Chapter 79 Visiting the Tang Family

Fang Yu drove a silver supercar flying fast on the wide road.

The ginkgo trees on both sides of the road are lush and green, and the sunlight casts mottled light and shadow through the leaves.

On the green belt in the middle of the road, flowers of all colors are in full bloom, swaying like ribbons.

Maglev cars shuttle rapidly across the wide road, like a gleaming landscape.

Forty minutes later.

Fang Yu's car was parked in front of the gate of a magnificent manor in the western suburbs of Riverside City.

Although Tang Xiyue’s home is also in the western suburbs of Riverside City.

But the western suburbs of Riverside City are very large, and Fang Yu’s home is about a hundred kilometers away from her home.

In front of the tall gate, there were three people standing, one man and two women.

The male is Xiao Yan, and the females are Tang Xiyue and Li Yinger.

Seeing Fang Yu get out of the car, Tang Xiyue and the others walked towards him.

"Brother Fang, that's awesome. The 'Dragon Veyron' is a limited edition. There are only five cars in the entire Great Xia Dynasty. You can't even buy one if you have money. You can actually get one. Let me try it if I have the chance!"

Xiao Yan came to Fang Yu, looked at the silver sports car next to him, and smiled.

Fang Yu smiled: "I bought it from Concubine Ji Meng. If you like it, you can try it at any time."

From Xiao Yan's words, he could tell that the other person was a car lover.

He looked at Tang Xiyue and said softly: "Xiyue, I'm here!"

Tang Xiyue is wearing a white long skirt today and a pair of white high-heeled sandals. There is a hint of charm between her eyebrows, making her look more and more feminine.

Tang Xiyue stepped forward and took Fang Yu's arm, and said with a smile: "My grandpa and the others are waiting for you in the living room, let's go in!"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Xiyue, let me go first!"

Tang Xiyue let go of Fang Yu and looked at him with confusion.

Fang Yu smiled and waved his right hand, and a pile of things appeared on the concrete floor in front of him.

A nanmu box one and a half meters long and a palm wide.

Six beautiful gift boxes.

Fang Yu said with a smile: "Xiyue, although gifts can be taken out after entering the house, entering empty-handed will give people a bad impression!"

Seeing Fang Yu's thoughtful consideration, Tang Xiyue smiled tenderly and bent down to pick up the nanmu box.

Fang Yu bent down and picked up the six gift boxes.

Li Ying'er walked up to Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, let me carry it for you."

Fang Yu shook his head: "Ying'er, don't bother you, I'll take care of it myself!"

Tang Xiyue glared at her cousin Li Ying'er and saw her eyes scanning the six gift boxes in Fang Yu's hand. She laughed and cursed: "I am pretending that you are helping me. I want to ask your brother-in-law if he has brought you a gift. It is true." ?!”

Li Ying'er smiled and said, "Sister, today is the first time that my new brother-in-law comes to your house. I am your most beloved cousin. Shouldn't you bring me a gift?"

He looked at Fang Yu with big eyes and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, have you brought a gift to Ying'er?"

Looking at the quirky Li Ying'er, Fang Yu smiled and said, "Bring it with me!"

Li Ying'er made a face at Tang Xiyue and smiled at Fang Yu: "Hehe, brother-in-law is the best!"

Fang Yu put down the gift box, took out a silver space ring and handed it to her, "This is a gift from my brother-in-law."

Li Ying'er was stunned and looked at Fang Yu with a strange expression, "Brother-in-law, don't you know that rings can't be given to girls casually?"

Fang Yu smiled and said: "This is a space ring, it has no other meaning. If you don't want it, I will replace it with something else for you."

Li Ying'er quickly reached out and took the space ring from Fang Yu's hand, smiling sweetly, "Thank you, brother-in-law, I like your gift very much!"

After saying that, he looked at Tang Xiyue and said with a smile: "Sister, you're not jealous, are you?"

Tang Xiyue glared at her, "I'm sorry for you, you big-headed idiot. Read less novels from the old era in the future!"

He turned to look at Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, let's go and ignore this crazy wild girl!"

Fang Yu picked up the gift box, nodded to Xiao Yan and Li Ying'er, and walked into Tang Manor side by side with Tang Xiyue.

"Brother Xiao Yan, my brother-in-law is younger than you and is already with my sister. When will you find me a sister-in-law?"

Li Ying'er looked at Xiao Yan beside her and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Yan was stunned, turned to look at Li Ying'er beside him, and shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry!"

After a pause, he continued: "Ying'er, you envy Sister Yue, do you also want to fall in love? What kind of boy do you... like?"

Xiao Yan was a little nervous when he asked this question.

Li Ying'er glanced at Fang Yu's back, her big eyes were full of stars, and she said with admiration: "I like boys who are gentle, kind, and sunny like my brother-in-law. If anyone of the same age can beat my brother-in-law, then I will take the initiative." Chase him!"

Xiao Yan glanced at Fang Yu's back, with a hint of bitterness on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Yu, who was walking in front, suddenly had a meaningful smile on his lips.

Tang Mansion is very big.

There are clusters of villas in Fuzhong, and water systems extend in all directions.

The rockery is located and the lake water is clear.

The garden is vast, with towering pavilions.

The trees are lush and the scenery is magnificent.

After a while.

Tang Xiyue took Fang Yu to a beautiful three-story villa located in the center of the manor.

As soon as the two entered the villa, they saw ten very spacious living rooms.

There were more than forty people sitting in the hall, including men, women and children.

The elders sit on the left and the younger on the right.

There are three places at the head, and three gray-haired old people are sitting there.

Saw Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue walking in.

Swish swish swish~

Everyone looked at Fang Yu.

Some people had disdain in their eyes.

Some people looked disgusted.

Someone looked curious.

Although it was his first time visiting, Fang Yu was calm and composed, with a smile on his face and not feeling a trace of fear.

A graceful middle-aged beautiful woman sitting in the fourth seat from the left, her eyes lit up, she stood up and came over to greet her.

When he came to Fang Yu, he looked Fang Yu up and down, then smiled and said: "You must be Xiaoyu, I am Xiyue's mother Li Yuening, you can call me aunt!"

"As long as you come, why don't you bring any gifts, you kid!"

Although she said this, Li Yuening's eyes were full of satisfaction, which was the look in the mother-in-law's eyes when she looked at her son-in-law.

She didn't care about the value of Fang Yu's gift, but his sincerity.

Fang Yu smiled and said: "Auntie, I don't want any expensive gifts. I hope you won't dislike it."

Li Yuening glanced at Tang Xiyue and said, "Xiyue, if you still don't help Xiaoyu get things, you kid is not sensible at all."

Tang Xiyue stuck out her tongue at her mother and quickly reached out to help Fang Yu get something.

Fang Yu immediately handed the things in his hand to Tang Xiyue.

Li Yuening smiled at Fang Yu and said, "Xiaoyu, come with me. Auntie will introduce you to our Tang family."

After saying that, Li Yuening took Fang Yu's hand affectionately and came to the center of the living room.

Li Yuening pointed to the tall, silver-haired old man sitting in the front and center, with a face like a baby, who was not angry and proud, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, this is Xiyue's biological grandfather."

Fang Yu bowed slightly and saluted, "Hello, grandpa!"

Tang Zhong nodded with a smile, "Young man, not bad!"

"This is Xiyue's second grandfather."

"Hello, second grandpa."


After a while, Li Yuening introduced forty-five people to Fang Yu.

Three grandfathers.

Two grandmas.

Three cousins ​​​​and three aunts.

Two cousins, two cousins.

An aunt and an uncle.

An uncle and an aunt.

The rest are all cousins.

The eldest is a few months older than Fang Yu, and the younger is only four years old.

As long as they are Tang Xiyue's elders, Fang Yu will greet them politely.

Some people are friendly to Fang Yu, while others are indifferent.

Fang Yu didn't care about those who had a cold attitude towards him. He only cared about the attitude of Tang Xiyue, her parents and her grandfather.

As for the others, if it weren't for Tang Xiyue's sake, he would not pay attention to them at all.

If you are in a good place, go to the right place; if you are not in a good place, then the road will turn to the sky, and everyone will go to one side.

Li Yuening pointed to the handsome, burly middle-aged man sitting in the third seat next to him, and said to Fang Yu: "Xiaoyu, he is Xiyue's father Tang Yi, you can call him uncle!"

Fang Yu bowed slightly and saluted, "Hello, uncle!"

Tang Yi glanced at Fang Yu calmly and made a heavy nasal noise, "Yeah!"

Fang Yu felt a little scared, "It seems that my future father-in-law has a lot of opinions on me!"

After all, he took the cabbage from his future father-in-law's house without even coming to the door, so it was natural that the other party had a bad attitude towards him.

After Li Yuening introduced Fang Yu.

Tang Xiyue's grandfather Tang Zhong pointed to the first vacant chair on his right and said to Fang Yu: "Xiaoyu, sit down!"

Fang Yu nodded, walked over and sat down.

Tang Zhong also asked Tang Xiyue to sit on the vacant chair next to Fang Yu.

Obviously, these two positions are specially reserved for Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue.

As for Xiao Yan, Li Ying'er took him to sit with the juniors of the Tang family.

Tang Zhong said to Fang Yu: "Xiaoyu, I know everything about you and Xiyue, how do you plan to deal with it?"

Fang Yu did not hesitate, "Grandpa, in addition to visiting you, I am also here to propose marriage. I hope you can marry Xiyue to me!"

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, an old man sitting on Tang Zhong's left suddenly objected: "I object! We have already agreed to the Wang family, Xiyue will be engaged to Wang Teng soon, and we cannot afford to offend the Wang family!"

Tang Yi's face darkened and he said coldly: "Second uncle, she decides who my daughter wants to marry. I am her biological father and I have no objections. What qualifications do you have to object?"

Tang Shan, who had lost face when being questioned by a junior, looked a little ugly, "Tang Yi, I'm talking to your father, why is it your junior's turn to interrupt!"

"Besides, do you want to destroy our Tang family?"

Tang Zhong, who was sitting at the head of the table, shouted coldly, "Second brother, I'm not dead yet. She has the final say on Xiyue's affairs. It's not our Tang family's turn to sell our daughters for glory yet!"

As soon as these words came out, a trace of unwillingness flashed in Tangshan's eyes.

Tang Zhong looked at Tang Xiyue next to Fang Yu and said with a smile: "Xiyue, are you willing?"

Tang Xiyue blushed and nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Tang Zhong laughed loudly, "Okay, since you have no objection, grandpa will accept this marriage for you!"

Third update!

Big update of 10,000 words.

There will be another update later, please recommend and collect it!

(End of chapter)

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