As for the second person, Honda Yamaki,

Honda Yamaki has insomnia again. Maori Kogoro has found out that the fire was indeed man-made and told him the result of his speculation.

Honda Yamaki can't explain what he thinks. He feels that his heart is very complicated. How could he not know that the other party's father was a key maker when he had such a good relationship with Nakajima Fuu?

He has determined that Nakajima Fuu is the culprit, and he doesn't know how Maori detective is investigating now.

He is thinking about Maori Kogoro who is investigating, but he has no evidence.

[Good Lawyer (Lawyer): Gin's location [Positioning]

Novel Creator (Novelist): It's the second one, the puppeteer and I will deal with Gin now.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): I will continue to monitor the target.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Since the target has been determined, I will come to support!

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): I have collected the evidence of the first Honda Yamaki's crime, and will pass it to the cheerleaders later. I will come to support now.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Antique Dealer, why don't you come?

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): The third Honda Sanki is going to kill someone, I'll go with him to see if I can send this scumbag to prison.


On the top of the building, Gin and Chianti both reached the roof. Gin used a telescope to observe Honda Sanki's movements. Seeing him curled up in the quilt, he sneered:

"Vodka, call him later. If he doesn't come out, Chianti will shoot immediately."

Chianti replied while assembling a sniper rifle: "Understood."

Vodka on the other side of the headset also gave a positive reply. He is now sitting in a Porsche, not far from the target's home.

The mercenary looked at the car nervously, and then looked at whether Honda Sanki had been attacked.

Fifteen minutes later, Chianti said he was ready.

At this time, the door to the rooftop was opened.

Gin's hand was on the Beretta. As long as the person showed his head, he could shoot him away with one shot.

Chianti was also attracted, and she looked towards the door vigilantly.

"Vodka, call immediately, and if he doesn't come out within half an hour, you should take action." Gin gave the order, and then dealt with the enemy that was about to appear with all his heart.

No one usually comes to this rooftop, and the people who come are most likely coming for them.

Who could it be? Public Security? FBI? Or that unknown group.

Gin's face was gloomy. The organization had another mission problem. Was it the undercover provoking?

A puppet walked out from behind the door, and then was pierced with three holes in an instant, but it did not fall down, but rushed towards Gin quickly.

Five shots, seven shots, except for slowing down its movements a little, there was no effect. The distance was getting closer and closer, and Gin punched it, and the puppet fell to the ground instantly.

Puppet Master: I think you have been practicing fighting well during this period, why can't you survive a single move? Last time, Cook was able to fight back and forth. Is Cook too weak or Gin too strong?

Gin was ready for a tough fight, thinking that he would see the strength of this unknown group, but this situation made him silent.

"Is this the puppet that Cook was talking about? It's just so-so, I thought it was so strong." Chianti taunted, and then came to take a closer look at the structure of the puppet.

She was curious about how this puppet could do this. Although she didn't understand, she felt it was amazing.

Humiliation, naked humiliation, the puppeteer said she wanted to fight with Chianti!

Then more than a dozen puppets came out from behind the door and went straight to Gin.

It was the first time for the puppeteer to fight from multiple perspectives, and she was a little unaccustomed to it, so they all fell to the ground within a minute, but it was not over yet. As long as she didn't lose her arms and legs, she could continue to fight.

So she controlled the puppets to besiege Gin and Chianti.

Fifteen against Gin, three against Chianti.

Gin crushed the puppets, and Chianti gradually became powerless.

A puppet secretly withdrew from the battlefield and took Chianti's sniper rifle away.

The novelist hiding behind the door saw that the time was almost right, so he rushed out to join the battlefield.

Gin saw the novelist at the first moment, and then his face turned red the next second, because he felt that this woman was challenging his aesthetic bottom line.

He didn't know that the novelist did it on purpose.

Last night, when the little girl was disguising her, Mochizuki suddenly had an idea and asked her to make herself as ugly as possible, preferably so that she would feel disgusted at a glance. So a brilliant masterpiece was born after two and a half hours of hard work.

What kind of face is this? The face full of pits and acne marks is just the basics, the three big black moles are a blessing, the pockmarks that drive people with trypophobia crazy are advanced, and the pus-filled bags are the ultimate killer.

According to the timeThe students present at the time said that they had lost their appetite for at least three days after seeing this face.

For the sake of kissing her classmates, she even wore a mask on purpose, and only took it off just now.

Mochizuki felt that this face was disguised very successfully. Didn't you see that Gin didn't hit her head? Why? He was afraid of hitting that disgusting face.

Gin held back his inner nausea and punched the novelist harder and harder, but the novelist was not a vegetarian either. She could always flexibly avoid the attack and then fight back.

She was very strong, but she was not afraid of the strong.

The two were getting faster and faster, and the puppets on the side couldn't even intervene, so they all went to besiege Chianti.

Chianti was quickly pinned to the ground and couldn't move.

Gin knew that he couldn't delay any longer. If the other party had help, it would be no good for them to stay, so he pretended to reveal a flaw.

The novelist, who didn't have much practical experience, really took the bait, and then had no time to dodge Gin's next move, so he could only step back a few steps to reduce the impact.

Gin took this opportunity to take out a gun and shot the novelist twice, but the expected scene did not appear.

A bird flew in front of the novelist from some point in time and blocked the two shots for her.

[Novel creator (novelist): Prophet, thank you for your bird.

Zoo director (prophet): You're welcome. I'm glad I can help you. ]

Gin didn't think about the scientificity of a bird being able to resist two shots for the time being. He kicked the wood away and then said to Chianti:


How could the novelist give up this opportunity? He immediately went forward and fought with Gin again.

Then Chianti was entangled again.

However, Gin's fighting skills were originally good, and they were learned from actual combat. The novelist, who was a half-way fusion template, was increasingly at a disadvantage.

On another high-rise building, Cohen finally set up a sniper rifle. Through the scope, he saw the situation on Gin's side.

Gin probably also estimated that Cohen was ready, so he ordered:

"Cohen, support me immediately."

[Novel Creator (Novelist): How long will it take for the support to arrive? Cohen is also going to play!

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Five seconds left! ]

Cohen replied that he received it, and then chose a target:

It is too difficult to hit that woman, and it is easy to accidentally hurt Gin. The puppets are okay, there are many of them, and it is easy to hit them.

Just as he was about to shoot, a robot came out from behind the door over there, and Cohen subconsciously aimed at it and shot it.

The mechanic, who was a little excited about using the robot for the first time: Damn! He died before he was born.

Hearing the gunshot, the novelist's heart skipped a beat.

[I Love Invention (Mechanic): Sorry! My robot was hit in a key part and can't move.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Oh no

Senior Pianist (Composer): It's okay, I'm done with my work, I'll speed you up.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Thank you! [Sound of shock]

With the blessing of speed, Mochizuki's weakness is much smaller, and the two return to the initial tie state.

Cohen fired a few more shots, and only one puppet fell to the ground.

[Puppet maker (puppet maker): Forget it, I won't stay here any longer, let's not be greedy, it's not bad to catch a Chianti, I will retreat with Chianti first, you also find a chance to retreat.

Novel creator (novelist): No problem.

I love invention (mechanic): Puppet maker, remember to take my robot with you!

Puppet maker (puppet maker): Leave it to me.

Prophet (priest): I made a hole behind the door of the rooftop, novelist, you leave from there.

Novel creator (novelist): Love you (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)]

Gin now wants to tear the novelist into pieces. Her speed has increased. Is it hiding her strength? Or is it stimulants? But it doesn't matter anymore, Chianti is being held hostage by the puppet and is leaving.

Gin was tightly entangled by the novelist and could only watch this scene happen.

He gritted his teeth: It's been a long time since I met such a strong opponent, and she's a woman, I pray that I don't lose.

Otherwise, she will definitely die miserably.

Cohen was also upset, he couldn't help much now.

On the other side, Vodka called immediately after receiving Gin's order, but Honda Yamaki didn't answer. Half an hour later, he was going to kill Honda Yamaki at his door.

When he was about to arrive at the apartment, a person blocked him.

Vodka thought it was a coincidence, so he stepped aside and passed by, but was blocked again.

The man in front of him was dressed in black and looked ordinary. He looked at Vodka with a bad face:

"If you want to pass by here, leave money for passage."

It was the first time for Vodka to encounter such a situation. He felt a little uncomfortable, but in order not to attract attention and delay the mission, he could only ask:

"How much money?"

"10 billion. "The mercenary said with a grin, "Very cheap, isn't it? If you don't have money, you can pay with your body."

Seeing that he was deliberately not allowed to leave, Vodka glanced around and saw that there was no one around, so he took out his gun.

Of course, the mercenary would not let him take out the gun, and stretched out his right hand to hold Vodka's hand tightly,

"Don't get excited, relax, I won't make things difficult for you. "

Vodka couldn't stand what he said, so he started fighting with him.

Both of them were big, but the mercenary was slightly stronger in strength and speed, so it didn't take long for Vodka to be pinned to the ground.

The mercenary was excited to catch Vodka, but a gunshot was heard and a bird cried.

Gin, who was escaped by the novelist, came to the Porsche and drove to the vicinity of the apartment. As a result, he saw Vodka pinned to the ground. He opened the window and shot at the mercenary, and the result was:

Another bird!

[Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Frog Fun, Prophet, you are too awesome. You actually gave me a bird in advance.

Zoo Director (Prophet): The novelists have all retreated. I guess Gin is going to find Vodka, and you probably fought with Vodka, so I'm giving you a bird to save your life.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Wait! What should I do now? ! ! !

Prophet (Priest): Run! 】

The mercenary ran away, and Gin fired again, but was blocked by the bird again.

The bird was still flying.

Gin didn't know that a bird could only block three attacks, and he thought it was useless to continue attacking like this, so he gave up shooting.

Vodka trotted over:

"Brother, what should we do next?"

"Get in the car."

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