have the means to see through people's hearts, and no one will train them. A stranger you don’t know!”

"Besides, Wang Bi is only the master of Fifth Grade Grotto-Heaven. Our Great Xia Dynasty only has one epic-quality war tower. That war tower is in the hands of Senior Military God Li Xing. He should only have rare-quality war towers. Soldier Tower."

"A rare-quality warrior tower. The First Grade level can only allow ten people to become warriors. Even if he upgrades the warrior palace to Fifth Grade, he can only cultivate fifty warriors. The Fifth Grade Grotto-Heaven can be bound Fifteen pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, even if he binds five pieces of War Soldier Tower, there will only be more than 200 people."

"I guess those warriors must not be high in cultivation. To the Qi Condensation Realm, they are just a bunch of cannon fodder. They are not strong enough to kill with a single sword if they are released!"

Speaking of this, Ji Mengfei shook her head, "As for your second question, I don't know either."

"Some people speculate that after the death of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, their Grotto-Heaven world will collapse directly."

"After all, the Lord of Grotto-Heaven is equivalent to the 'Dao of Heaven' in his own Grotto-Heaven. If the Dao of Heaven falls, the world of Grotto-Heaven will naturally collapse!"

"Some people also speculate that those Grotto-Heaven Secret Realms were formed by the death of the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, and the natives of Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm were their subordinates. There are many holes in the sky of each Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, 'The Way of Heaven' Fall, the world is broken!”

Fang Yu no longer bothers with these two issues.

Only dead people like Wang Bi know the first question.

As for the second question, no one knows.

He is not the kind of person who likes to get into trouble. As long as his cultivation is strong, he will know the answer one day.

"Brother Fang Yu, seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters from the Wang family have fallen into your hands. Your relationship with the Wang family in the imperial capital has become everlasting. They can't do anything to you, and they may take action against the people around you. You must be careful! "

Ji Mengfei's face suddenly turned serious.

After a pause, he continued: "But! I guess the Wang family will be busy taking care of themselves during this period. They only have seven masters of the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. You killed them all tonight. You can also say that the Wang family in the imperial capital was crippled by you. "

"If other families find out, they will definitely take the opportunity to add insult to injury and divide the interests of the royal family. Her Majesty the Queen will definitely take advantage of the situation to take back the military power of the royal family."

Fang Yu was a little surprised, "Does a royal family only have seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers?"

Ji Mengfei rolled her eyes at Fang Yu, "Do you think Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer is just cabbage?"

After a pause, he continued: "I estimate that the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters from the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital are out in force this time. They are here for your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the life spirit liquid."

"After all, it only took you less than a month to break through from the Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer to the Qi Condensation Realm. Your combat power is comparable to the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. All fools know that when you opened up Grotto-Heaven, you obtained What a great opportunity.”

"In their view, as long as they capture your things, their Wang family will surely soar to the sky."

"But they far underestimated your strength and rushed straight into hell."

Fang Yu looked calm.

He had already thought of what Ji Mengfei said.

As Ji Mengfei said, he broke through from the Body Tempering Realm to the Qi Condensation Realm in less than a month, and all fools knew that he had a treasure on him.

"Brother Fang Yu, you can let go of the Wang family's affairs for now, but you must treat Qin Wudao with caution. Qin Wudao will not give up until he achieves his goal!"

Concubine Ji Meng said again: "Qin Zhan should have told him just now that you killed the Wang family. If Qin Zhan disappears, he will definitely think that it was you who killed him!"

"After this incident, he will definitely not send anyone to give you a treasure again. He will definitely use other methods to force you to hand over the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the life spirit liquid."

Fang Yu said calmly: "I will follow up on whatever moves he makes. When he drives me crazy, I pick up my sword and go to the imperial capital, destroying the Qin Family in one fell swoop!"

Ji Mengfei's expression changed, "Brother Fang Yu, don't have such an idea. If you kill God's Capital with your sword, they will definitely charge you with treason and directly use the 'God-Destroying Cannon' to deal with you."

"The 'God-Destroying Cannon' is a strategic weapon developed by the military. The alien race in the Core Formation realm will also fall. The Qin Family is in charge of the [White Tiger Legion] and has millions of soldiers under their command. Once they use the [God-Destroying Cannon], you will be killed. No matter how strong you are, you can’t hold it back.”

Looking at the nervous Concubine Ji Meng, Fang Yu grinned and said, "I'm just saying, I cherish my life. I won't really kill God City unless it is absolutely necessary!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, Zhao Yun, who was soaked all over, strode in and respectfully reported to Fang Yu:

"Lord, the battlefield has been cleaned, all the loot has been moved to the door, the corpses have been moved together, and the traces left by the battle have been dealt with!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Got up and walked out.

Walking to the door, Fang Yu looked at the pile of trophies, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately opened the door of Grotto-Heaven and let dozens of soldiers carry the bodies of Wang Fei and eight others into Grotto-Heaven.

As for Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, he stayed behind.

After taking back the Grotto-Heaven Gate, Fang Yu immediately counted the loot.

After a while, all the trophies, including those for killing Qin Zhan, were counted.

Twelve pieces of ordinary palace Spirit Treasure.

Twelve dragon veins.

Spirit Vein fifty articles.

Spirit Field is twenty dollars.

Spirit Well fifteen.

1,285,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Two Middle Grade Treasure Weapon level swords.

A Low Grade Treasure Sword and a Low Grade Treasure Weapon.

The Low Grade Treasure Weapon spear happened to be silver, so Fang Yu rewarded it to Zhao Yun on the spot.

A small flat peach tree of epic quality.

Three rare quality Buddhist soldier pagodas.

Six space rings.

Thirty-five purple thunder talismans.

Fourth Grade Exercises Six Parts.

Several artifact refining materials.

After counting the loot, Fang Yu was smiling from ear to ear.

The old king of the imperial capital and Qin Wudao are really good people!

Coming all the way to give him such a shocking gift.

In order to kill him this time, all Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer masters from the Imperial Family mobilized.

Fang Yu estimates that most of the resources of the Imperial Capital Lao Wang family are in the hands of the seven Lao Wangs.

Otherwise, how could they have so many good things in them.

"Brother Fang Yu, congratulations on your fortune!"

Ji Mengfei looked at Fang Yu, who was smiling from ear to ear, and smiled. This was the first time she had seen a mature and steady young man acting so gloomy.

Ji Mengfei was not moved or surprised, because she had just seen so many good things, and she was also lost.

Fang Yu said seriously: "What's the point of getting rich? These are just small coins, just small coins."

After pondering for a while, he said with a serious face: "Meng Fei, you just faced a powerful enemy with me. I will give you one-tenth of the spoils."

Although he killed everyone.

But Ji Mengfei stayed to face the powerful enemy with him, and he couldn't do anything to keep the spoils to himself.

After thinking about it for a moment, he felt very sad and gave Concubine Ji Meng a tenth.

Ji Mengfei shook her head and said firmly: "Brother Fang Yu, this incident happened because of me. I didn't contribute anything just now. My sister can't and won't want it!"

Third update!

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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