Chapter 90 Military God Li Xing

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue just walked into the living room.

Tang Zhong and Tang Yi, who were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting, both looked at them.

Tang Zhong said with a kind face: "You are back."

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue walked to Mr. Tang and bowed slightly: "Grandpa!"

Tang Zhong said with a kind face: "No need to be polite, just sit down!"

The two nodded and sat on the sofa directly opposite Tang Zhong and Tang Yi.

Tang Zhong put the teacup in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, looked up at Fang Yu, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, you did a good job this time. I have just received the news that Qin Yu has been suspended. The military power of the Qin Family It was also taken back by Her Majesty the Queen!”

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise: "Grandpa, can just one video achieve this effect?"

Although he knew that Qin Yu would be suspended as soon as the video of the conversation with Qin Yu came out, he did not expect that it would be so soon, and the effect would be far beyond his expectations.

In his opinion, the most he could do was suspend Qin Yu.

But he didn't expect that even the military power of the Qin Family would be taken back by the Queen.

Is there someone secretly adding fuel to the flames?

The Queen borrowed my strength?

Fang Yu vaguely felt that the superiors were taking advantage of him to play games.

After all, he just posted a post and many posts popped up.

Apart from him, there are not many people who dare to offend the Qin Family.

Even other royal families in the imperial capital did not dare to blatantly target the Qin Family.

Therefore, the first thing Fang Yu thought of was the Queen.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why no one suspected that the video he just posted was 'edited, edited or forged'.

That's because when a video is posted on Skynet, Superintelligence Nuwa will check it first, and the forged and edited video cannot be posted at all.

Therefore, using the video as evidence directly skips the step of manual verification.

Tang Chong smiled and said: "Of course your video cannot achieve this effect, but someone took advantage of your influence and took action against the Qin Family!"

"The superiors have been dissatisfied with the Qin Family for a long time, but they have not touched them yet."

"Because the superiors are worried that the Qin Family will jump over the wall and launch a mutiny!"

"After all, our Great Xia Dynasty has a powerful enemy like the alien race waiting around. Once we are in civil strife, the alien race will definitely take the opportunity to attack us. We, the Great Xia Dynasty, cannot and cannot afford chaos!"

"But it's different now. As soon as your video came out, it triggered a heated discussion across the country and resonated with millions of soldiers at the border. After all, you are an orphan of a martyr. The orphans of a martyr were persecuted. Those soldiers guarding the border can all feel the same!"

"Especially those soldiers who have wives and children. They sacrifice their lives and blood for the country without any regrets. But they are also flesh and blood people. Everyone has selfish motives. They don't want to see the same thing happen to them one day. On the children!”

"Coupled with the evidence collected over the years, even if the Qin Family is unwilling to give up and lose the support of the soldiers, they will be unable to do anything!"

After a pause, he continued: "Xiaoyu, the Qin Family has a 'Guardian Medal'. As long as they do not treason, the country will not kill them, so this time the Queen just takes back their rights and 'Guardian Medal', but they Qin Family’s strength has not been compromised!”

"They must hate you to the core right now. You have to be aware that they will jump over the wall and take revenge on you at all costs!"

Fang Yu's attitude was very correct and he said respectfully: "Grandpa, I know!"

Without their rights, the Qin Family is just a group of toothless tigers.

Fang Yu estimates that the Qin Family does not dare to assassinate him again because he now has the [Guardian Medal].

Attacking the holder of the [Medal of Protection] is tantamount to treason.

The Qin Family should not be so stupid.

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, Tang Xiyue's mother walked in and said respectfully to Mr. Tang: "Dad, the food is ready, let's go eat!"


Tang Zhong nodded slightly, looked at Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyu, Xiyue, let's go eat!"

Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue looked at each other. They stood up and walked to Mr. Tang. They helped him to the restaurant, one on the left and the other on the right.

Tang Zhong is a Qi Condensation Realm Eighth Layer cultivator. He is always strong and does not need help from others.

But he did not reject Fang Yu's filial piety.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, Li Yinger and Xiao Yan walked in side by side.

The two of them immediately saluted Tang Zhong, Tang Yi and his wife.

The Tang family's dining table is an Eight Immortals table three meters long and one meter wide, which is filled with sumptuous meals.

The rich aroma of vegetables fills the air and whets your appetite.

Tang Zhong sat on the main seat in the east, while Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue sat on the side seats on Tang Zhong's right.

Li Ying'er and Xiao Yan were next to them.

When Xiao Yan came in just now, Fang Yu saw his cheerful look and knew that he had taken care of Li Ying'er.

As for Tang Yi, his father and his wife, they were sitting on the left side of Tang Zhong.

As soon as everyone sat down, a kind-faced old man came in with two people.

Tang Zhong was startled when he saw the person coming. He stood up quickly, strode up to one of the old men, saluted with a standard military salute, and said in a strong voice: "Old Chief!"

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to be polite!"

He looked carefully at Tang Zhong's face, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "I feel relieved when I see you recover!"

Tang Zhong was immediately flattered, "Old chief, thank you for your concern. I have recovered now and can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy at any time!"

The old man smiled and said: "Xiao Chongzi, I came uninvited today, you won't kick me out, will you?"

Tang Zhong said quickly: "Old chief, it makes me happy to have you come to my place. I am too late to welcome you, so how can I turn you away?"

Xiao Chongzi?

Hearing the old man's address to Grandpa Tang Xiyue, Fang Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he doesn't pay attention to those big forces, he still knows who the old man in front of him is!

This old man wearing a white robe, with white beard and hair, a baby-like face, elegant temperament, and kind eyes is none other than the military god of the Great Xia Dynasty, Li Xing!

He is the first person in the military and a true hero for the country and the people.

He has no children and has devoted his life to the Great Xia Dynasty.

Seeing this old man, Fang Yu and others were in awe, and all stood up to salute.

Li Xing waved her hand to stop me: "No need to salute, just treat me as an ordinary old man."

Having said this, he looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhongzi, aren't you going to invite me to sit down?"

Tang Zhong slapped his forehead and said, "Old chief, I just saw you and was so happy that I couldn't find you. Please forgive me!"

"Please take a seat!"

Li Xing didn't shirk, walked to the main seat and sat down.

The middle-aged man with a resolute face who followed him closely followed him and stood behind him.

Seeing this, Li Xing said to the middle-aged man: "Jianguo, please sit down too!"

Zhou Jianguo saluted: "Yes, chief!"

Tang Yi gave up his seat to Zhou Jianguo, "Brother Jianguo, sit here."

Zhou Jianguo smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Tang!"

Li Xing glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "Sit down, everyone, don't be formal, just treat me as an ordinary old man!"

Fang Yu and others sat down together.

Except for Fang Yu, everyone else was a little reserved.

After all, the old man in front of him is the military god of the Great Xia Dynasty, the idol of millions of soldiers, with a high position of authority, truly one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

And he is also the teacher of Her Majesty the Queen.

"Little guy, are you Fang Yu?"

Li Xing looked at Fang Yu and smiled.

Fang Yu nodded slightly, "Yes, it's the boy."

Li Xing said with a kind face: "Little guy, you are very good! You have the Fifth Grade technique. The first thing that comes to mind is the country. Having you is my Great Xia Dynasty blessing!"

Fang Yu looked humble and said, "Old man, you have given me too much praise. I cannot live up to it!"

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this military god who was in charge of millions of troops, who could win decisively from thousands of miles away, and who was strategizing, could be such a kind old man in private!

If you didn't know the old man, you would never have thought that the kind-hearted and gentle old man in front of you was actually the military god of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Yu knew the old man's deeds. The old man commanded an army and beat the crap out of the little Japanese Japanese, which made them frightened.

After the great changes in the world, the old man led an army to resist the aliens.

Over the years, tens of millions of aliens have died indirectly at the hands of the old man.

It can be said that the old man is more like Tu Baiqi than the famous man Tu Baiqi in the history of his previous life.

And he also knew that the old man was called a "human massacre" by Japanese devils and a thorn in the side of foreigners, but he was called a "Confucian general" by the scholars of the Great Xia Dynasty!

This old man has made great achievements in battle throughout his life. If it weren't for him, the aliens would have broken through the border long ago.

Fang Yu also respects the old man in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

Li Ming looked at Fang Yu's face carefully.

Suddenly, his face suddenly turned red, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Just after spitting out blood.

Fang Yu discovered that Li Xing's complexion was much paler, and even his hair became gray and dull, like an old man in his dying years.

Fang Yu was stunned.

Everything was fine, why did he suddenly vomit blood?

Does the old man want to touch me?

Fang Yu asked with concern: "Old man, are you okay?"

The others were startled and looked anxious, "Old Marshal, what's wrong with you?"

Marshal Li Xing waved his hand to the others, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Then he took out a handkerchief, wiped away the remaining blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at Fang Yu, and said apologetically: "Little guy, when you get older, you like to look around. I didn't ask for your permission just now, so I'll let you go. Yi Gua, you won’t blame the old man, right?”

Fang Yu shook his head, "As long as you're okay, I was just worried that you would touch me."

When he heard that the old marshal vomited blood because he was telling his fortune, Fang Yu was sure that he must have suffered a backlash.

After all, he has the Primordial Tree to suppress him, so others will definitely not be able to predict his future.

Hearing Fang Yu's words, the old marshal immediately became happy, "You little devil is really interesting. Don't worry, I won't touch you, old man."

Tang Zhong said quickly, "Old chief, Xiaoyu is engaged to my granddaughter Xiyue today. He is my grandson-in-law. He is still young and ignorant. I didn't mean to offend you."

Li Ming raised her head and glanced at Tang Zhong, who was sitting opposite him, and cursed with a smile: "Xiao Chongzi, who do you think I am? You are just too old-fashioned."

After a pause, he added: "But you little monkey has found a wishful grandson-in-law."

Without waiting for Tang Zhong to speak, he continued: "Xiao Zhongzi, I've been sitting here for so long, and you still haven't brought out your good wine to entertain me!"

Tang Zhong stood up, took out an exquisite jar, and said with a smile: "Old chief, this is the good wine my grandson-in-law brought me, I will fill it up for you right now!"

With that said, Tang Zhong opened the lid, and a strong aroma of wine suddenly spread out and filled the air.

Second update!

Thanks to book friend [20220501223908948] for your monthly vote.

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(End of chapter)

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