After Charlotte came out of the Adventurers' Guild, it was dark and dark, and night was about to come, covering the whole of Eulari.

"I'm so tired, go back and have a good rest."

With a heavy Farley in his hand, he ran towards Northwest Avenue with brisk steps.

"Meow, Mr. Charlotte, have you come back from the adventure?"

When passing by the [Rich Mistress], Roy lay down in front of the window to greet Charlotte.

"Hey, Roy."

Charlotte turned to look at the cat-eared lady, and also smiled.

"Mr. Charlotte, you must be very tired when you come back so late, do you want to come in and take a seat?"

Xi'er came out of the tavern and generously invited Charlotte in.

"Stupid meow, hurry up and get to work."

After Anya nodded to Charlotte at the window, she grabbed Coloy back.

"Miss Xi'er, thank you, your bento is really delicious, if it weren't for your bento, I guess I would have been hungry a long time ago."

"Hee-hee, Mr. Charlotte is really joking, so you blame me, because I gave you a bento, so you have been in the dungeon."

Xi'er rolled her eyes, delicate, and shy.

"Hehe, almost."

"Miss Xi'er, I'll go back first, Lord Shangshen is waiting for me at home, I won't sit in your shop."

Charlotte politely refused Xi'er's invitation and turned to leave.

"Xi'er-chan, Charlotte is far away, don't look!"

But Roy didn't know when it would come out again, and teased Xi'er maliciously.

"But Roy, don't you wash the dishes yet?"

Xi'er slowly turned around, narrowed her smile, and stared at Koroi, almost gritting her teeth.

But Roy cat's ears shrugged, tiptoed, and quickly walked into the back kitchen.

West Main Street.

On the street, a boy with white hair, with a body in armor and protective gear, walked dejectedly.

"Oh, no one wants me, what should I do?"

This is exactly what rookie adventurer Bell Craney is.

Following his grandfather's teachings, he dreams of meeting the charming heroine in the dungeon, so he comes to Eulari to try his luck and wants to join the family.

As a result, he wandered here for a long time, and no god was willing to accept him as a dependent.

"White-haired boy?"

Charlotte also happened to pass by West Street on her way home, and when she saw the white-haired boy, her heart moved, and she immediately walked over to take a look.

"Bell Craney?"

He soon found out who this person was, and the existence of the open rank in the wrong place, who should have become Hestia's first dependent, was now preempted by himself.

"Young man, do you want to join the clan of dependents?"

"Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to become a strong man right away and go on a crusade against the black dragon? "

Charlotte walked over and stood in front of Bell, her mouth hanging like a river.

Since he joined the Hestia clan, he can't let Bell be fished away by other dependents, the dependents can't develop alone, like Bell's seedlings, fooling him into joining the dependents must have more benefits than disadvantages.

"You are?"

Bell slowly raised his head and looked at Charlotte with a puzzled expression.

"You're an adventurer? What kind of clan are you, and are your gods still recruiting? "

Bell rushed over and grabbed Charlotte's hand like a drowning man grasping a life-saving straw, his eyes shining and light permeating.

"I am from the [Hestia clan], my name is Charlotte, if you have no place to go, I can take you to my Lord God and pray that she will take you in."

Charlotte looked at Bell with a smile, her eyes very similar to that of a wolf grandmother looking at a lamb.

"Oh, my name is Bell Craney, I've always wanted to join the family, if you can let Lord God take me in, then thank you so much."

As soon as Berkronny grabbed Charlotte's hand, he was excited and eager to try.

"Okay, then you come back with me."

Charlotte nodded, and a treacherous smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The tired look on Bell's face was swept away, and he followed Charlotte in high spirits, full of anticipation.



Backyard hidden room.

"Ding Zero!"

"Oops, it's burned, what can I do?"

"Oh, Charlotte-kun is estimated to be back soon, I have to make dinner quickly."

Hestia was cooking at home and preparing dinner for two.

Outside the church.

"That big brother Charlotte, this... This is what you call the Hestia family? "

When Bell's eyes fell on the church that seemed to be in ruins, the whole person was dumbfounded, and he felt like he had been sold to northern Myanmar.

"That's right, this is it."

"Our family is now very small, it is starting out, and only when there are few people can recruit people, and it is also a place for promising young people like you to play their hands."

"When our clan becomes stronger, we will buy a big villa, eat fragrant and spicy food, and hire elves to be housekeepers... And the position of deputy regiment commander will also leave you one. "

Charlotte won't know anything, but her ability to draw flatbread is first-class.

"Live... Villa! "

"Deputy Commander? Is this true? "

Bell was so fooled by Charlotte that he couldn't find the southeast, northwest, and the whole person also became excited, as if he really joined the [Hestia] family and was already a member of the Hestia family.

What a dacha, the position of regiment leader, as if at your fingertips.

"Really, I'm Charlotte."

Charlotte patted her chest and assured Bell with conviction.

He also didn't know if Zeus had arranged for Bell to join anyone's family, or if his own appearance would change his fate.

Anyway, since this little white hair is here, don't try to escape from his palm.

"Brother, I believe in you, I will mess with you in the future, quickly take me to meet Lord God, I want to join the [Hestia] family."

Bell was fooled into being a grandson and screaming.

"Well, let's go inside."

Charlotte was satisfied with Bell's performance and triumphantly walked into the backyard of the church.

"Lord God, I'm back."

"I brought you a new member."

Charlotte walked into the house and shouted to Hestia, who he had sensed busy in the kitchen.

"Oh, Charlotte-kun is back."

"You worked hard, you can eat right away."

"This one?"

Hestia came out of the kitchen and rushed over to hang Charlotte's body, completely oblivious to the huge light bulb on the side.

"Uh-uh-uh, big brother, this..."


Bell scratched his head, so embarrassed that he was all buttoned out of the three-room living room.

"Lord God, this one is Bell Cloney, and now I can't find my dependents, and I strongly ask to join our family, so I brought it back."

"You see that our dependents are just me, can you take Bell as well?"

Charlotte looked at Hestia with her eyes open, feeling uneasy in her heart, for fear that this goddess would be lazy and unwilling to recruit one more person.

"Lord God, please, let me join your family."

Bell stepped forward and looked pitifully at Hestia.

"Okay, that's great, kid, your name is Bell Craney, isn't it? Welcome to join our [Hestia Family], it is a wise choice. "

Hestia was asking for someone to join the family, and besides, this person was brought back by Charlotte.

There are also Nether people who can't lie in front of the gods, and she can sense that Bell didn't lie, and really didn't dislike [Hestia Dependents].

"Thank you, Lord God, I finally have a dependent."

"Thank you big brother, you will be my own brother in the future."

"No, no, you will call me regiment commander in the future."

Bell's eyes were even redder, and he trembled with excitement, as if he had been electrocuted.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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