"The number you dialed cannot be connected temporarily, please call again later..."

"What's going on? Why can't I dial it?" Maori Kogoro muttered strangely, with a bad feeling in his heart.

Conan, who had just called the police, asked:

"Hey, uncle, are you talking to Mr. Honda on the phone?"

"Yes, I don't know why I can't dial it, it's strange... No, I have to go and see."

Maori Kogoro was about to go to Honda Yamato's house, and Conan hurriedly followed.

Kitagawa Anshu was afraid that he would accidentally reveal something in front of Conan, so he said that he would stay and wait for the police.

Maori Kogoro and Conan saw the billowing smoke rising from the sky before they arrived at the apartment where Honda currently lived.

"Oh no..." Maori Kogoro accelerated the speed of the car and almost reached the door of the apartment at the maximum speed required by law.

As expected, the room where Honda lived was on fire.

Firefighters have arrived and are extinguishing the fire in an orderly manner.

Conan was briefly confused: Why did the fire start? Was it an accident or something else?

He was about to rush into the fire scene to see, but was grabbed by the collar by the firefighter:

"Children, don't run around, it's dangerous."

Mouri Kogoro sighed deeply. If he had been faster, he might have avoided this tragedy...

The person is gone, and the evidence is probably gone too. The criminals behind Honda Yamatake will continue to be at large.

Officer Megure, who had just sent Nakajima Feng to prison, received news of Honda Yamatake's disappearance. He had no choice but to drag his tired body to continue to lead the team to investigate.

On the Black Organization side, Gin reported the mission process to the organization boss truthfully. This time, not only did the mission fail, but also lost a code member. He inevitably went to the interrogation room.

The Black Organization felt deeply disgusted with the unknown group because the organization lost two code members in less than two weeks and both missions ended in failure.

"This is not a simple group. After investigation, it is not a Yakuza organization. This is an organization that is completely unknown to us. They are our enemies."

"Let's call that organization Anonymous for now."

"It is known that although Anonymous' puppets are relatively lacking in strength and fighting, they are flexible enough and will not fall to the ground due to ordinary injuries. There seems to be a large number of them."

"Although the robot was knocked down by Cohen as soon as it appeared, I have a hunch that this is not a simple robot. We must treat it with caution."

"And the bird can actually be trained to resist bullets. Anonymous is taming it. He has a great accomplishment in animals. "

"We have not been able to find the whereabouts of Honda Yamaki, which does not mean that his hiding skills are superb. Most likely, Anonymous also has people who are good at the Internet who modified the surveillance."

"And the man who faced Gin, although he looks ugly, has strong fighting ability and can be comparable to Gin."


"To sum up, Anonymous is an organization that has made great achievements in science and technology, biological research, etc. They have a bad attitude towards us, which is not good news."

Amuro Toru recalled everything discussed when organizing the rally this afternoon with mixed feelings.

Although Anonymous is an enemy of the Black Organization and has helped to transmit messages to the public security, Amuro Toru cannot relax his vigilance. He does not know whether Anonymous has done anything illegal, nor does he know what Anonymous's purpose is.

He is troubled by this. Another organization has appeared in his lover's country.

I don't know the whereabouts of Chianti, Boss and Honda Yamaki. Are they hidden by Anonymous?

[Puppet Maker (Puppet Master): Dear classmates, have you forgotten that Chianti is still with me? What should we do with her?

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): I'm sorry! I failed the organization's trust in me. Those patients have problems again, so I didn't refresh the pocket watch and can't hypnotize her.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): What should I do? Should I send her to the Public Security Bureau?

Prophet (Priest): No, there are organized undercovers in the senior public security bureau. If she is sent there, she will either be rescued or shot. This is too easy for her. Since she has committed so many crimes, it is better to let her experience the feeling of being in prison in the end.

Wait until we sort out the list of undercovers sent by the Black Organization in various institutions and complete the final mission, and then send her to the Public Security Bureau.

Novel Creator (Novelist): That makes sense. What should we do before that?

Prophet (Priest): Let her feel the feeling of being in prison in advance. This is what we will do when we catch members of the organization in the future.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Good idea! It just so happens that I just bought a villa not long ago, and there is no one around, so we can dig a big prison under the villa.

Novel creator (novelist): Great, I can't wait to see the wines in jail! I look forward to putting Gin in our jail too.

Puppet maker (puppet master): Then I'll put Chianti in the basement before you build the jail. 】

It's called a basement, but it's different from the usual cold appearance. The puppet master decorated it very warmly, and even the lights are warm.

Chianti sat on the khaki sofa, scratching her head impatiently. There was a circle of puppets around her. No matter where she went, the puppets followed her, which was very creepy.

She tried to leave here, but the only iron door leading to the outside world was locked, and she couldn't open it at all.

She only stayed here for an afternoon, but she felt like a month had passed.

"Chianti, your meal." The puppet master pushed the plate of food into the gap under the door. The gap was about half a palm high, which was more than enough to put some small things in.

"Who are you? Who are you? Why are you arresting me?" Chianti hurried to the door and slammed it hard: "Let me out!!!"

"Do you think I'm a fool? Why should I let you out? Don't worry, you can leave here in less than a month, because your cell is being built."

"Are you a policeman? No, the police won't lock me up here. Who are you?"

"I won't tell you~"

"Ah ... "Dad, why did you come back so late? You didn't answer the phone. Do you know I'm worried about you?"

Ran Maori complained, then picked up the document on the table and said, "I don't know who sent this. I saw it on the table when I came back. It was not here this morning. It was here when Sonoko and I came back from shopping."

Kogoro Maori thought of something and quickly took the document and opened it to read it.

"Hahahahaha - he is still alive, I was shocked. Now I have evidence."

"What evidence?" Ran Maori and Conan asked at the same time.

"Ah, ahem, nothing, you don't need to know." Kogoro Maori put the photo back into the file bag and returned to the room.

Mao Lilan didn't think much about it, just thought it was his work. Conan thought more. Today, the Honda Shangui who was investigated disappeared in the room where the fire broke out. There was a big hole on the ground. The police went to another hole to investigate, but no surveillance camera captured the other party. At the same time, residual smoke was found in the tunnel not far from Honda's room. The police speculated that Honda was probably taken away by someone.

However, what secrets does Honda have? Why is the uncle's reaction so strange? He doesn't seem to be surprised by Honda's disappearance. What are the photos in the file bag?

It seems that I have to find a chance to look at the file bag.

At night, Mao Li Kogoro's snoring sounded. Conan walked carefully to the place where the file bag might be placed, and quietly opened the cabinet. Sure enough, the uncle put it here.

With the moonlight, Conan took out the photos inside. Just when he was about to see the content on it, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "What are you doing?"

Mouri Kogoro's snoring stopped at some point, and he was standing behind him at this time:

"Why are you looking at this?"

Conan was frightened and a sweat broke out on his forehead:

"Uncle...Uncle, I'm just curious about what's inside. I can't sleep because of curiosity, so I came to take a look."

"Oh." Maori Kogoro took the file away, "This thing is not suitable for you to see, you should go to bed quickly and be less curious."

Conan nodded: "I know, uncle."

Then, he stayed awake all night because he was really curious and couldn't sleep.

In addition to Conan, Honda Yamatake couldn't sleep either. He felt that he had lived an unusual week, just like the protagonist: after a major setback (owing 100 million), he was fooled by the villain, and then his life was in danger. At this moment, the opportunity came...

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, so he simply sat up and wrote down everything he knew about the program that the company asked them to develop.

Don't worry, I will definitely shine in the future!

The next day, Maori Kogoro got dressed and carefully guarded the documents to the police station.

[DogheadDetective (cowboy): Maori Kogoro has already gone to the police station. Comrades, are you ready? This time we will try to wipe out that programming company in one fell swoop and officially tell the Black Organization that we, the fifth personality, are here!

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): We are ready. Honda Yamaki is very conscious and has summarized a lot of important information. This operation will definitely win.

Black Organization Bartender (bartender): I heard some members of the organization call us anonymous last night. I don’t know what image we have in their eyes.

I Love Invention (mechanic): Anyway, my image must not be very good. It’s so uncomfortable.

Crispy hacker (cheerleader): It’s okay, the image can be reversed.

Novel creator (novelist): So this time our organization will officially show up? Great! [The second-year soul is burning]

Prophet (priest): We are just doing things in secret... But it’s okay to show up, but only the name of our organization, anonymous is a bit unpleasant. 】

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