It was only a matter of time that the monster had already learned to use Artemis’s divine power to attack them from a distance.

This is worth it, and it must be cleaned up for that guy as soon as possible.

“Lord Thor! Please save Lord Artemis! Letesha dragged her badly wounded body to her knees in front of Thor, her head pressed to the ground, and there was a hint of pleading in her voice.

Seeing the scene of Alphia resisting the attack, she realized that the god in front of her was her hope to save Lord Artemis.

Trying to save Artemis on their own is like daydreaming.

Seeing the actions of their group leader, the adventurers of the Artemis clan all knelt down in a similar way.

“Get up, children of Artemis, I have a good relationship with Artemis, and I will do my best to save each other.” Thor reached out and helped the leader Letesha up.

This regiment commander was a seriously injured man, and if he hung here because of his emotions, then Thor would have spent so much time treating the other party before, it would have been in vain.

“If you want to fight Ontellais, please take me with you, and I will definitely take Lord Artemis back from that monster with my own hands.” Letesha stood up, and Thor could see the flames of anger burning in the other’s eyes.

“We’re going too!”

“That’s right, you must save Lord Artemis!”

With Letsa taking the lead, the children of Artemis seem to have regained their spirits.

It can be seen that Artemis has a high status in the hearts of the members of his family.

“It’s good to have drive, but the fight after that will be very dangerous. If you go to war in your current state, you will die—”

Thor’s tone was exceptionally calm, as if stating a fact.

The surrounding members of the Artemis clan calmed down, and Thor could see the fear of death in their eyes, but none of them chose to back down.

It is worthy of being a carefully selected member of Artemis and has lived up to the trust of the other party.

“As long as I can help save Lord Artemis, I will not run away!”

Letsa answered Sol’s question without hesitation. Death was completely out of his mind.

At this point, she seemed to represent the will of all the people of Artemis’s family.

“Well—then rest before the crusade is ready. Try to heal your wounds. Then, struggle to survive in battle. ”


At this point, Letesha followed the rest of the clan and quickly rested.

They also stocked up on supplies in the village’s warehouse, including weapons, healing potions, and magic swords

These things were also moved out by a few people with minor injuries to give points to the group.

The battle that followed, as Thor said, was a battle of life and death.

It’s time to put these supplies to work.

Otherwise, they might have to take these things with them to see Yan Wangye.

“Let’s make some preparations, Alphia, this Ontlaise crusade can’t be escaped.”

Thor was not prepared to call for the support of Shen and Akali.

If even Alphia can’t fight the Outlets, even adding two LV5 heroes can’t change the overall situation.

Anyway, Shen originally had a big move that could be remotely supported, and if there was a real need, it would not be too late to let Shen fly over with a big move.

“Do you really want to involve them all, it will be dangerous then.”

After the people of Artemis’s family went back to rest, Alphia leaned into Thor’s ear and whispered a question.

Thor rolled his eyes angrily, why didn’t you say this in front of those children before? The children of Artemis have already said so, so what else can he do?

Even if he rejected them just now, these people would come with them.

Instead of that, it is better to keep them in their sight. At least take care of the danger.

“At that time, please take those people a little farther away from the battlefield, don’t cause me trouble.”

“Eh—what you’re saying is really sad! Am I the kind of person in your heart who will only add to the chaos? ”

Alphia didn’t answer, but simply gave Thor a look, letting the other party understand it himself…

With the concerted efforts of the Artemis tribe, Thor soon prepared supplies for the crusade against Antlais.

Of course, it mainly relied on the inventory of Artemis’s family.

This time it was supposed to help them clear their inventory.

The overnight break did not fully recover Artemis’s people, but they still did not fall behind, and all came to the meeting place.

Obviously, what he said yesterday night was not a joke to fight with Anrest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

With the attack last night, Thor wasn’t worried about finding the location of the Outlets.

That guy is so big, as long as he knows a general direction, he can quickly find the other party after arriving at the place.

Led by Alphia, the team quickly entered the forest where the outlet was located.

After all, the strongest adventurer in this team, Alfia took the initiative to take over the leading job.

Although her position in the team was a rear mage, exploring in such a place where there was no danger, and the position was no longer a problem for Alphia to limit him.

The Artemis clan does have its own avant-garde, but that avant-garde is more seriously injured, and she and Letesha can be said to be the two most seriously injured by the Artemis clan.

A night’s rest wasn’t enough to fully recover from her injuries, but knowing that Thor 1.4 was going to lead the team to rescue Lord Artemis, she still got out of bed without hesitation.

As an avant-garde, she must fight alongside members of her family.

What’s more, this is still a critical moment to save the Lord God of his own family, how can he waste time in a hospital bed with a small injury?

“Remember what I said yesterday, follow me and don’t act privately! Especially after entering the forest! ”

Thor turned his head and repeated his request in a solemn tone to the people of Artemis’s family.

It’s good to be motivated, but if you’re too motivated, it’s easy to do something impulsive.

He didn’t want to put himself in danger because some people were reckless.

“Notice, something is coming towards us.”

Người mua: hieubaocot

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