Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 83 I Didn’T Record Anything, I Only Recorded Video

Chapter 83 I didn’t record anything, I only recorded video

Fang Yu looked at Qin Yu's image with a playful look in his eyes, and asked calmly: "Deputy Minister Qin, how generous is the bonus?"

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment: "...five hundred thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Vice Minister Qin, you should be from the Imperial Qin Family, right?"

After a pause, he added: "Of course, you can deny it, but I should be able to find out. After all, a high-ranking official like you can just search the Internet and find out!"

The smile on Qin Yu's face remained unchanged: "It's true that I am a member of the Qin Family, but first of all I am a member of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"Comrade Fang Yu, I wonder how you are thinking about it?"

Fang Yu mocked: "Vice Minister Qin, Qin Wudao, the eldest son of your Qin Family, wanted to buy something from me yesterday. I refused to sell it, so he threatened me!"

"You are so tough, but now you want to be soft. You kidnapped me with morality and asked me to hand it over to the country. In fact, hand it over to your Qin Family!"

Qin Yu frowned: "Comrade Fang Yu, please pay attention to your words. I am thinking about the millions of heroic soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty who are guarding the border. I am definitely not seeking personal gain with power!"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed: "Vice Minister Qin, if you really do it for the millions of brave soldiers at our border, I can hand it over, but you must agree to a condition first."

Qin Yu's eyes flashed with joy, "What's the condition? As long as it's not too much, I agree to it!"

Fang Yu smiled brightly and said, "My conditions are very simple. You must first make an oath."

"Just say, 'If I, Qin Yu, use my power for personal gain, our Qin Family will be struck by lightning, and everyone will be haunted by inner demons and die when they break through. The men will be slaves for generations, and the women will be prostitutes for generations to come'!"

This is the Transcendent era, and once such a poisonous oath is made, if it cannot be done, some of the poisonous oaths will come true.

For example, poisonous oaths such as being struck by thunder and being haunted by inner demons.

He knew that Qin Yu did not dare to swear such a poisonous oath, so he wanted to anger him and make Qin Yu fall into his trap step by step.

However, it is not easy for Qin Yu to break through the defense, because an old fox of this level has very good Qi Nurturing skills.

A cold glint flashed in Qin Yu's eyes, and his voice became cold: "Little Comrade Fang Yu, your conditions are too excessive. Please try another one!"

Qin Yu has always used power for personal gain and made such a vicious oath. Even if he obtains Fang Yu's Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, it will come true when the masters of their Qin Family break through to the Core Formation realm.

Therefore, he would naturally not swear such a vicious oath.

Fang Yu looked disdainful and mocked: "Haha, that's too much?"

"You actually go too far with such a simple condition. If you have no evil intentions, you don't have to worry about your oath being fulfilled!"

"You, the Qin Family, have made it clear that you covet my things, but you actually used your morals to kidnap me!"

"I'm afraid even a three-year-old child can't be fooled by your high-sounding excuses. Only a person with your IQ can be fooled by you!"

"You keep asking me to make conditions, but you can't even make such a simple condition. You are just a duplicitous old dog!"

Qin Yu, who was scolded as an 'old dog', quietly clenched his fists and seemed to be trying to suppress the anger in his heart: "Comrade Fang Yu, you are young and it is normal for you to misunderstand me. I will not argue with you!"

"Since you can take the initiative to use Fifth Grade skills to trade with the country, it proves that you have a high level of ideological awareness."

"But now it seems that your ideological awareness still needs to be improved!"

"Could it be that everything you did before was just an act?"

Fang Yu mocked again: "Old dog, I don't pretend to care about your business. Stop pretending to be aloof in front of me. What is your Qin Family? Don't you have any idea?"

"You Qin Family are just a bunch of villains who bully men, rob women, and steal women!"

"What? Yesterday Qin Wudao asked someone to take back my Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm pass, but found that it couldn't be taken back. Now you, the deputy minister, want to force me with your righteousness!"

"The reason why I can use Fifth Grade skills to make a deal with Grotto-Heaven is because I am a member of the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"I have the Fifth Grade skill and will take the initiative to make transactions with Grotto-Heaven. You Qin Family have it, will you do it?"

"I am a member of the Great Xia Dynasty, I admit that, but why should I hand over my own things? My Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed was not given free of charge by the state!"

"I owe nothing to the country. If I help, it's a matter of friendship, but if I don't, it's a duty!"

"Okay! You can also let me hand it in!"

"This time I will make a simpler condition!"

"Aren't you an old dog who talks about benevolence, justice and morality? Aren't you very ideologically aware?"

"Okay! As long as you Qin Family hand over all the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and Dragon Vein to the country, I will hand it over too."

"If you Qin Family can do it, how about we go to the Forbidden City to meet the Queen together tomorrow?"

Qin Yu: "Comrade Fang Yu, even if our Qin Family turns it over, it will be a drop in the bucket and cannot help the millions of soldiers at the border."

Fang Yu pointed at the nose of Qin Yu's virtual image: "Old dog, you asked me to make conditions, but you can't do both of the conditions I made."

"You keep saying that I have a low ideological consciousness, but you can't do it even if you have a high ideological consciousness. Why do you have the righteousness to ask me to do it?"

Qin Yu looked very ugly and said coldly: "Fang Yu, as a member of the Great Xia Dynasty, are you so selfish?"

"Your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure can obviously make my Great Xia Dynasty soldiers stronger quickly, but you refuse to hand it over!"

"Without our brave and fearless soldiers of Great Xia Dynasty who defend the border to the death, how could you not have the stable life you have now!"

"Every day in our Great Xia Dynasty, many brave soldiers die at the hands of foreigners. Your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure can improve their strength and allow them to better protect their homeland and country, but you are indifferent. Are you just Are you so cold-blooded?"

Seeing Qin Yu break his guard, Fang Yu flashed a hint of ridicule in his eyes and pointed at his nose:

"I can get a 'Guardian Medal' if I am cold-blooded. You old dog is not cold-blooded. Do you get it?"

"You old dog is not cold-blooded, why don't you Qin Family want to hand it in with me?"

"In the final analysis, you Qin Family are just a bunch of blood-sucking worms lying on our common people. Without your ancestors, you are no better than dogs!"

"You old dog keeps talking all day long asking others to hand over things. I'm afraid you have used this method to steal other people's things in recent years!"

"You are just a sanctimonious hypocrite, just an old beast in human skin!"

Qin Yu's image opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, but no blood spurted out: "Pfft! You... you... this little beast, how dare you be so insulting..."

Fang Yu suddenly shouted: "Who are you calling a bastard?"

Qin Yu blurted out: "You little beast scolded you!"

Fang Yu burst out laughing: "Haha, old dog, you even admit that you are a little beast!"

"No, you are an old beast!"

Qin Yu looked at Fang Yu with eyes full of resentment and remained silent for more than ten breaths. Fang Yu could even hear the other party's heavy breathing. It was obvious that the other party was very angry at this time!

Qin Yu: "Fang Yu, I am ordering you as a minister now"

Fang Yu reminded: "You are still the deputy minister now, so don't put money on yourself. If the minister hears what you say, he may misunderstand that you want to take his position!"

Qin Yu: "."

"I now order you as the deputy minister of the country to hand over your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure to the country!"

"Boy, you have to position yourself right!"

"Do you really think it's great that you won the 'Guardian Medal'? I, the Qin Family, can take back your 'Guardian Medal' at any time!"

Fang Yu said angrily: "Tsk, tsk, old beast, you have such great authority. Your Qin Family is really awesome. I'm so scared now!"

"People who don't know think that your Qin Family is the royal family of our Great Xia Dynasty!"

"You are bragging loudly. If you have the ability, take it back first. That little beast of your Qin Family said yesterday that he would take back my 'Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Pass Order', but he didn't take it back!"

"Old beast! To be honest, if it weren't for the brave and fearless soldiers of our Great Xia Dynasty who are not afraid of death, how could you, an old dog, be so comfortable sitting in the office gesticulating and using power for personal gain!"

Qin Yu: "Boy, I'll ask you one last time, do you want to hand me over?"

Fang Yu: "Old beast, what can you do to me if I don't surrender? You have the ability to come along the network cable and bite me!"

Qin Yu: "You... are very good! I will ask someone to take back your 'Guardian Medal' right away. Without the 'Guardian Medal', our Qin Family can do whatever we want with you!"

Fang Yu thought for a while and asked very seriously: "Old beast, my Guardian Medal was issued by Her Majesty the Queen herself. Have you ever thought about it?"

"If I send what you just said to Her Majesty the Queen, how do you think she will react after hearing it?"

"You Qin Family are so awesome, you can even take back the Great Xia Dynasty's highest medal of honor with just one sentence!"

"I will post your words on Skynet in a moment. I would like to know what the seniors who have received the 'Guardian Medal' for their merits will think after hearing what you said?"

"I also want to know, if your grandfather, Senior Qin, knew that you could take back the 'Guardian Medal' with just one word, would he be so angry that he would get up from the coffin and spank your unfilial grandson?"

"I estimate that he will definitely say, 'I am Qin Yan. I am very panicked now. I, Sun Qinyu, can take away my honor with just one sentence!'"

"The honor of the military cannot be trampled upon. I want to know even more what those millions of soldiers guarding the border would think if they knew that you, an old dog, used their names to seek personal gain for your Qin Family and force the orphans of martyrs to hand over their belongings. "

Qin Yu: "."

Qin Yu on the other side of the phone could no longer care about his anger and was completely dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that Fang Yu, so young, would be so cunning and record directly?

What kind of bad habits are these?

What kind of monster is this?

It doesn’t follow common sense at all!

Is this a 16-year-old boy?

He is more sophisticated than an old fox in doing things!

There isn't an old monster living inside his body, right?

Suddenly something occurred to him, and Qin Yu's expression changed. Could this little beast be deliberately irritating me and asking me to express what was on my mind?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu's back felt cold. If this was the case, Fang Yu would be terrible.

Qin Yu pretended to be calm and said in a cold voice: "Recording? Boy, who are you trying to scare?"

Fang Yu smiled brightly and said seriously: "Old dog! I didn't record anything, I just recorded a video!"

Qin Yu: "..."

Third update!

Thank you all for your subscription and thank you for your votes!

(End of chapter)

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