Chapter 85 Skynet

The old Wang family in the imperial capital was in a state of gloom and gloom.

at the same time.

On the other side, the little old Wang family in Linjiang was also in a gloomy mood.

In a vast hall.

Shen Yan looked at the old man in the first place and begged: "Dad, Brother Fei went to help Teng'er take revenge, but now he hasn't returned home all night, and his mobile phone can't get through. I'm afraid he has been poisoned by that little beast. He killed Teng'er. Brother Fei, you must avenge them!"

This old man is Wang Lu, the head of the Wang family in Riverside City.

When Wang Lu heard what Shen Yan said, his eyes flickered and he said solemnly: "It's not that I don't want to help them get revenge. That boy is too powerful. Even the Wang family in the imperial capital is no match for him. I am also powerless!"

When he married Wang Fei's mother, he knew she was pregnant.

He loves his wife very much and is willing to be the receiver.

But what he couldn't tolerate was that his grandson Wang Teng, who he had loved since childhood, treated Wang Bi better than him after he knew that his biological grandfather was not him.

This is simply a white-eyed wolf that is not well-raised.

If it weren't for the support of the old king of the imperial capital, he would have driven that little white-eyed wolf out of the house long ago.

He didn't feel much sad about Fang Yu killing his grandson Wang Teng, because it was a little white-eyed wolf that was not well-raised.

Even the imperial family is no match for Fang Yu.

Not to mention that Wang Fei and Wang Teng were not his biological sons and grandsons.

Even if they were, he would knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach, not daring to provoke Fang Yu.

"I agree with eldest brother. Even the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital is no match for him. Such a peerless evildoer is not something our Linjiang Royal Family can offend."

"I suggest that Wang Fei and Wang Teng be made famous immediately. If it weren't for them, how could our Wang family offend such a peerless evildoer!"

"I also suggest that Wang Fei and his son be removed from the list. Anyway, they are not members of our Wang family."

"Well! I also agree to remove them. Not only that, we will also send people to contact Fang Yu and apologize to him. After all, with his cultivation, if he wants to retaliate against us, our Wang family will Myriad Tribulations are gone!"

Senior executives of the Wang family spoke out one after another, and some suggested that Wang Fei and his son be removed from the company.

Some even suggested sending someone Fang Yu to apologize.

Everyone had different opinions, but no one suggested avenging Wang Fei and his son.


Chen Yan looked at the senior members of the Wang family with a look of disbelief on her face, her delicate body trembling, she opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, then turned around and walked out of the hall tremblingly.

His back looked extremely bleak, and his body exuded an icy aura.

In the living room of Tang's house in Riverside City.

"Uncle, this is my first visit. I don't know what you like. Xiyue said you like swords, so I will give you one. I hope you don't dislike it!"

Fang Yu took the nanmu box from Tang Xiyue, handed it to Tang Yi, and said with a smile.

Tang Yi took the nanmu box.

Open the box and take the blue sword inside.


A crisp sound sounded, and the sword was unsheathed.

"What a sword!"

Tang Yi looked at the sword in his hand carefully, his pupils shrank slightly, then he looked at Fang Yu and chuckled: "You are serious!"

Low Grade Treasure Weapon.

Although the gift Fang Yu gave him was very precious, he did not shirk it.

Fang Yu is his future son-in-law, and he feels at ease with it.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "As long as uncle likes it!"

Seeing his father-in-law's behavior, he knew that his future father-in-law liked the gift he gave him very much, and he finally got his future father-in-law.

Originally, he was worried that he would deal with him.

Immediately afterwards, he took a gift box from Tang Xiyue and handed it to Li Yuening. He smiled and said, "Auntie, Xiyue said that you like to practice. This is the 'life spirit liquid' I gave you. I hope you don't dislike it!"

Li Yuening took the gift box with a smile, "Xiaoyu, if you are considerate, I will leave Xiyue girl to you from now on. This girl is not sensible, so please be more considerate!"

Fang Yu solemnly promised: "Auntie, don't worry!"

Li Yuening looked at her future son-in-law and felt very satisfied. He had impeccable appearance, superb intelligence, and unique talent.

Deal with the enemy decisively without any hesitation!

He is approachable and approachable towards his own people, making people feel like a spring breeze.

I don’t know what kind of luck Dao Treasure’s daughter got to find such a perfect Prince Charming.

"Grandpa, Xiyue said that you like to drink. I will bring you a jar of wine this time. I hope you won't dislike it!"

Fang Yu finally took the gift box containing the wine and handed it to Tang Zhong, smiling.

Tang Zhong said with a kind face: "Why would grandpa dislike something given by his future grandson-in-law!"

From the gifts Fang Yu gave to his son and daughter-in-law, he knew that the gifts Fang Yu prepared this time were very thoughtful and thoughtful.

The more attentive Fang Yu is, the more he cares about his granddaughter.

He also has no concept of being a good match.

Even in his opinion, when Fang Yu married his granddaughter, it was not because he was superior to their Tang family, but because their Tang family was superior to her.

Although the young man in front of him does not have a prominent family background, he alone belongs to a noble family and a royal family.

Isn’t the Royal Family of the Imperial Capital noble enough?

But even so, he was still crippled by the boy in front of him!

Tang Zhong took the gift box with a smile and took out the exquisite jar inside.

After opening the lid, a strong aroma of wine suddenly filled the air from the jar, and soon filled the entire hall.

Tang Zhong sniffed subconsciously and praised with a smile: "Good wine!"

Immediately, he asked with some curiosity: "Xiaoyu, this wine must have reached Fourth Grade, right? As far as Grandpa knows, I don't have much Great Xia Dynasty Fourth Grade wine. Where did you get it?"

Fang Yu smiled and flattered the old man, "A friend gave this to me. Grandpa is indeed an expert on wine. You can tell just by smelling it!"

Tang Zhong did not ask any more questions and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, grandpa is very happy today. How about you have a drink with my grandpa later?"

Fang Yu responded with a smile: "Okay!"

Li Yuening stood up and said with a smile: "I'm going to cook!"

Tang Zhong glanced at Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue and said with a smile: "Xiyue, Xiaoyu is here for the first time. You take him to get familiar with our Tang family. After your mother prepares the meal, I will ask someone to Go call you!"

Tang Xiyue nodded and walked out with Fang Yu.

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue came to a garden and sat next to each other on the grass.

Tang Xiyue leaned on Fang Yu's shoulder with a happy face and looked at him lovingly.

Fang Yu helped Tang Xiyue gather her hair that was blown by the wind, and then took out a silver bracelet.

This silver bracelet is a lander that can log into the Great Xia Dynasty’s ‘Skynet’.

Skynet is controlled by the superintelligence "Nuwa" and is a virtual network platform.

Skynet connects the entire Great Xia Dynasty network, and people from all over the Great Xia Dynasty gather on Skynet.

Every user on Skynet is registered with a real name, and only people from Great Xia Dynasty can log in to Skynet.

Everyone can directly shop online, check information, make friends, etc. on Tianwang.

He pressed a small button on his silver bracelet.

The next moment, a translucent silver light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a mechanized voice sounded: [Dear owner of the 'Guardian Medal', you have first-level privileges on Skynet. You can get a permanent 10% discount on shopping. Posts on the forum can be pinned to the top. No one else can delete them except you. All items All open to you! ]

Several options suddenly appeared on the light screen.

Inquiries, forums, shopping, socializing. Great Xia Dynasty Academy.

If you want to buy something, you can enter the [Shopping] interface. The items sold there include Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, weapons, techniques, elixirs, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, etc.

As long as you are a Great Xia person, as long as you have money, you can buy it.

Of course, there are some things that Great Xia Dynasty officials have also made some restrictions on.

For example, High Level Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and High Level Cultivation Techniques must make a certain contribution to the Great Xia Dynasty in order to be 'qualified' to purchase them.

If you want to query something, just click on the [Query] interface and enter keywords to get the information you want.

Fang Yu reached out and touched the [Shopping] interface on the virtual light screen, and the light screen switched instantly.

There are many small ads at the top of the page.

"No 19998, no 9998, just 998, take home the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure!"

"If you pass by, don't miss it. The Third Grade Kung Fu "Golden Vajra Untouched by Evil Magic Kung Fu" is on sale for the price of an ordinary Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. It's only the price of an ordinary Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. !!”

"Do you want to become a genius in an instant? Do you want to become tall, rich, handsome, and marry a pretty girl in an instant? If you want, just click in. 'Marrow Cleansing Pill' is definitely your best choice!"

"Do you want to increase the aura of heaven and earth in Grotto-Heaven? Do you want your Grotto-Heaven to become a blessed land of Grotto-Heaven? For only 999998, the aura production expert Spirit Vein will be brought home!"

"Are you still worried about the slow growth rate of medicinal materials? A ton of 'spiritual excrement' will guarantee your satisfaction!"

Looking at the dazzling small advertisements at the top of the page, Fang Yu's mouth twitched.

Advertising is everywhere these days, not only on the telephone poles on the roadside, but also on the billboards of high-rise buildings, and even on the "Skynet".

Seeing something extraordinary mixed in these advertisements, a few black lines suddenly appeared on Fang Yu's forehead.

"Well, these days even feces can be sold on Skynet!"

Fang Yu couldn't help but complain.

With little money, Fang Yu had no intention of visiting the [Shopping] interface, so he clicked to exit.

The light curtain instantly switches to the homepage.

After scanning several interfaces, Fang Yu clicked on the [Forum] interface.

[The door to the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm suddenly appeared in the eastern suburbs of Zhenlong City the night before yesterday. It is said that it is a Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm exceeding the five-star level. The Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm pioneering army has already gone in to check it out. Let us wait and see! ]

[good news! Yesterday afternoon, the aliens outside Zhenmo Pass launched a large-scale attack and were completely wiped out by our Great Xia Dynasty soldiers. Let us all pay tribute to these brave and fearless unknown heroes! ]

[good news! Her Majesty the Queen has readjusted prices, and the prices of natural materials and treasures have fallen sharply. Thank you to Her Majesty the Queen for making it affordable for ordinary people like us! ]

[shock! Qin Wudao, the first genius of the Great Xia Dynasty, uses his Qi Condensation Realm cultivation to suppress the aliens in the early stage of the Core Formation Realm at the border. There are pictures and the truth, come and worship! ]

"Guardian medal holders can pin posts to the top, and others can't delete them. Qin Family, let me see how you respond now!"

Looking at the pinned posts, Fang Yu smiled playfully.

First update!

Thanks to book friend [20240120371-CE] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Jianping Jiuzhou] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Hongmeng Supreme] for your monthly ticket.

Thank you [Abin080] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Xiaoyu] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to book friend [20240101130755599] for the big 100 coin reward!

Thank you all for your subscription!

(End of chapter)

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