Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 92 All The Heavens Worship, The Whole World Is Respected

Chapter 92 All the heavens worship, the whole world is respected

Ten minutes later.

Fang Yu's mind sank into Grotto-Heaven and found that Zhao Yun and others had already installed and weighed the life spirit liquid.

He immediately took out five nanmu barrels filled with life spirit liquid.

Just when five nanmu barrels appeared in the open space in front of Fang Yu.

Li Xing and others all looked at the five nanmu barrels.

Everyone saw that the five nanmu barrels were filled with green mist, and a rich fragrance filled the hall.

Li Ying and others sniffed subconsciously, and their eyes lit up.

They are all discerning people, and they know that the contents of the nanmu barrel are extraordinary just from the smell.

Fang Yu turned to look at Li Xing, who was sitting not far away, and said with a smile: "Grandpa Li, there are a total of five hundred kilograms of life spirit liquid here. Do you want to check and weigh it?"

Li Xing shook her head, "No need, I believe you!"

He has met countless people over the years and is very accurate in judging people.

He believed that Fang Yu would not fool him with fake things, nor would he give him shortcomings.

Besides, given his level, he could tell that the life liquid in the barrel was real just from the smell.

Then he said to Zhou Jianguo who was standing next to Fang Yu: "Jianguo, put your things away, and give the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone to Xiaoyu by the way!"

Zhou Jianguo saluted the old marshal: "Yes, marshal!"

After Zhou Jianguo put the five nanmu barrels into the inventory, he said to Fang Yu: "Brother Fang, come with me!"

Fang Yu got up and followed Zhou Jianguo to an open space in the hall.

Zhou Jianguo waved his right hand, and a large pile of black crystal stones appeared in front of him.

This pile of crystals, which are like a small mountain and emit dark light, is the Grotto-Heaven sacred stone.

"Brother Fang, there are 7.5 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones here. Do you want to count them?"

Fang Yu shook his head, "No need, I believe in Brother Zhou."

He directly put all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones on the ground into the inventory without counting them at all.

Besides, a Grotto-Heaven sacred stone is only the size of a pigeon egg, and it will take more than seven million to be counted, and God knows how long it will take.

In fact, you will know whether the number is correct or not. After putting it in the inventory, subtract the balance from the total quantity.

But Fang Yu didn't look at the balance.

The old marshal trusted him and did not check the life spirit liquid. Naturally, he also trusted the old marshal.

Fang Yu was very happy after receiving the 7.5 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.


If you want to get a large amount of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, you still have to trade with the official.

The Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm within Great Xia Dynasty is in the hands of the official, who can make a lot of money just by collecting tickets.

After all, every Grotto-Heaven Lord enters the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm once and must hand over 500 Grotto-Heaven Divine Stones to the official after coming out.

The Grotto-Heaven Lord of the Great Xia Dynasty has close to a billion.

One can imagine what a terrifying astronomical figure that was.

Of course, not all Grotto-Heaven Lords will enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to hunt for treasure.

Because many people don't like fighting and killing, they like a comfortable and ordinary life.

There are also many people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. They cherish their lives so much that they dare not take risks in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

After all, entering the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm must not only guard against the aliens and natives inside, but also guard against other Grotto-Heaven masters killing people and seizing treasures.

In the era of Grotto-Heaven for all, although everyone can become the master of Grotto-Heaven, everyone can practice and step into Transcendent.

But the people who really achieve something are just such a small group of people.

If nothing else goes wrong for ordinary people with poor talent, no matter how hard they work, it will be difficult for them to achieve anything.

Because talent has already determined the upper limit.

After all, not everyone is like the ruthless Great Emperor and Mortal Physique in the previous life's "Zhe Tian".

Of course, except for idiots like Fang Yu.

After Fang Yu put away all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, he and Zhou Jianguo returned to their previous positions and sat down.

"Xiaoyu, with your 'Life Essence', the strength of our Great Xia Dynasty soldiers will surely soar in a short time. I thank you on behalf of all the Great Xia Dynasty soldiers. Please accept my bow!"

The old marshal stood up and looked at Fang Yu, and said with a serious face.

"Grandpa Li, aren't you trying to hurt me? I can't afford your gift!"

Seeing that Li Ming was about to salute him, Fang Yu ducked to Li Ming's side and reached out to support him to prevent him from saluting.

The old marshal is the military god of the Great Xia Dynasty and is highly respected.

He dedicated his whole life to the motherland, and he was an old man who truly served the country and the people.

He respected this old man very much in his heart, so naturally he would not accept his gift.

Besides, if he accepted the old man's salute and let others know, they might drown him with spit.

A flash of shock flashed in Li Xing's eyes, and she smiled: "Xiaoyu, let me go, I won't salute you anymore!"

With my strength, I couldn't even catch what he just did.

It seems that his true strength has surpassed Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer.

The old marshal knew that judging from Fang Yu's reaction, he would never accept his salute, so he didn't insist anymore.

Standing next to the old marshal, Zhou Jianguo's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Fang Yu with shock and horror.

He quietly took his right hand away from his waist and sat down slowly.

He just saw Fang Yu suddenly ducking in front of the old marshal, so he subconsciously stood up and instinctively reached for the psychic pistol in his waist with his right hand.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stopped in time.

Otherwise, as long as he uses a gun against Fang Yu, there will probably be a huge misunderstanding.

And he felt that even if he used a psychic pistol, he couldn't take down Fang Yu.

Fang Yu nodded and let go of the old marshal.

Li Ming looked at Fang Yu in front of her and asked with a smile: "Xiaoyu, with your current level of cultivation, you will be directly named a senior colonel as long as you join the army."

"Coupled with your great achievements in trading the Fifth Grade Kung Fu with the country and trading the Life Essence Liquid, you can at least be made a major general. Do you want to join the army?"

Fang Yu shook his head, "Grandpa Li, this is not my ambition!"

Li Xing was not disappointed and said with a smile: "Everyone has his own ambitions. Since this is not your ambition, I won't force you. I just hope that when you have the ability in the future, you can help me Great Xia Dynasty!"

Fang Yu said very seriously: "If Great Xia Dynasty lives up to me, I will help if I have the ability in the future."

After receiving Fang Yu's promise, the smile on Li Min's face became brighter. Then he turned to look at Tang Zhong and said with a smile: "Xiao Chongzi, I'm leaving!"

Tang Zhong stood up to persuade him to stay, "Old chief, please stay and have dinner before leaving!"

Li Xing waved her hand, "No, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with. I will come back when I have time!"

Tang Zhong said respectfully: "Then I will send you off!"

He didn't ask to stay, because he knew that the old marshal was busy with official duties, and it was very rare to have a meal at his house.

Others also got up to see the old marshal off.

After sending the old marshal to the door of Tangjia Manor and watching him and Zhou Jianguo leave in a silver helicopter, everyone turned and walked towards the manor.

In the cabin of the helicopter the old marshal was riding.

Zhou Jianguo turned to look at the old marshal beside him and asked with concern: "Marshal, are you feeling okay?"

The old marshal waved his hand, "Jianguo, don't worry, I'm fine!"

"I just saw something I shouldn't have seen, and it was the backlash. I drank Xiaoyu's Fourth Grade spiritual wine, and the injury has been under control."

Zhou Jianguo was shocked, "Marshal, you can't see through him?"

He knows how powerful the old marshal is. There is no one in the Great Xia Dynasty that the old marshal cannot see through.

Even Qin Wudao, who is known as "the first man in the Great Xia", the old marshal can see through.

The old marshal nodded slightly: "Yeah! That little guy is the only person I can't see through in my life!"

He looked at Zhou Jianguo and warned with a serious face: "Jianguo, don't offend him in the future. You can't afford to offend him, I can't afford to offend him, and His Majesty... can't afford to offend him either!"

Although Zhou Jianguo was very shocked, he still nodded solemnly.

Because he knew that the old marshal never made a mistake without making a mistake, and he never made a wrong decision.

The old marshal is the idol of millions of their iron-blooded soldiers, and he has blind trust in the old marshal.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, Zhou Jianguo asked curiously: "Marshal, did you see something in him?"

Old Marshal Li Xing looked through the window and looked beyond the nine heavens, and said quietly: "I saw a supreme purple city suspended above the nine heavens!"

"However, I couldn't see clearly what was in that giant purple city. It was shrouded in purple clouds."

"I also saw that hundreds of millions of creatures in the Myriad Worlds were worshiping that giant purple city, and those creatures were covered with all kinds of divine lights. I couldn't see clearly either."

There was a hint of bitterness in the corner of the old marshal's mouth: "I just lost fifty years of life, and I couldn't see the outline of that huge purple city clearly. If I hadn't stopped in time, I would have died by now!"

When he opened Grotto-Heaven, he obtained a "Divine Eye" Divine Ability. After practicing the "Divine Eye", he could see through anyone, but he could not see through Fang Yu.

From the blurry pictures he saw, he knew that Fang Yu's future achievements would reach a height that he could not imagine and reach.

Speaking of this, the old marshal looked at Zhou Jianguo and chuckled: "Jianguo, although I can't see through that little guy, from the blurry picture I saw, I can describe it in eight words."

Zhou Jianguo asked subconsciously: "Which eight characters?"

The old marshal said softly: "All the heavens worship you, and the whole world pays homage to you!"

Zhou Jianguo's body trembled, his face full of shock. The image of Fang Yu sitting on the top of the heavens, accepting the worship of hundreds of millions of creatures in the heavens, seemed to appear in his mind.

All heavens pay homage, and the whole world pays homage to you!

What a shocking picture that is?

Fourth update!

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(End of chapter)

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