"Ah, it turned out to be Mr. Charlotte's adventurer advisor, Charlotte and Bell thank you for taking care of you."

After knowing that the half-elf was an advisor to the adventurer, Hestia waved her hand and greeted Aegina happily.

"Aegina, isn't your guild busy? Why are you here? "

When Aegina finished greeting, Hestia also asked Aegina.

"Because of this event, our guild also has to contribute, this to rectify the environment, guide the guests or something... I was sent. "

"I saw Mr. Charlotte just now, so I came over to say hello."

Aegina kept a sweet smile on her face and explained to Hestia with a grin.

"Oh, Aegina that's so hard."

"May I ask you about one thing? That is, have you seen a girl wearing the costume of the staff of the Rich Women's Tavern.~.."

Charlotte had already inquired that when he entered the arena, he still needed to pay money, as if it was called the ticket fee, and at first he thought that Ania was purely for the gift that Xi'er bought, so he hurried to call him - send his wallet over.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see any employees of the Rich Ladies Tavern coming over, so Aunt Miya heard that the employees are not given a holiday."


Miya is famous in Eulari.

A small employee of a guild also knows that she is harsh on employees and does not grant leave.

"Okay, then I'll look for it again, and if you see it, tell her to wait for me here."

"Thank you, Aegina."

After Charlotte finished speaking, she pulled Hestia and turned to leave.

Hestia was not happy.

Standing still, motionless, staring at Aegina deadly.

I don't know if it's out of the sensitivity of the gods or the sixth sense of a woman, she feels that Aegina is too enthusiastic about Charlotte, and she has to come over to say hello so busy.

Charlotte asked her about it, and nodded and agreed without saying a word.

"Miss Advisor, I want to ask you something."

"Huh? Goddess Hestia, how can I help you? "

"Have you taken advantage of the convenience of work, when you touch my child, you throw a wink at her, give her a courtesy or something?"

Hestia looked serious, not like she was joking.


Charlotte shivered after hearing this, and almost stumbled to the ground.

"Didn't... No, there can be no such thing, and I think I can still distinguish between public and private. "

Aegina slowly lowered her head, feeling a little uneasy.

She does have a good impression of Charlotte, but she has never been flattering, she has not risen to liking Charlotte, just a special adventurer, she just pays more attention.

"Miss Advisor, I believe you!"

After Hestia finished speaking, she pulled Bell with a grin and ran.

This obvious act of one more time is more like a warning to Aegina that the half-elf has a perfect appearance, and she is worried that Charlotte, who has just opened her relationship, will suffer a loss and will be abducted by others.

Even the gods, who like one person, do not want to share it with others.


Charlotte suddenly stopped in place, looked at someone reassuring, and frowned.

The uneasiness in his heart dared to become stronger and stronger, and the sword heart was shaking, which was a warning.

"Charlotte, what's wrong?"

Hestia was a little embarrassed, thinking that it was because of her own dissatisfaction with Miss Consultant just now, and Charlotte had an idea in her heart.

"It's okay, let's go."

Charlotte left with Hestia, and there was a noise behind her.

Aegina hurried back, discussing with the guards and Micha, and Charlotte could vaguely hear the conversation of several of them.

"Misha, what's going on?"

"I don't know, it seems that someone from Ximen fainted on the ground."

Micha shook her head, not caring.

"No, those guys didn't faint, they just sat on the ground with their legs paralyzed... I guess these guys drank too much yesterday night and are still drunk. "

The orc guarded, scratching his head, like Aegina reported.

"I hope so, you guys pay attention."

Aegina returned to her post and looked at the huge arena, full of people and cheers.

"Hopefully it's just that I'm too nervous and nothing unexpected happens."

The uneasiness in her heart became stronger, and people became very irritable.

The sound of joy that fell in her ears turned into a murmur, more like an angry monster roaring in her mind.

Aegina has the blood of the elven race, and her hunch is the same as Charlotte's, it is like a physical instinctive reaction, and there is no mistake.

In the cell where the Canisha clan stacked monsters, that is, the waiting room for the monsters in the arena, a man in a gray robe ran in.

The adventurers who stayed here all became drunk, smiling silly.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"You bastards, hurry up and prepare, you will change monsters immediately."

Several female members of the Canissa clan walked in from outside, angry, cursing, and there should have been two guards at the door, but now they are nowhere to be seen.

These people had a sense of foreboding in their hearts and hurried in.

In the dim cell, the magic stone lamp emitted a dim yellow light.

"What about people?"

Walking into the post platform where the team leader in charge of the cell was, he did not see the figure.

"On the ground, no... Is this poisoning? And breathing. "

The two soon noticed the group leader lying on the ground, the person was not dead, but in a very strange state.

"Tuk tuk!"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps behind the two. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What people?"

The two slowly turned around, their backbones were sweating, cold and squish, a sense of fear that they were about to die, lingering in their hearts.


A figure in a gray robe appeared in front of the two.

Freya showed a bright smile like a morning sunset on her face, slowly lowered her hat, revealing a flawless face, silver eyes twinkling, a seductive power, combined with the indescribable beauty, reflected on the faces of the members of the family.

"Damn... This is seduction! "

After the two female dependents reacted, they also plopped down on the ground and fell into a state of drunken dreams and death.

The charm from the goddess, the two of them resisted in their minds, their bodies were soft, and there was no strength to resist at all.

"Where is the key?"

The corners of Freya's mouth turned up slightly, making a very light sound, making people want to sleep when they heard it, and it was as gentle as if it made people lie comfortably in the white clouds.


As if her body was manipulated by a mysterious force, one of the women couldn't help but give Freya a bunch of keys.

As a god of beauty, she is the embodiment of beauty, no matter men and women, after meeting her, they will turn into soft bones, and they will no longer have the ability to resist.

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you, you guys just rest here obediently, just wait."

Freya picked up the key and smiled happily.

Instead of putting on her hat, she turned and walked towards the cell step by step, her silver eyes flashing, and all over her body, exuding terrifying seductive power.


"Roar, roar, roar!"


The monsters in the surrounding cages were so excited that they seemed to be in heat, all roaring excitedly, frantically crashing into the wooden railing, wanting to run out.

"I heard that guy can kill Minotaur."

"I'm going to pick a monster to play with."

Freya seemed to be in her own hall, strolling leisurely, her peerless beauty exposed to everyone's eyes.

Her soft white skin stimulates the vision of all monsters, and the intimidating fragrance restricts their movements.

The shining silver eyes and silver hair made these fierce beasts dazzle. Even the vicious monster is equal before her beauty.

"This is a silver-backed ape from the middle level, very good, then choose you."

Freya's pair of silver pupils slowly swept over the monster, and finally landed on a silver back.

This monster is covered in pure white body hair, thick limbs, muscles, and full of strength.

The monster's silver hair grew to the back and stretched down like a tail, the same color as Freya's hair, perhaps this was a plus, and was finally chosen by the god of beauty.

"Well, come out."

Freya smiled happily and took out the key to open the lock on the cage.


The silverback red eyes, staring at Freya deadly, breathing rapidly, like seeing a female monkey in heat, excited, excited, and impatient.

"Roar, roar!"

After the silver back rushed out, he stood beside Freya and gasped for air.

"Obediently, wait for me."

Freya gently stretched out her hand to stroke Silverback's body and whispered.

The monster was full of wildness, and it should have been raging around, but now it was like a puppy, obediently crouching beside Freya.

"That kid is so weak that I wanted to wait for him to grow up, but I couldn't help but want to tease him."

"Forget it."

"Even if I die, I will find their souls and embrace them."

"Let's go!"

Freya kissed the silver-backed hair and waved her hand, signaling it to go out.

"Bell? I also have a little gift for you. "

Immediately after, Freya went to release a Minotaur, also stroking it and seducing it.

"Let's go!"

Finally, Freya went to release the other monsters as well.

In order to achieve her goal, she really did not stop at anything, and did not care at all what impact these monsters would have if they rushed out.


These monsters were imprisoned in a cage by Canisha's family, and the anger in their stomachs, after Freya opened the cage, all rushed out, so angry that they wanted to overturn the entire dungeon.

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