In the afternoon, Maori Kogoro visited the families and neighbors of the three suspects and roughly knew the suspects' movements that day, but he was not sure which one set the fire.

So he decided to go to the room where Honda caught fire.

As for Honda, he had already gone back to his bed.

In fact, he didn't know when the company would find him tomorrow. Saying that the deadline was noon was just self-consolation. Maybe he would be killed early in the morning.

Apart from the truth, only his father made him care.

Sorry, Dad. He thought to himself, I don't know if he will be implicated this time.

If he doesn't get the result before going to bed tonight, he will put the evidence in the suicide note.

Most of the classmates who participated in this mission in Identity V were waiting for the little girl to come back near her house because she hadn't finished school yet.

"Little girl, little girl~ Why don't you come back~" The mechanic made up lyrics expressionlessly and hummed,

"It's good to disguise... It's not good to not disguise... For safety, it's better to disguise everything..."

"Stop singing, mechanic, I've tolerated you for a long time." Wang Yue Mo covered his ears in pain.

"Alas, this is boring, waiting for people is really like a year."

"Why don't I learn to disguise myself? The little girl is so young now and has to be responsible for the disguises of so many of us. It's too tiring. I'm willing to bear some of the burden for her." The mechanic's eyes lit up.

"Don't think I don't know that you think this skill is cool, but if you want to learn it, I support you. The little girl is really a bit hard. And this is just the beginning, there are still many tasks that need her later." The novelist said.

Teitan Elementary School,

The school bell rang, and the little girl walked out of the classroom alone.

Behind her, the three little ones of the Junior Detective Team followed her slowly, and Conan and Huihara Ai were at the end of the team.

"Mizuna-san is really cool, even cooler than Haibara." Yoshida Ayumi whispered.

Kojima Genta nodded: "Yes, and she looks cool too."

"She's also very smart. Ever since she came to our class, Conan's number one position has always been threatened." Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko said.

"I really want her to join us. But I've always been embarrassed to tell her, I'm afraid she'll refuse."

"Yes, yes, I don't know if she'll agree if we treat her to eel rice."

"I guess not, not everyone likes eel rice like you, Genta."


"She doesn't look like a child at all, you think so, right?" Haibara Ai suddenly spoke,

"I only thought so at the beginning, because her performance is completely like a high IQ genius, and it's normal for her to be a little cold." Conan replied.

After leaving the school gate, Conan saw the figure of Maori Kogoro with his sharp eyes. He looked like he was investigating a case.

"I saw my uncle, I won't go with you guys later!" Conan said and ran in the direction of Maori Kogoro.

"Ah, Conan ran away again. We were planning to ask him to invite us, but it seems we have to do it another day." Ayumi felt a little regretful, but was soon attracted by new things.

"Kamen Rider has a new series, let's go draw cards! Huihara, are you coming too?"

"No, I'm not interested in drawing cards, you guys go, I have to go back early." Ayumi was prepared for Huihara Ai's answer.

"Okay, then, goodbye Huihara!"


The little girl breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the Junior Detective Team was gone. She was really afraid that she would be involved in a kidnapping or murder case by accident, so she declined these requests.

Conan rushed to Maori Kogoro in a few minutes:

"Hey, uncle, what are you investigating? Is there another case?"

"Don't bother me, I'm thinking now." Maori Kogoro held a piece of paper and a pen in his hand, on which were written all the clues he had investigated today. Because he was standing next to the stairs, Conan went up a few steps and looked at the contents of the paper.

'Morimoto case: low suspicion, he was spending time with his wife that night (wife and son testified)

Nakajima Kaze: low suspicion, he was drinking with Honda Yamaki when the fire broke out

Ishida Muraki: low suspicion, he was on a business trip in the United States during that time.

Preliminary conclusion: It was not done by the above people → accidental fire or the above people hired someone to do it.

Room: Fire caused by gas tank explosion, no strange footprints, windows intact, no signs of prying the door. ’

“Oh, uncle, are you investigating the 100 million fire case a few years ago?” Conan remembered that he had read related reports at the time. Because of a fire, a debt of 100 million was borne, and many people talked about it at the time.

“How do you know?”

“I saw it by accident when I was reading the newspaper before. So it is said that the fireIs it a problem? That's why uncle wants to investigate. "Conan persuaded.

Mouri Kogoro didn't think much about it. Maybe because he didn't get much, he complained to Conan directly:

"Honda Yamagi, who owes 100 million in debt because of that case, entrusted me to investigate the truth today. He thinks the fire was man-made. He also listed three suspects for me, but it's been so long since the incident happened, it's hard to investigate at all, but... Oh, forget it, let's continue investigating."

Mouri Kogoro stopped talking in time. It's better not to tell Conan about that kind of thing.

"What's the matter? "Conan keenly sensed that there was some important information, but Maori Kogoro still shook his head and said it was nothing, then took out the key and entered the fire scene of that year again.

Conan saw that he didn't say anything, so he followed him angrily.

There was a lot of dust in the room, and there was no sign of anyone else entering except a few footprints from Maori Kogoro at the door.

The two stood near the door and carefully observed everything in the room.

No object was intact, and they were all burned very thoroughly.

But there was one thing that made Conan feel strange. Logically, a fire that could reach this level should not only burn one room, but also the surrounding rooms.

Also, when a fire occurs, especially in a busy city, firefighters will arrive quickly.

And this is the second floor, and it is not difficult to extinguish the fire. It is not necessary to let everything in the room burn like this before the fire is extinguished.

There must be something wrong.

Is it an accelerant?

"Uncle, if someone really set the fire, what do you think the murderer's purpose is? ”

“Why else? Either for money or because of jealousy.”

Money? Jealousy?

Conan recalled the report he had seen at the time. It seemed that Honda Yamatake was in debt of 100 million overnight because a certain program was burned. It was said that he had just completed the program not long ago and was celebrating with friends that night... So the murderer was either the person who asked for 100 million, or he was jealous that person could do such a big project.

Wait, Edogawa Conan suddenly noticed a problem. The fire occurred in the office room:

“Ah, why is the gas tank placed in this room? Shouldn’t it be placed in the kitchen?”

How did the police ignore such a big problem at the time?

“Huh?” Maori Kogoro fell into deep thought, and after a moment: “Yes! I didn’t notice such an obvious problem, so someone must have moved it here and disguised it as a fire caused by a gas tank explosion.”

After saying that, Maori Kogoro thought of another question:

“But how did the murderer detonate the gas tank? Isn’t he afraid of being blown up? "

"It should be a timer." Conan found some strange scratches and wear on the valve when he checked the wreckage of the gas tank. In addition, there was a metal part in the corner of the window.

"Hey! Why are you walking around in there? ! ! What if you destroy the scene? You little devil." Maori Kogoro cursed, then stepped forward and punched Conan on the head, and a big bump bulged up in an instant.

"Ah-it hurts." Conan covered his head.

Although he was beaten, his mind was still flexible. He thought of another clue: the murderer did not break in through the window, nor did he pry the door, which means that the murderer has the key to this room, or knows how to make a key. If you think along this line...

For the time being, I can't think of the murderer. I have to learn more about the relationship between the suspects and Honda and other information.

"Uncle, do you know where Mr. Honda is now? I suddenly had a guess that the perpetrator might have the key to this room, otherwise he could only break the window or pry the door, but the window was still locked and the door had not been pried. "

Mouri Kogoro reacted immediately: "Oh - I know, next I just need to ask Honda Yamaki if he gave the key to others, maybe the case will be solved! You have a good brain, you can think of this, it turns out that playing more can make you smarter!"

What? Obviously I am smart! Conan was slightly dissatisfied, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going to find Honda Yamaki, you don't follow me." Mouri Kogoro said, and then he was about to lock the door and leave.

How could Conan listen to him, and hurriedly said: "No, no - I want to go too - solving cases is really cool!" The last sentence was added in because of the recent suspicion of identity.

"No! "Mouri Kogoro was tough.

What's going on? There must be something hidden in this. Uncle is not right today.

In the past, Mouri Kogoro was only serious occasionally, but today he was occasionally stupid... Honda Yamagui, is it because of you?

If he can't make a scene, then he will secretly follow him. No matter what, he must find out.The truth.

Maori Kogoro went downstairs, and Conan also went downstairs, and then Maori pointed in the direction of the office and said:

"Now, immediately, go home."

"Okay--" Conan stretched out his tone, and then stuck a locator on Maori Kogoro before leaving.

Kitagawa Anshu, who was drinking coffee not far away, witnessed the whole process: It's my turn.

He paid the bill and walked out of the coffee shop, controlling his speed, and then after crossing the road, he happened to meet Edogawa Conan who used glasses to locate Maori Kogoro.

"Conan? What a coincidence, we meet again, have you encountered any case again?" Kitagawa Anshu envied Conan's case physique. If he had it, he wouldn't have been so slow with the golden finger.

"Ah, Brother Beichuan. I'm investigating the 100 million fire case five years ago." Conan thought that the other party was also a detective, and he was also very powerful, so he didn't hide it from him.

Kitagawa Anshu pretended to recall, and then said: "I remember this case. I felt that something was fishy at the beginning, and wanted to investigate it, but I couldn't find the owner of the house, so I had to give up halfway."

Conan's eyes lit up: "So what did you find out at the beginning?"

"I went to the room where the fire broke out and observed that the windows were not broken and the door had not been pried open, so I guessed that the perpetrator was an acquaintance of the owner of the house, either with the key or knowing someone who could make a key."

"I checked several acquaintances of the owner of the house, and in the end only the man named Nakajima Feng met the conditions. His father made the key."

"The above speculations are all based on the fact that there is a perpetrator."

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