Chapter 97 Nine Heavens Breathing Soil

Fang Yu looked at the twelve Innate ancestral veins above his head and his eyes flashed.

"Since the ancestral veins produce Innate spiritual energy, the dragon veins produce acquired spiritual energy!"

Thinking of this, he had a thought.

The next moment, three dragon veins flew from the ground of Primordial Tree in an instant, and flew out of Primordial Dao Palace in the blink of an eye, flying towards Seoul in Grotto-Heaven.

After transferring the three dragon veins, Fang Yu immediately gave instructions to the twelve ancestral veins above his head.

"Ang ang ang"

In an instant, the twelve ancestral veins raised their heads and let out a high-pitched dragon roar, and then inserted themselves into the ground of the Primordial Tree.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu saw the Primordial Tree tremble slightly, and then began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the Primordial Tree grows to a thousand meters high, as thick as a person's arms.

Fang Yu was not surprised by the sudden growth of Primordial Tree.

Because he knew that this was the Primordial Tree absorbing the power of the world contained in the dragon vein.

He was certain that the twelve dragon veins must have been extracted from the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm by the old Wang family of the imperial capital. Each dragon vein contained the power of the world in that world.

Fang Yu discovered that the Primordial Tree already had twenty branches and twenty leaves.

The branches are as thick as an adult's arm, all purple and crystal clear, like a precious work of art.

The leaves are about the size of an adult's palm, with divine light flowing on their surface, making them beautiful.

And he also discovered that there seemed to be something gestating on the twenty palm-sized leaves.

the other side.

In Seoul.

"Ang ang ang!"

Three shocking dragon roars suddenly sounded.

The people in Seoul all looked up and saw three golden dragons falling from the sky and diving into the ground.

"What did the sky just thrust into the ground?"

"The golden dragon, that is the divine dragon in Mythical legend!"

"This must be my lord's handiwork. Have you ever felt that after the golden dragon was inserted into the ground, the air became a lot fresher."

"I feel it. This should be the increase in the 'spiritual energy of heaven and earth' that the Lord City Lord said. According to Lord City Lord, our practice is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

"My lord has been so kind to us. He not only saved us from danger, but also allowed us to live in his world. Now in order to take care of us, he even uses his divine power to increase the aura of heaven and earth in Seoul!"

"Yes! My lord also asked someone to pass on the skills to us and let us embark on the path of cultivation. According to City Master Guo Jia, after cultivating to a certain level, you can live forever. This kind of life is something we have never dared to imagine before. of!

The lord has been so kind to us, and I want to repay the lord for his great kindness. Unfortunately, General Zhao Zilong only wants to be young and strong. In fact, I am also a young man! "

"A young man of eighty years old?"

The people in Seoul were whispering to each other and talking a lot.

When Fang Yu was mentioned, everyone had admiration on their faces and awe and gratitude in their eyes.

If one day Fang Yu needs their power, they will fight to the death for Fang Yu.

Primordial Dao Palace.

Under the Primordial Tree.

Tang Xiyue looked at the white mist in the air, his eyes full of surprise, and turned to look at Fang Yu, "Xiao Yu'er, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in your Primordial Dao Palace is so strong now that it has already turned into mist, and I seem to feel Come on, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth now seems to be at a higher level than before?!"

Fang Yu explained with a smile: "Xiyue, the aura of heaven and earth before was acquired, but now it is Innate, and Innate is a higher level than acquired!"

Tang Xiyue nodded in understanding.

Although she didn't know what Fang Yu said about the Innate spiritual energy of heaven and earth, she also knew that it was very awesome!

Tang Xiyue asked again: "Xiao Yu'er, what did you become after the dragon veins were strengthened?"

Fang Yu didn't hide it either, "It has become an ancestral vein. Ancestor veins are spiritual creatures that innate the world. Only the Great Thousand World with complete laws can breed it!"

Innate heaven and earth spiritual beings?

Another term she had never heard before.

Tang Xiyue did not ask again.

Because she couldn't understand any words that came out of Fang Yu's mouth.

Seeing that Tang Xiyue did not ask any more questions, Fang Yu immediately took out thirty Spirit Veins, bound them all to Grotto-Heaven, and then added dark blue points.

In less than a minute, he obtained thirty legendary quality dragon veins.

Fang Yu put ten of the dragon veins into the "spirit-guiding bottle" that Tang Xiyue had given him before, and then handed the "spirit-guiding bottle" to Tang Xiyue.

Then he spent 2.2 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade twenty dragon veins from First Grade to Third Grade, and then placed them all underground in Seoul.

There are currently only two cities in his Grotto-Heaven.

One is Primordial Dao Palace and the other is Seoul.

Primordial Dao Palace He only plans to place the ancestral veins, and does not want the acquired spiritual energy to pollute the Innate spiritual energy.

Therefore, he placed all the dragon veins underground in Seoul.

"I got 7.5 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones from the deal with Mr. Li, 900,000 from the deal with Ji Mengfei, and more than 1.8 million from killing Wang Bi and others."

"More than ten million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. I originally thought I could upgrade the Grotto-Heaven level to Fourth Grade right away!"

"But now, upgrading an ancestral vein from First Grade to Third Grade requires 1.1 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones."

"If all twelve are promoted to Third Grade, it will cost 13.2 million."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu shook his head.

He wants to upgrade the Grotto-Heaven level, but it's a long way to go.

Unless he takes out the life spirit liquid, opens an online store on Tianwang, and sells it on a large scale.

But in this case, the Qin Family and the Wang Family will definitely buy it.

He and the two families were already in a fight to the death, and selling to them would be siding with the enemy.

Even if he blacklists both the Qin Family and the Wang Family, the two families will definitely have other ways to obtain his life essence.

For example, paying a higher price to buy from those who buy from him, or letting others buy for you.

Therefore, in order not to endanger his enemies, he did not plan to sell the life spirit liquid on Skynet, but only to the forces that were friendly with him.

But the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones in the hands of those forces are limited.

"Third Grade Grotto-Heaven can bind nine pieces of Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure. I have already bound seven pieces, and there are still two slots left."

"Let's leave one place for the Golden Armored Warrior Taoist Hall and one place for the Spirit Field."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu made a decision in his mind, and immediately took out a palm-sized Spirit Field from the inventory and threw it into the open space not far away.

This Spirit Field is the rare quality Spirit Field he blasted from Wang Bi.

The next moment, the palm-sized Spirit Field quickly grew in size.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a 3x3 meter cultivated field.

Fang Yu opens the [Grotto-Heaven] panel.

[Spirit Field](+)

See the plus sign after the new building [Spirit Field].

Needless to say, the Primordial Tree was already thirsty and it was His turn again!

Fang Yu didn't hesitate.

All of a sudden.

The purple divine light arrived as promised and instantly enveloped the Spirit Field.

Just a few breaths.

The divine light dissipates.

The fertile black soil turned into gold-like loess, which almost blinded Fang Yu and Tang Xiyue.

"From the looks of it, it seems pretty good?"

Fang Yu murmured softly and then opened the properties panel.

[Nine Heavens Breathing Soil]

[Type]: Spirit Field(Innate).

[Quality]: Mythical.

[Grade]: First Grade (0/100000).

[Function]: Planting.

[Characteristics]: First Grade nine-day soil, which can plant Innate spiritual objects. When ordinary plants are planted on it, there is a 50% chance of transforming into a spiritual object, and a 0.0001% probability of transforming into an Innate Spirit Root. The growth speed is +500%, and the yield is +500%. , medicinal properties +500%.

[Introduction]: According to legend, the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is the sacred soil used by the Goddess Nuwa to create humans. This legend may not be true, but with the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, an ordinary peach tree can also transform into a fairy peach!

"Nine Heavens Breathing Soil? The sacred soil used by Nuwa to create humans?"

"There is a 50% probability of transforming into a spiritual creature, and a 0.0001% probability of transforming into an Innate spiritual creature?"

"The growth rate, yield, and medicinal properties have increased fivefold?"

Fang Yu's eyes shined.

Mr. Shu is so awesome!

Fang Yu knows that in Great Xia Dynasty, all kinds of magical Spirit Fields are not uncommon!

But the Mythical quality Spirit Field, First Grade increases the growth speed, medicinal properties and yield five times, making it undoubtedly the most precious kind!

He only revealed a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of legendary quality, and it provoked a robbery from the Qin Family and the old king of the Imperial Capital.

Fang Yu is sure that if he exposes [Jiutianxi soil].

I'm afraid that the big forces around the world will come to snatch it away.

After all, [Nine Heavens Breathing Soil] can give mortal objects a 50% chance of transforming into spiritual objects.

Such powerful functions are simply not available in other Spirit Fields.

Owning [Nine Heavens Breathing Soil] means owning endless spiritual objects.

Among the four major elements of spiritual practice, [money] occupies the second place, and its importance is self-evident.

Of course, even if he accidentally exposes himself, he has no fear now.

As long as others don't use a killer weapon like the "God-Destroying Cannon" on him, no matter how many people come, they will give him treasures.

"One of my Grotto-Heaven attributes is the growth speed +700%. With the addition of Jiutianxi soil, the growth speed increases by 12 times."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu's eyes suddenly became extremely fiery. Such a powerful increase was enough to scare everyone silly.

It's worth mentioning.

When his Grotto-Heaven level is upgraded to Third Grade.

The growth rate and medicinal properties of Tiancai Dibao are increased from +600% to +700%.

Other increases also ranged from 600% to 700%.

As for qualifications, it’s still +2.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu immediately spent 1.1 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade the level of [Nine Heavens Breathing Soil] to Third Grade.

The area of ​​the Third Grade Jiutianxi soil has not changed, but the color has become darker. The whole thing seems to be composed of countless golden sands.

The effectiveness of Third Grade Nine Heavens Breathing Soil has been enhanced.



The growth rate changes from: +500%→+1500%.

The output increases from: +500%→+1500%.

The medicinal properties range from: +500%→+1500%.

"The growth rate has increased by 15 times, and the maturity time will definitely be greatly shortened. Let's try moving the Spirit Medicine planted in other places first..."

After making a decision in his mind, he immediately communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and moved all the thousands of spiritual ginseng that his god-sister Qin Qingqing asked him to plant to the [Nine Heavens Breathing Soil].

As soon as he moved to the top, Fang Yu saw that the newly sprouted spiritual ginseng was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, each spiritual ginseng has three palm-shaped compound leaves.


Fang Yu was stunned for a moment.

The wild ginseng that his god-sister asked him to grow.

From the three palm-shaped compound leaves on the ginseng, he knew that it was thirty years old.

He knew it from the book his god-sister gave him.

The ginseng grows a compound leaf called [三花].

The second piece is called [slap].

The three pieces are called [Lamp Stands].

He estimated that it would not take long for all the ginseng trees to grow into six compound leaves.

Maybe even more than six slices.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu chuckled and said: "What else can I say, I can only say that it is indeed [Nine Heavens Breathing Land]!"

First update!

Thanks to [Northeast Specialty Dawei Squid Grilled Cold Noodles] for your monthly ticket.

Thanks to [blacksnowboy] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to [Chengxu Yujian] for your monthly ticket.

Thank you [hardcore person] for your monthly vote.

Thanks to book friend [20170325142531861] for your monthly vote.

Thank you [Han Guang Xiwei] for your monthly ticket.

Thank you all for your great recommendation votes!

(End of chapter)

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