Even if he proposed to single out, it means that Morgana’s family has an adventurer who can match Jacinto Skrio.

Apollo, who still doesn’t know how big the gap between himself and Morgana’s dependents is, is still trying to sort out his thoughts, trying to choose the method with the highest winning rate from it.

“Since it’s so difficult to decide, let’s draw lots and leave everything to fate.” Sol held his chin and suggested with a lack of interest.

“Yes, yes, that’s it!”

“Apollo, who grinds and chirps there, can he be like a man!”

Several Le gods echoed Thor’s words and shouted together.

For them, as long as the war game is played well enough, nothing else matters.

These guys really stand and talk without back pain.

What is called handing everything over to fate, it is not your dependents who participate in the war game.

Apollo directly thought that he hadn’t heard Thor’s words.

In the original book, the reason why he agreed to release water to Hestia was because he thought he had the chance to win.

Now he feels that his fate is in danger.

“Just draw lots, the old lady doesn’t have so much effort to waste here with you.”

“I’ve decided, let’s play siege battle!”

“I don’t care, then do you want to attack or defend the city.”

“I will defend the city for one day, and in one day you must take three strongholds in the city and defeat the main general Jacinto Skrio!”

“Are you taking me for a fool? It’s all good for you. ”

Although a day is more than enough, who is Morgana, she can be taken advantage of by Apollo like this.

She wouldn’t let out anything that should be won.

After a brief argument, the rules of battle between the two sides were slightly modified.

It was still a siege battle, and the victory was still based on three strongholds and victory over the main general Jacinto Skrio, but the time was adjusted to three days.

On the side of the Apollo tribe, the three strongholds and the location of the main general are all marked, and Jacinto Skrio must not leave the circle during the war game, otherwise it will be defeat by default.

Apollo had some minor concerns about this rule, but Morgana was reluctant.

After booking the time and the content of the war game, Apollo didn’t care about anything else and quickly left the venue.

He had to go back and set up a good defense, such as placing some traps in the castle, and adding some security to the three strongholds.

If you defend the city, there are many articles that can be done.

At that time, even if the real strength is not an opponent, even if it is a hard drag, it will drag on for three days!

For Oraly, war games are also a rare extravaganza.

In the past few days, Olali has been much livelier, and the discussions in the streets and alleys are basically about this war game.

There are even many places that have opened bets with the outcome of this war game.

Only the atmosphere within the Apollo clan was somewhat dull.

The main thing is that their main god does not seem to be so confident in this war game, and the decadence of Apollo naturally affects these adventurers in his family.

They can only return to the dependents every day with cart after cart, and a large number of people are digging traps in the dependents.

The time soon came to the day of the war game, the sky was cloudless, the people of the Apollo clan were already waiting in the city, and the gentle breeze brought a little coolness to everyone in the city.

Just the right day for war.

On Eularie’s Center Street, Canissa and her children set up a stage here to broadcast live information about war games.

After Hermes obtained the consent of Ouranos, the divine power in his body was lifted.

Countless oval screens appeared in the sky, showing the Apollo family station.

“It’s time to start, everything is ready.”

Outside the city, all the people of the Morgana clan gathered together, with no intention of hiding at all.

This was almost unexpected by everyone, and no one expected that the people of the Morgana clan would want to storm the walls of the Apollo clan in the right light.

They did not formulate tactics, or their tactics were to rely on absolute suppression to crush the Apollo clans.

The premise of this tactic was that the opposing team’s main general, Jacintos, could not leave his position. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They don’t need to worry about not finding the main general at all.

“‘~Fiona, you take people to the left stronghold, Wayne to the right, Juna and I go to the middle stronghold, and then go to Jacintos after gathering, what’s the problem?”

“Then let’s have a simple game, and the slowest person will pay for this evening’s celebration banquet.” Fiona chuckled, the war game didn’t make her feel stressed.

At this time, she could only feel her blood boiling, thinking of what Morgana told her before the war.

In this new world, build the glory of the Laurent family with your own hands.

As soon as she thought of this, Fiona almost couldn’t suppress her urge to draw her sword, and the speed under her feet suddenly rose another step.

“Let’s go, let them get liberated.”

On the other hand, Wayne did not think so much about it, but simply arranged the task.

Several people each took some of their hands down to the predetermined direction, and the people of the Apollo clan also discovered them for the first time.

Although the sentries in charge of guarding discovered them at the first time, Silas and the others had no intention of hiding.

The magicians and archers in charge of the defense of the castle were ready to meet the enemy.

“Let’s go – as ”

With Silas’s order, many ordinary members of the family clan who followed behind him took out several bombs from their pockets.

It was still a long way from the walls of the Apollo tribe, and the adventurers of the Apollo tribe could not see the situation on the side of Silas.

But when those little iron balls flew above their heads, someone finally recognized these things.

“Be careful! A bomb is flying over! “。

Người mua: hieubaocot

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