Chapter 9 Body Tempering Extreme Realm

Fang Yu sat down with his back against the Primordial Tree. With a thought, a book appeared in his hand.

It is "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

"I don't know if I can reach the extreme realm of Body Tempering?"

Looking at the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" in his hand, Fang Yu murmured softly.

The first realm of cultivation is [Body Tempering Realm].

Body Tempering Realm: As the name suggests, it absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through exercises. Body Tempering Realm is the physical body.

The Body Tempering Realm has Ninth Layer. When an ordinary person breaks through to the First Layer of the Body Tempering Realm, his physical strength can reach 1,000 kilograms. After that, every time he breaks through the First Layer, his strength will increase by 1,000 kilograms.

But when the peerless monster is in the Body Tempering First Layer, his physical strength can reach ten thousand kilograms, and every time he breaks through the First Layer, the physical strength will increase by ten thousand kilograms.

According to Super Brain [Nu Wa], there is a [Extreme Realm] in the Body Tempering Realm. The physical strength of a hundred thousand kilograms is called [Extreme Realm], which is comparable to the cubs of mythical beasts.

Qualification is a collective term for "comprehension" and "physique". Qualifications are divided into Ninth Grade. First to Third Grade are ordinary people, Fourth to Sixth Grade are ordinary geniuses, Seventh to Eighth Grade are peerless geniuses, and Ninth Grade are peerless monsters.

Fang Yu's qualifications are only Third Grade, and he is an ordinary person.

He is a Body Tempering Sixth Layer, and his physical strength only reaches 6,000 kilograms.

However, with the increase in Grotto-Heaven attributes, Fang Yu's current qualification has changed from the previous Third Grade to Fifth Grade.

Even with Fifth Grade qualifications, he is just an ordinary genius. If he wants to break through to the extreme realm of Body Tempering, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky, unless he takes the treasures of heaven and earth.

Fang Yu knew that Tianwang sold some heavenly materials and earthly treasures that could enhance physical strength, but those heavenly materials and earthly treasures were not something he could afford.

With the ten free Body Tempering pills provided by Grotto-Heaven and the Sacred Spring of Life, Fang Yu is sure to break through to the Body Tempering Ninth Layer within half a month.

But even if he breaks through to the Body Tempering Ninth Layer, his physical strength is still far from the extreme state of one hundred thousand kilograms.

As a transmigrator, Fang Yu also possesses the Spiritual Root of Heaven and Earth Primordial Tree. He has great ambitions and does not want to succumb to others!

His goal is the extreme realm of one hundred thousand kilograms!

"How about selling the life spirit liquid to that little girl Tang Xiyue, and then use the money to buy heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can increase the physical strength?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes lit up. Based on his relationship with Tang Xiyue, he believed that Tang Xiyue would not betray him.

Besides, after Tang Xiyue gets the life spirit liquid, he can also use the life spirit liquid to win over the masters.

The lifespan of the Body Tempering Realm can reach 120 years.

Qi Gathering Realm can reach 150 years.

Qi Condensation Realm can reach 200 years.

One drop of First Grade Life Essence can increase life span by one year, and the effect can be achieved within a hundred drops.

Fang Yu is sure that even a master of Qi Condensation Realm cannot refuse to increase his life span by a hundred years.

Besides, life spirit liquid can also improve qualifications and heal wounds.

However, this idea was rejected by Fang Yu as soon as it came up, because the heavenly materials and earthly treasures sold on Tianwang cannot infinitely increase physical strength. It is said that it can only increase to 50,000 kilograms at most.

Moreover, although Super Brain [Nu Wa] mentioned that there is [Extreme Realm] in Body Tempering Realm, no one in Great Xia Dynasty has reached the Extreme Realm of Body Tempering Realm yet.

In other words, if Fang Yu wants to reach the extreme realm of Body Tempering Realm, he needs to find another way.

"The origin of the Primordial Tree is mysterious. It can mutate the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and transform the Grotto-Heaven attributes. Maybe it can help me reach the extreme Body Tempering Realm?!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes were extremely bright, and he quickly turned to look at Primordial Tree.

"Master Shu, can you help me break through to the extreme realm of Body Tempering?"

Fang Yu stretched out his right hand, tapped the tree lightly, and said to himself: "Shu Master, you and I are bound together. If I am too bad, won't I cause you to be embarrassed along with me?"

"There is nothing wrong with me being embarrassed. It's just that for a tall, majestic, and supreme being like Master Shu, if you are embarrassed, others will definitely laugh at you when they find out!"

Knowing that Primordial Tree was too cold and would not pay attention to him, Fang Yu said a lot of compliments to him.

Fang Yu sometimes even wonders whether Primordial Tree will be like the ancestral sacrifice spirit Liu Shen in "Perfect World", a stunning beauty with stunning talent and unparalleled elegance.

Otherwise, how could Primordial Tree be so aloof?


As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yu saw the Primordial Tree shaking slightly.

When Fang Yu saw this, he raised the corner of his mouth. Not only do people like to hear good things, but even trees are not immune to it.

Just when Fang Yu was about to organize his words and continue to flatter Primordial Tree.

A leaf fell directly from the Primordial Tree and fell into his hand.

At the same time, a brief message appeared in his mind.

[Primordial Tree leaves, taking them can transform your body and improve your cultivation. ]

"Thank you Mr. Shu!"

Fang Yu looked happy, but when he saw that the color of the [Primordial Tree] tree was much darker, his heart warmed up, and he stood up and bowed solemnly to the Primordial Tree.

Fang Yu knew that if the Primordial Tree gave him a leaf, it would definitely cause considerable harm to himself.

Seeing that Primordial Tree ignored him, Fang Yu was not disappointed. He sat down cross-legged and ate the purple leaves.

As soon as the leaves melted into the mouth, with a faint sweetness and fragrance, they turned into a warm current and poured into Fang Yu's limbs and bones, followed by severe pain.


Fang Yu groaned, his face suddenly turned pale, veins popped out on his forehead, and big beads of sweat rolled down his face.

He clenched his fists, his body trembled, and he gritted his teeth and persisted.

As time goes by, impurities are continuously discharged from Fang Yu's body.

After a stick of incense, the warmth disappeared, and the severe pain disappeared with it, and Fang Yu survived.


Fang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It stinks, vomit."

Before he could check his harvest, he smelled a suffocating stench.


Fang Yu glanced at his body and saw that his white clothes were covered with a layer of sticky black dirt, and he quickly got up from the ground.

Fang Yu held his breath, and an idea appeared on the shore of one of the lakes in Grotto-Heaven, and he jumped directly in.


Water splashes everywhere!

An hour later, Fang Yu finally cleaned the dirt off his body and climbed ashore.

All the clothes and pants on his body were thrown by Fang Yu on the shore. At this time, he was wearing a pair of clean boxer briefs.

"Tsk, who is this handsome guy? He is so handsome!"

Fang Yu stood by the lake, looking at the reflection in the water and clicking his tongue.

After cleansing the tendons and marrow of the Primordial Tree leaves, his face is now as delicate as white jade, smooth and gentle, and his eyebrows are shaped like swords, fully displaying the masculine beauty of a man.

The eyes under the sword-shaped eyebrows are like stars, deep and bright, the bridge of the nose is as straight as a sword, giving people a sense of heroism, and the lips are well-defined and smooth, exuding a charming masculine charm.

If Fang Yu's appearance could score 85 points before, then it would be 100 points now. One more point would be his pride.

Fang Yu also found that his height had also grown a bit taller. He was 1.8 meters before, but now he has reached 1.88 meters.

Looking away from the reflection in the water, Fang Yu immediately summoned his personal attribute panel.

[Name]: Fang Yu.

[Race]: Human race.

[Qualification]: Ninth Grade (Incomplete information, tentatively designated as Ninth Grade).

[Exercise]: Purple Dawn True Scripture (Second Grade).

[Realm]: Body Tempering Ninth Layer.

[Skill]: Flower Mountain Sword Technique (Second Grade).

[Items]: Extreme Profundities Sutra, a bottle of Body Tempering pill, four bags of spiritual fertilizer, Spirit Medicine seed generation, Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm pass.

"As expected of the Primordial Tree, even the Grotto-Heaven consciousness cannot determine the grade. Just one leaf has raised my qualification from Fifth Grade (Grotto-Heaven + 2) to an undeterminable grade."

Seeing that his qualifications were tentatively designated as Ninth Grade due to incomplete information, Fang Yu's eyes were extremely bright. When he saw that his cultivation level had also been upgraded to Body Tempering Ninth Layer, he was somewhat satisfied.

However, what makes him more satisfied is the improvement of his qualifications.

The higher the qualification, the faster the cultivation speed, the stronger the combat power, and the further you can go in the future.

"I don't know how many kilograms of physical strength my current physical body can reach?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu bent down to pick up the phone, and then escaped from Grotto-Heaven. When he reappeared, he was already in the outside room.

When he came to a dynamometer, Fang Yu clenched his right hand into a fist and punched it, causing a faint sound of breaking wind.


There was a loud noise, and the value on the dynamometer began to soar from "zero". After a few breaths, it settled at "one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred kilograms."

"Huh? 129,600 kilograms? One dollar actually breaks the 100,000 kilogram limit!"

Fang Yu's pupils shrank and his face lit up, "As expected of Primordial Tree, awesome!"

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(End of chapter)

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