Of course, Bell himself did not know that he had quietly accomplished such an achievement.

After solving a new batch of monsters, Bell’s movements have become slower and slower, but his eyes are still dull, and his arms are hanging in the air and dangling at will.

After a moment’s pause, seemingly reacting to the roar of the distant monster, Bell unconsciously turned his head.

Seeing this scene, Alphia finally couldn’t bear it, and a flash came behind Bell, and the hand knife lightly touched the neck of the other party.

The monsters in the distance were still running towards here, completely unaware of what kind of danger there was.

“Gospe1—” Alphia sang with some impatience in her voice.

Anyway, there are no outsiders around here, and Alphia no longer hides his magic.

With the ultra-short text chanting that ended instantly, an invisible sound wave passed through the bodies of the monsters, and dozens of monsters moved, and their bodies exploded like balloons.

The already small magic stones all turned into debris and sprinkled on the ground.

“Whew – it’s finally over…”

Alphia sighed helplessly, but she didn’t expect that in the end, she would have to forcibly bring back this child 870.

After all, it was not early, and after dawn, other adventurers would enter the dungeon, and it would not be so easy to hide around Bell.

Carrying the unsettling nephew back to Eulari, he soon arrived at the place of the church.

Hestia was leaning against the dilapidated door of the church and waiting, her face full of exhaustion.

This god looks quite responsible.

At first, knowing that Bell had joined the Hestia family, Alphia still had a somewhat scrutinizing attitude towards this goddess who had not been in contact.

It was like he was afraid that his young man would be fooled into some unscrupulous company, his sister was gone, and Bell looked like a deceiving child.

She had to take responsibility and show Bell’s child.

Even the goddess has a lot of bad eyes in it, and she can’t allow bad guys to get near Bell.

At present, Hestia is quite reliable, although the strength of the family is very weak, but there is no bad intention.

Originally, this was a good thing, but seeing Cefj’s performance last night, Alfia always felt that she could not rest assured of the other party.

But he didn’t have any reliable seniors, not even ordinary companions, so she wouldn’t be surprised if he died in the dungeon.

It seemed urgent to find him some companions.

Already a priority.

“God Hestia.”


Alphia’s voice was soft, but Hestia instantly raised her head.

At a glance, he found Bell Jun who was being held by the man in black in front of him.

The other party was asleep at this time, there were a lot of blood stains visible to the naked eye, and many cuts in his clothes, but there were no obvious wounds.

The wound had been healed by Alphia using the power of the resuscitation rune when he was in the dungeon.

This rune is really useful

“This child was tired in the dungeon, and I brought it back along the way.” Alphia was ushered into the church by Hestia and carefully put Bell on the bed.

Although the other party’s tone is casual, mortals cannot deceive God.

However, Hestia could see that the mysterious man in front of her had no ill will towards Bell, and it was also a fact that she had brought her only dependant back from the dungeon.

Hestia was not prepared to delve into why Alphia was lying.

“Which dependent’s child are you?”

Confirming that Bell was fine, and when the other party was settled, Hestia turned his head to stare at Alphia, who was about to leave.

When the other party was about to walk out of the room, he finally asked without suppressing his curiosity.

“… I am a member of the Thor clan, and today Lord Thor and I happened to meet this child in the tavern. It was also Lord Thor who asked me to go to the dungeon to protect this child. ”

Alphia didn’t hesitate to give Thor a confession.

Her only nephew is still here, and there will definitely be many intersections with the Hestia clan in the future, and this identity will always be exposed.

What’s more, what she did was not something shady.

And every word she said was true, just omitted some content.


Hestia was sure that Alphia was telling the truth, but the result was completely unexpected. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Originally, today the Sol guy took it upon herself to ask her for a sweet potato ball, and she complained about it when she went to work in the afternoon.

I didn’t expect that guy to be a good person!

It must have been that he went to investigate specifically after knowing that he had found his dependents, and that guy is really interesting!

His own Bell Jun was also saved because of this, and the sweet potato ball was too worthwhile.

Obviously, there was not much intersection when I was in the God Realm, and it seems that I will have to move around more in the future.

Moreover, the Thor clan is also one of the three major factions of Eulari, more powerful than the clan of Hephaestus.

Maybe you can even hug your thighs!

In the residence of the dependents, Sol, who had already fallen asleep, snorted and quietly tightened his small quilt.

“I don’t know how well the arrangement and preparation that Thor said.”

Alphia returned to the dependents’ residence with a head full of troubles.

This time is a little too early, and no one in the entire dependents station can see it.

Even the one who looked at the gate was Hua Luo.

This legendary giant eagle raised by Quinn is huge, standing at the top of the gate, and the sharp eagle eyes ordinary people dare not look at it.

The movement of Alfia’s return only made Hua Luo raise his eyes, and after discovering that it was the other party, he re-entered the state of closing his eyes and nurturing his mind.

Standing at the entrance to Thor’s bedroom, but after thinking about Thor’s schedule, Alphia put Bell’s affairs aside first.

There is no need to bother each other for this little thing.

At the very least, get noon.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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