Ye Fan's live broadcast is not closed.

So while chatting, everyone saw the scene of them landing on Mars.

The earth is entirely composed of reddish-brown soil and gravel. It is empty and vast, with huge rocks only scattered here and there.

Tony Stark: [Familiar recipe!]

Lux Klein: [I really miss it. 】

Catherine Glass: [Such an environment can now only be seen by going to undeveloped areas. 】

Wuhe Shizhi:【Yes!】

Hell's Fubuki: [I can see it often here. 】

Zhang Chulan:【?】

Fubuki from Hell: [I am self-aware of my talent. Although I can grow by taking advantage of opportunities, the speed is too slow. 】

Fubuki from Hell: [So I gave up my identity as a hero, gathered a group of ambitious scientific research experts, and now I am leading people to explore Mars. 】

The technological level of One Punch World is not low, but most of them are applied in the military field.

Fubuki was able to guide it back, which was a good start.

Mi Toma: [Did you buy that one? 】

Hell's Fubuki: [The weirdo still has some value, and I have some skills here that can also be exchanged for points. 】

Mengmeng Belia Debi Road 677g: [I also provide some help here! 】

Fubuki from Hell: [Yes, thanks to Miss Mengmeng, we were able to try to establish diplomatic relations with all the major civilizations in the galaxy. 】

Xiao Yan: [A weak country has no diplomacy... Uh, I almost forgot that you have Saitama. 】

During the chat here, Ye Fan and others continued their exploration.

When walking past the huge boulder that we just climbed up and looked into the distance, someone exclaimed: "There are writings on that boulder."

The group of people walked around to the side of the boulder facing the light source.

You can clearly see two huge ancient characters carved on the stone.

Each ancient character is five or six meters high.

The iron hooks and silver strokes are vigorous and majestic, like two angry dragons circling.

It is much more complicated than today's fonts. It should have been carved in ancient times a long time ago, and I don't know how old it is.

Everyone gathered in front of the stone wall and stared at the two vigorous ancient characters.

Many people frowned, unable to discern the meaning.

"This seems to be Zhong Dingwen, the first word should be anger."

Someone said, "What kind of place have we come to..."

After Ye Fan recognized these two characters, he casually said (cgcb): "It is indeed Zhong Dingwen, these two characters are 'Yinghuo'

He seemed calm, but the meaning of these two words really shocked his heart.

It’s actually Mars!

Originally, he believed most of the situation in the chat group because he drank the magic juice given by Xiao Yichen.

Now with another piece of evidence, he really believed that he was in the plot of a certain novel.

Yingying firelight, separation and confusion.

Countless years ago, ancient people had noticed that Mars was red.

The brightness changes frequently and the Min-Min image disappears.

Moreover, it moves in the sky, sometimes from west to east, sometimes from east to west. The situation is very complicated and confusing.

Therefore, Mars was called Yinghuo in ancient times.

In ancient times, emperors were superstitious and feared this disaster star, believing it to be ominous.

Every time it happens, either the prime minister will be dismissed or the emperor will die.

Future generations will never believe this kind of superstitious legend.

Many people in Ye Fan and his party were stunned and couldn't believe the fact before them.

Half an hour ago I was on the top of Mount Tai, and half an hour later I was standing on the ancient planet Yingzhuo. This is simply a fantasy!

Xiao Yichen: [Actually, it is already slow. The main reason is the delay in starting and landing. 】

Xiao Yichen: [If it were me, I would be able to travel between Earth and Mars with just a thought. 】

Bai Yaksha: [Are you proficient in the power of realm?]

Xiao Yichen: [No, just a simple space application. 】

It is uneven and jagged.

But it is dimmer than the small moon. It is too bright to be called a star, but too dim to be called a moon.

The group of people continued to explore cautiously, and they discovered a collapsed building, which was an ancient pavilion.

In the past, this place should have been a stretch of magnificent palaces, but now it is a desolate scene. .

Ye Fan looked up at the stars and found a vague disk hanging on the horizon. It was half the size of the moon seen on the earth, which was enough to prove that this place was not the earth.

The unfamiliar environment and uncertain factors make people feel chilly.

The broken walls and rubble on the ground seem to be telling an unknown past event.

Under the moonlight, this place looks particularly quiet.

Under the hazy night sky, the stars and moon are not so bright

It was clearly the skull of an adult.

In another direction, there is a bright star the size of a fist, which is much brighter than ordinary stars.

Everyone changed their colors and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

You can only vaguely see an undulating shadow ahead, like piles of rocks connected together.

This is reasonable.

What is surprising is that there is a very regular round hole on its frontal bone, which can be as thick as a finger. It looks like the hole is very smooth around the hole pierced by a sharp weapon.

The two-wheeled moon was hanging in the sky, and everyone who noticed this scene changed their expressions.

Ye Fan and his party continued to explore and soon discovered broken tiles.

After all, they are just ordinary people and cannot adapt to the temperature, climate, air and other environmental conditions of Mars.

The bones are no longer smooth and there are many rough cracks on them.

She was stepped on by that female classmate just now, no wonder she was so frightened.

This turned out to be a ruins, and what was blocking the front was only a small part, and the more massive ruins stretched horizontally into the distance.

A female classmate suddenly let out a scream, which sounded very far under the night sky.

Modern society has never reduced its exploration of space.

When they came closer, everyone was stunned.

If it weren't for the two moons in the sky, I'm afraid everyone would think this is a desert somewhere on the earth.


Anyone with a little knowledge of astronomy should know this.

Not far from the collapsed pavilion, half of a snow-white skull was exposed in the gravel.

This makes people have to wonder whether this is really Mars. After all, the air, temperature, gravity, etc. where they are located are no different from those on Earth.

All the male classmates gathered around, and a big man kicked the skull out of the sand with his feet.

"What are those in front?"

Mars has two moons.

The female classmate's face turned pale, her body kept shaking, and she retreated shivering: "Skull, a human skull!"

If it really landed directly on Mars, they would probably be out of the cold by now.

I don’t know how many years it has been there, but it is almost weathered.

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