The police took the murderer away, and Maori Kogoro and his men were ready to leave. After all, someone had just died, and it would be impolite to eat more.

The boss sighed, then came to Miura Kagemitsu and said hesitantly: "Miura, I think this may be God telling me not to open it anymore. I am very grateful to have you here these days, but now I still..."

Miura Kagemitsu understood what the boss meant. He wanted to persuade him, but when he thought that the boss had paid so much recently but got nothing in return, he gave up: "I know."

"Boss, you are not going to open it now?" Maori Kogoro stopped when he heard their conversation, his eyes full of reluctance, "I haven't eaten enough yet."

"Yes, in fact, I didn't want to continue working as early as when the chefs were poached. I persisted because I was unwilling, but so many days have passed, and none of my old customers have come, and now there is a murder case."

"Well, let's just leave it at that. Miura, I will pay you your salary on a monthly basis, and you don't have to refuse. This money is nothing to me."

Miura Kagemitsu opened his mouth and finally said thank you.

Maori Kogoro didn't know what he was thinking about, and suddenly patted Miura Kagemitsu's shoulders enthusiastically: "Miura, would you consider working at Iroha Sushi? It's not far from here, just next to Maori Detective Agency, and one of my apprentices also works there. It just so happens that the store is short of people now. With your cooking skills, you can definitely apply for the job."

"Thank you for your kindness, I'll consider it."

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): Miura Kagemitsu met with Amuro Toru. Amuro Toru seemed to be a little suspicious of Miura, and found an excuse to contact Miura later.

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): I thought about this day, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. The hypnotic effect of the first mate is related to the mental strength of the hypnotized object. As an undercover agent before, Miura's mental strength is probably beyond words, and I don't know if he can last for half a month.

Spiritual Counselor (First Mate): No matter how strong the mental strength is, there is always half a month. At most, I will go for hypnosis every half a month.

Prophet (Priest): We will need your hypnosis many times in the future. It is not easy to refresh your gold finger. If you use it all on this, will it be a bit of a waste?

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): I have thought about this problem, but if we don't hypnotize him, how can he listen to us and help us complete the task?

Prophet (Priest): We used to think so, so we discussed and decided to hypnotize, but now, with the precedent of Sawada Yu, I have a new idea:

Use hypnosis once every time you revive a person, and then we don't care whether they recover or not, whether they want to stay or leave.

The purpose of using hypnosis is to let them integrate into us first and know that the goal of our organization is good, so that they will have a certain chance to choose to stay after they recover, instead of trying to leave as soon as they are resurrected. In addition, hypnosis first can make them forget the scene of their resurrection.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): It makes sense, but what if the people who stay leak the information of our organization? People like Miura Keimitsu will definitely not hide it from Amuro Toru.

Prophet (Priest): No one knows our real secret except us. As for the others, if they are leaked, it is not important. It is more beneficial for us if they choose to stay undercover.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Indeed, as an undercover, we will definitely work harder on the mission.

Prophet (Priest): We don’t have to always look ahead and behind. We should be prepared for failure. We can’t fail because the red team will defeat the black team.

Biology Graduate (Embarker): +1. Our original purpose is to revive the unfortunate. Even if they don’t do the mission for us, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the skills are useless. Besides, the unfortunate are basically from the red team. They may play an unexpected role in places we can’t see.

Gravekeeper (Gravekeeper): Wait! Have you forgotten something? Those people were dead and now they are alive. If some people with bad intentions know about it, what if they want to catch us?

Prophet (Priest): Then pretend that they are not dead.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Maori Kogoro suggested that Miura Keimitsu work at Iroha Sushi Restaurant.

Novel Creator (Novelist): Is it the sushi restaurant I was thinking of?

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): That's right.

I Love Inventions (Mechanic): I have a bold idea! How about we knock him out with a club and take him away?

…】After watching everyone leave, Miura Keimitsu also began to pack his things. At this time, a text message came:

Mechanic: Approach Wakita Kensuke in Iroha Sushi Restaurant, find out his movements, and remember to be careful.

Miura Keimitsu: Got it.

Hayashihara Mori Psychological Treatment Center,

This is a small but warm clinic. Most of the patients in it are introduced. Because of Hayashihara Mori's gentleness and patience, many people have embraced life again since its opening.

Hayashihara Mori stopped counseling and his eyes stayed on the people waiting outside. He felt sad and happy.

There are also many people today. I am so tired, but the gold finger is waiting to be refreshed, so I can't slack off!

He counted the number of pocket watches stored in the system space again with his mind. There were four pieces. The smile in his eyes deepened, and he worked harder to counsel the patients in front of him.

The accident happened at this time. A young girl fell from the upstairs and landed at the door of the clinic.

Lin Yuansen's smile froze, and then he rushed out immediately and pulled the curtain to prevent the patients from being scared: "Help call the police!" He said to everyone, and then someone who reacted immediately called the police.

[Spiritual counselor (first officer): @dog-headed detective (cowboy) where are you? !!! Come to my side, someone is dead here! Woo woo woo, so scary, come and see if it's homicide. [Location]

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): We are not far away now, don't worry, I will take a taxi and come here in less than five minutes.

Spiritual counselor (first officer): OK, I'll wait for you. ]

Ur ur ur, the police are here, and the people who come are Officer Megure and his team. The police skillfully set up the cordon, and Officers Sato and Takagi asked for information about the people present.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hayashihara, do you know the deceased?" After hearing what Takagi Wataru said, Hayashihara Sen looked at the deceased's face carefully. Although it was a little bloody, he still recognized it: this was one of his former patients, and she refreshed a pocket watch for him two days ago.

"I know her. She came to me to adjust her mood before." Hayashihara Sen's voice was difficult, "I didn't expect her to die so soon... No, I remember that she had regained hope in life and shouldn't commit suicide. This may be homicide. You must find out!"

"Mr. Hayashihara, don't worry, we will find out!" Takagi Wataru promised.

Inspector Megure was looking for a plague god in the crowd, but this time he was not there.

"Inspector Megure, we meet again." Kitagawa Anshu got off the car and greeted Megure Jusan.

"It's you, why are you here?"

"The case is calling the detective." Kitagawa Anshu was calm, and Inspector Megure showed a half-moon eye.

"Well, actually I just happened to pass by here, and I got off the bus early when I saw you guys. Can I participate in the investigation?"

Inspector Megure nodded. It was completely possible for him to have a detective participate in the investigation.

After inspecting the scene, this case was not complicated. It was just a simple suicide. Judging from the performance of the deceased's parents who came late, it was not difficult to guess why the girl did this.

Lin Yuansen was a little bit unbelievable, but Kitagawa Anshu's expression did not seem to be joking.

[Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): I thought she was really well, even the system judged that my counseling was successful.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): She did get better after your mediation, but after returning home, facing her parents who were the same as before, maybe she was helpless or something else that made her emotions collapse again.

Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. I am a little sad o(╥﹏╥)o

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): There are still many people waiting for your help, don't fall down first.

Spiritual counselor (first mate): I know, I will just pay a small tribute to her. 】

The case is over, most people leave, some stay to clean up the scene, Lin Yuansen closes the clinic and prepares to suspend business for one day. Fortunately, the patients said they would come again tomorrow and would not choose not to come because of this incident.

Lin Yuansen and Beichuan Xingshu are going to go to the amusement park together to have some excitement. After all, they are still young men of 17 or 18 years old, and it is good to vent excitement.

On the other side, the antique exhibition hall,

The antique dealer is going to recruit people to help look after this place. After her collection, the number of antiques here is enough to develop. She will concentrate on finding antiques in the future and don't have to worry about this place anymore.

As for why she opened this exhibition hall, it is completely because this identity comes with it, and it will enhance her skills after development.

After posting the recruitment information, before leaving, a man called her:

"Hello, can I apply for this job?"

The antique dealer turned around, and after seeing who the other party was, he opened his legs and wanted to run, but in order to faceShe still pretended to be calm:

"You are so brave that you dare to return to Japan. Aren't you afraid of being hunted down by the organization?"

Although the man's hair color, hairstyle, and outfit are very different from before, and even his face has been dressed up, you can't tell that he is the undercover Boss without looking carefully.

But who is the antique dealer? She is a "master of appraisal" and can recognize him just by some details.

"It seems that my disguise is not enough." Boss shrugged, "My name is Nakama Alou now. Can I come to apply for the job?"

Good guy, he is so ambitious.

The antique dealer suddenly recalled some of the more offensive questions he asked on the cruise ship that day, and then his heart was in turmoil. If he had known this would happen, he would not have cared about fun at the beginning.

Now, she always feels that if she doesn't agree, she will be like a heartless man. Forget it, as long as I am not embarrassed, he will be embarrassed!

Perhaps because she hadn't spoken for such a long time, Nakama Alou unbuttoned a button on his neck, revealing a section of his collarbone, then approached the antique dealer and said something. The antique dealer swallowed and nodded: "You can prepare to start work now."

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