It’s bad, it’s just the three outsiders here.

What’s worse, the fox girl directly excludes Ah Tanuki and Haruhime, so who is the ugly girl.

Irelia’s little brain spun fast at this moment.

That ugly girl that fat toad said before was actually scolding me?


Who gave you this toad spirit courage to say this?

Still say in front of me.

But any normal person should be able to see which of us is more beautiful.

“Just with this toad, you can also be big in front of yourself ~ put a word ?!”

A nameless fire instantly surged in her heart, and since she first came to this world, Irelia had not had such an absurd feeling.

A small LV5, actually dare to talk to himself like this?

Even if she makes a little cover up in the guild, she is still LV5.

Why did this millstone essence look like she had eaten herself!

The Vanguard Blade behind Irelia was already dancing wildly with her irritated mood.

Even if she insulted her with another person, she would not be so difficult to accept.

But only this disgusting toad spirit can’t, and the disgusting saliva continues to seep out along the other party’s abyss giant mouth.

It’s like not closing the faucet.

As the other party continued to get closer to him, a magical smell like a strong perfume mixed with a smell also poured into Irelia’s nose.

The taste that was not something that normal people could appreciate made Irelia couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

What the hell did I do wrong to be punished like this?

If I could, I really didn’t want my precious Vanguard Blade to stab into the body of this millstone.

This guy definitely stinks even blood.

“The tanuki is coming for you—” Irelia tried to throw the pot at her friend.

“I don’t know such an ugly guy.” The pair of ears on the beaver’s head straightened up.

Every hair on her body resisted Freini’s approach.

“She’s here to find the fox, use your magic to knock her away!”

As Irelia spoke, she held the two Vanguard Blades in both hands and turned her head and rushed towards the Amazon companions beside Frini.

Whether it was Frini or the Amazonian women around her, she was the one to address.

At this time, first come, first served, slow people can only pick the rest.

The tanuki was completely fried now.

When did Irelia also become this old sixth.

Just stunned, the other party has already killed into the crowd of the distant Amazon.

The only consolation was that this guy also took Haruhime away.

It’s still a little conscientious, at least she doesn’t have to be distracted to protect Haruhime anymore.

However, in this situation, Irelia taking Haruhime away from the battlefield is definitely the right choice.

Although I don’t know what plans the Esta clan has, the big toad in front of him is indeed the biggest enemy right now.

There would definitely be nothing wrong with keeping Haruhime away from each other.

After all, spring is their only weakness, as long as the other party pays attention to safety, the two of them can retreat anytime and anywhere.

“Okay, let’s get down to business—”

In the face of Fryni, the seductive words that Tanuki originally wanted to say before the war were really unable to open his mouth.

Let’s fight honestly.

At this moment, Arelia, who was like a tiger in the distance, had already killed.

In order to vent the anger that was disgusted by Freini before, she did not mean to ask her subordinates to show mercy this time.

Most of these Amazons are V1 and LV2 degrees, and they are not her enemies at all.

Originally, I thought that these people had some special plan, but Irelia was ready to run directly with Haruhime.

As a result, it turned out that something was wrong at the beginning of the fight. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Do these people really not consider the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides to intercept them?

The effort of dividing three by five by two did not consume much physical strength at all, and there were already more than a dozen Amazons lying beside Irelia.

Not to mention the evenly matched opponents, there are few people who can make her next move.

“If it’s a fight, you’re too weak.”

Irelia didn’t feel the pressure at all, dancing through the crowd like an artist focused on performance.

Every time the sword flashes, an Amazon will fall on the land of the dungeon.

However, in order to cover Haruhime, Irelia only acted in a small circle centered on the other party, which made this battle take some more time.

“I overestimated you, it turned out to be just a bunch of reckless people.” Irelia gave her own evaluation indifferently.

The situation on both sides reversed in an instant, and the large number of people did not play any role under the huge gap in strength.

“Don’t be too proud, you fellow!” Aisha struggled to stand up, supported her body with a large knife with a ringed head, gritted her teeth and rushed over again.

The tiger and tiger wielding the big knife in the ring had already jumped behind Irelia in an instant, and the muscles on her forearms bulged, straight to her head.

The eyes that turned her head slightly, as if they had seen through all her movements, made Aisha’s body pause slightly.

But the matter has come to this, why this knife must be cut down!

Otherwise, so many dependents on the ground would almost certainly die.

They all blame the goddess who casually meets them, and let them come here to intercept and kill the people of the Sol clan without any preparation in advance.

He also said that as long as everyone is solved, there is no fear of being discovered.

One by one, they are all brainless idiots –

Now the people who will be solved all become themselves.

That toad too, was still there at this time entangled with the fox man.

Does she know the importance of this operation, how can you quickly solve the opponent who came here to deal with Irelia of LV5.

Rely on these second- and third-level adventurers?

“Grandma said, if you want to sneak attack, don’t make such a loud noise!”

Irelia’s voice brought Aisha back to reality, and when she came back to her senses, she saw that the weapons of the two had collided.

However, her is a ring-headed big knife, and the other party is just holding a small dagger in one hand.

The gap in strength turned out to be so big, and Guang Guang stopped her attack with a dagger

Is this guy really LV5? Even Frini, who is known for his strength, can’t do this to this extent!

Người mua: hieubaocot

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