The crisp sound of a large number of Farleys colliding with each other attracted countless attention, and originally the adventurers in the vicinity were all to watch the distant harvest of the Sol family, which was a very rare opportunity.

However, the number of 5500W hit their nerves, and even the eyes of several adventurers were already red.

Looking at the bag of Farley, it seemed that he wanted to grab it.

However, he was stopped by his companions after discovering it.

This is the territory of the guild, and there are two high-level adventurers of the Sol clan next to it, and they send more or less of these LV1 and LV2 small trash fish.

Robbing the money of Sol’s dependents is really fatal.

“Then let’s go back to Arya-chan first—we have time to play with our family!”

Watching Yong En lift the bag full of Farley with one hand, Tiona quickly greeted Aria.

Before leaving, he also waved to Bell as a farewell, and then trotted to catch up with Yongen.

“Wait for me, Master, where are we going now!”

“Buy materials, Poppy has already given me the list of materials needed by Big Double Blade 27 before we leave.”

“Master, you are the best! Hehe, big double edge—big double edge—”

“Miss Aria, are these two members of the Thor clan? The Thor clan alongside the Loki clan! Seeing the adventurers who had been crowded in the hall consciously making way for the two, Bell’s eyes were a little envious.

This is the treatment of top dependents.

If he was also in this powerful family, he would have encountered the crisis of Minotanos in the first place, and he would not have been ridiculed like the people of the Loki family.

Once again, the desire for strength arose in his heart, and Bell clenched his fists hard.

He must work hard to develop the Hestian clan into a large clan of this size!

“Bell-kun has just arrived in Olali, it should be the first time to meet the members of the Thor clan, the two before were the Demon Sealing Sword Souls of the Thor clan: Yongen and the Great Cut: Tiona, when you came, these two also participated in the expedition with the large army, and it was not long before they returned to Eurali.” Aria did not notice the psychological activity of the little boy next to her, but just introduced the other party enthusiastically.

“Eh, they’re all super powerful characters!”

“Of course, Mr. Yong Eun is said to have successfully upgraded to LV5 after this expedition, and that Great Cut can also be upgraded! This expedition to the Sol clan directly added 4 LV5 adventurers, but to say that the most powerful of the Sol clan is naturally the pride of our elf clan, the Nine Devils – Lord Riveria! ”

After all, it is Aria in the guild who is specifically responsible for the affairs of the Thor family, and once she talks about the Thor family, she is gushing endlessly.

The sudden burst of enthusiasm made Bell a little overwhelmed for a while, and he could only retreat step by step, and the smile on his face became stiff.

“Sorry, I was a little too excited.” Aria quickly narrowed her expression.

Bell finally thought of the seriousness of his trip and handed over the cloth bag behind him.

The guild members who were in charge of the acquisition of magic stones before happened to be here, and Bell’s things were quickly counted by him.

“This is your Farley, Mr. Bell, you are still working hard in the dungeon, but you must also pay attention to your own safety~” Handing the bag full of Farley to Bell, Aria comforted the other party softly by the way.

Although it is not comparable to Yongen’s income at all, it is already a huge amount of money for Bell, a newcomer.?

Thanks to the kind man who sent himself back, otherwise he wouldn’t have gotten the money.

As Bell was about to leave, Arya quietly pulled the corner of the other’s clothes, and brought her face to the other party’s ear to whisper a reminder. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“A total of 41,900 faries, you remember to go back to the family station to hide the money first, pay attention to safety and don’t be targeted.”

Although the two of the Sol clan had left, and the adventurers who were watching the excitement had also walked a lot, the people in the guild at this time were still far beyond the ordinary.

There is a lot of mouse poop mixed with fish and dragons, and the people of the Sol clan dare not make a move, but Bell’s pink little cute is different.

When she gave Bell money, Aria did not dare to report the quantity, because she was afraid that the adventurer she was in charge of would be targeted by the bad guys.

At that time, the only hope for the Hestian clan will be gone.

“Thank you for your concern-”

Although Bell is simple, his brain is not stupid, and he also listens to the advice of others.

Since Aria told him so, he must be careful.

After receiving Arya’s reminder, Bell vaguely felt that the eyes around him had become more focused on him.

Even if Arya didn’t say the number of Farleys, this full cloth bag was enough to prove a lot of things.

The greed in those eyes was simply undisguised, and Bell couldn’t help but shiver223.

As soon as Bell left the hall, several adventurers followed.

A few people hung behind Bell not far away, although he tried hard to get rid of the pursuers through the alleys, but it was a pity that Bell himself was not familiar with these alleys, and even the people who followed behind him were not familiar.

Wanting to get rid of each other has also become a fool’s dream.

There were even several times when I almost ran into a dead end.

Realizing the problem with his idea, Bell immediately changed his mind and plunged into a crowded place.

Carefully place the cloth bag containing the money on your chest and move it along the flow of people towards the distance.

The pursuers behind him were helplessly blocked by the crowd, and even if they wanted to chase the little ghost, they couldn’t find each other for a while.

Who let Bell not be tall enough, although the pure white hair was very conspicuous, but they were not afraid to be overwhelmed by the crowd.

“Damn, I lost it.”

“It’s such a shame to be tricked by a child! Forget it, go back and find another target. ”

“Today Lao Tzu must drink a sip of Sumo’s divine wine, I will die of hunger!”

A few strong men who followed immediately gave up Bell, and after a brief exchange, they made up their minds to walk in the direction of the dungeon.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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