“I’m not blind, Hestia was still helping the other party kowtow to Hephaestus for equipment just now.”

“Hehe, no way. Who let the Hestia clan be just getting started, the initial period was indeed difficult. ”

“So, you hanger guy is also eyeing that kid? I didn’t expect you to have this hobby. ”

Thor looked at each other mockingly, obviously not saying anything, but Hermes could understand the meaning of this eyes~ gods.

I’m not a two-knife flow – ah, this misunderstanding can’t work!

“That child is an orphan of the dependents raised by Zeus, and it is the hope left by the Zeus and Hera dependents for Eulari!”

“Oh—” All he got was a cold word.

Hermes looked at Thor in confusion, how could this guy have such a reaction?

“No matter how high he is, he is only a LV1 now, and a genius who has not grown up cannot be regarded as a genius.”

Thor added flatly, but there was no desire for Bell in his tone.

I originally thought that Thor had just degenerated when he was patient in Hermerston.

This script is not right, shouldn’t you be as excited as I am.

It is best to help him catalyze Bell’s growth.

Although he has not been in Eulari for many years, Hermes still knows the power of the Thor family, and he can easily do it with his help.

It’s just that if this guy doesn’t take the bait, how can he continue to act.

“It’s because that kid is too weak now, that’s why I need to prepare a magic guide book for him!”

“When did you become so enthusiastic, I don’t think you are so attentive to your own children.” Thor smiled disdainfully.

“What’s more, that child has now joined the Hestia clan, and you came back a little sooner, otherwise you might be able to pull in your clan for Bell.”

“I was very interested in what Zeus said, so I returned to Eulari just to witness the growth of that child!”

“That’s all you have to say?”

Thor stared at Hermes with a calm expression, this guy had already started to fight Bell’s idea at this time?

But your investment is too big, and shouldn’t Bell’s magic guide book be a gift from Freya’s friendship.

Looking at the current development situation, it seems that Hermes is going to do things for his own mother.

“So, what does Zeus’ grandson have to do with me… He even wanted me to take out a magic guide book, my own children are not enough. Thor rolled his eyes angrily.

These boring guys climaxed as soon as they heard words like heroes.

Although he also had some interest in Bell, this interest only sustained his desire to see the play.

As for the cost he invested in Bell, it can only be a little in Alphia’s face.

However, only a few people of their family knew about this matter, and they certainly couldn’t let Hermes know that he was interested in investing in Bell.

Otherwise, Hermes, the cheeky one, might not even be willing to give a Farley.

“One hundred million farleys – I can only take out so much.” Looking at Sol’s oil and salt involvement, Hermes finally took out his wife Ben.

“It’s like that, I’ll unknowingly give the magic guide book to that child.”

“Didn’t I buy it?” Hermes looked at each other dumbfounded.

“You said that this magic guide book will let that child use me to sell it to you, so as long as the magic guide book is in the hands of the other party, isn’t it!”

The smile at the corner of Thor’s mouth was almost impossible to hide.

But this guy is really deep, and he can take out 100 million Farries in one breath.

Those who don’t show mountains and water on weekdays are really people of the same path.

“Then it’s decided, but you have to do it as soon as possible—”

0 for flowers 0

“Don’t worry, what do you still doubt about my credibility.” Thor left the venue without looking back.

Although Hermes is distressed, this is also in his plan, and it is really a face for the other party to be able to buy a magic guide book for 100 million farleys.

100 million Fari was originally the reserve price of the magic guide book, how could this kind of priceless thing be sold at the reserve price. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just that what he doesn’t know is that Thor is happier now.

Having promised Alphia to help Bell, Thor hadn’t figured out what to do.

Well, there is no need to bother with this brain, and directly let Alphia find an opportunity to take the magic guide book to the other party.

There is also a big man who is willing to pay for himself.

By then, the purpose of aiding Bell has been achieved, and he has nothing to lose.

In this way, not both Alphia and Hermes’ original ideas came true.

A world where no one was hurt was reached.

Asfi shed tears as she watched her family’s assets suddenly emptied, and the beaten face of her own lord god seemed to appear in her mind.

Hermes spent the night hanging upside down from a large tree by thick hemp rope.

Unlike Hermes, Sol’s nightlife is very rich.

As for the matter of the magic guide book, he didn’t need to bother at all, he just needed to tell Alphia, and this elder would do his best to do things well.

The quiet night is still a familiar bathhouse, and since most of the gods have gone to the shrine of the Caniza family, the place is almost empty.

Only the voices of two people constantly echoed in the empty bathhouse.

The little face attached to the tile turned around, and there was still a little red on the face that had not faded.

“You guy, you messed around with that Freya guy in the middle of the banbanquet, and you actually … There’s so much more to spare…”

Người mua: hieubaocot

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