Because they were worried that the bombs would be discovered before takeoff, most of the bombs were hidden in places where few people passed by or where the inspection was not very thorough.

After stacking the 20th bomb, the forward's desire to complain reached its peak. God knows what he didn't like to complain about:

What the hell, with so many bombs, none of the inspectors could find them, right? This is too outrageous, especially since there are a few that can be found by just looking up carefully, but everyone seems to be blind. Including him.

This is really amazing. Before the co-pilot told him the location, the forward passed by the bomb several times and didn't find it, but now he can see it at a glance. Isn't this really some kind of limited-time invisibility?

(Note: The following content is all fabricated and very unscientific)

After bringing all the bombs to the cockpit with Kudo, the captain also lowered the plane's altitude according to what Kudo Shinichi said:

"We are only about one thousand meters from the sea surface now. We can't descend any further, otherwise it will be dangerous."

"Okay, I know. You guys tie yourself to your seats first, so as not to fly out later. We will take these two out first." Kudo Shinichi dragged a robber out after he finished speaking, and the forward did the same. He probably knew what Kudo was thinking.

After closing the door tightly, the two of them tacitly tied one end of the rope around their waists and tied the other end under the seat. Seeing that everyone was ready, Kudo Shinichi said:

"I'm going to open the window."

Everyone nodded, and then Kudo Shinichi pulled the hidden emergency device and pushed the window hard. It didn't move, and the forward stepped forward to help push together. Finally, the side window was pushed open violently.

Strong winds blew into the cockpit instantly. Even though the captain tried hard to control it, the plane still shook violently, some things were blown out, and Kudo Shinichi and the striker also flew up.

With their feet against the top of the side window, the two cooperated to move the bombs that were not blown out.

After getting their belongings back, the passengers sat in their seats with peace of mind. The sudden shaking made everyone panic.

"What happened? Will the plane break down?"

"What should I do? I don't want to die yet..."

The robbers who were tied and sitting on the ground rolled around uncontrollably, with a thousand regrets in their hearts.

"Bang——" Something seemed to explode outside.

It was a bomb that hit the wing of the plane and exploded.

The plane was shaking more violently, and there was even a sign that it was about to rush into the sea, but after descending a distance, the plane still rose.

Many passengers couldn't help crying.

In the cockpit, the side windows were closed, and Kudo Shinichi anxiously asked the captain:

"How is the plane?"

The captain looked pale: "Most functions are fine, but the ailerons are damaged, and it is difficult to adjust the direction."

"Can it land normally?"


"Have you contacted the tower?"

"Uh, not yet." The series of events that just happened were so thrilling that the captain didn't think about it for a while.

He took down the communication equipment:

"Tower, this is Boeing 747 flight. The plane has had an accident. The aileron is damaged and it is difficult to turn the direction."

The tower did not expect so many accidents to happen on this flight. It was a robbery, and now the plane was damaged. The situation was urgent. The staff on duty immediately responded: "Flight 747, stay calm. Please report the current status of the aircraft in detail, including the flight altitude, speed, remaining fuel, and the crew and passengers."

The captain replied calmly: "The flight altitude is 3,500 feet, the speed is 800 kilometers per hour, and the remaining fuel can support the flight for about eight hours. The crew is fine and the passengers are temporarily stable."

When the tower heard 3,500 feet, the first reaction was that he might have reported it wrong, but thinking that the plane had an accident, it was still possible to descend to this altitude. So, the tower commander quickly discussed the response plan and said:

"Flight 747, we suggest you adjust the appropriate altitude according to the sea conditions, adjust the engine thrust, and try to maintain the current flight direction. We will plan the nearest airport suitable for landing for you and guide you to land safely."

The captain responded: "Understood, tower, follow the instructions."

About twenty minutes later, the captain received a call from the tower:

"Flight 747, we estimate that you will arrive at Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport in Guam in half an hour. We have contacted the personnel there and you can land."


The captain gave Kudo Shinichi an OK, and the co-pilot also breathed a sigh of relief, leaning weakly on the back of the chair. The forward left first when he saw nothing was wrong, and Kudo Shinichi chose to stay.

Only when he entered the cabin did he realize that it was so chaotic here, and most people were crying in despair,Some of them were still cursing, while a few of them were sitting quietly in their seats, not knowing what they were thinking.

The forward stepped over the staggering robbers and returned to his seat to close his eyes and rest. Although he looked so calm on the surface, he was extremely panicked.

[Sports student (forward): The plane will soon land in Guam, it should be safe.

I love invention (mechanic): I hope so, Amitabha, good and good.

Insect recorder (entomologist): I will not go out easily in the future.

American homeless man (night watchman): Congratulations, the problem has finally been solved. I will treat you to food to celebrate! They are all high-end goods.

Prophet (priest): Where did you get the high-end goods?

American homeless man (night watchman): I picked them up from the trash cans near the mansion. Let me tell you, the trash cans here are all fragrant and very clean, and most of the things inside are also very valuable...

I love invention (mechanic): Don't talk about this, thank you! 】

Twenty minutes later, Kudo Shinichi had already seen the airport, but,

"Captain, I'm afraid we can't accurately aim at the runway!" The co-pilot's voice was full of tension and anxiety, and he regretted it now.

The captain's forehead was covered with sweat, his hands tightly holding the joystick and his eyes firmly looking forward: "No matter what, keep trying."

When the tower people who had received the news saw the plane flying into view, they asked a duty officer to contact the captain: "Flight 747, this is the tower, we allow landing, but please pay attention to safety."

"Received." The captain responded, however, despite their full control, there was still a clear angle deviation between the aircraft and the runway.

"Captain, if you land like this, those long poles next to the runway that I don't know what they are used for may be directly inserted into the fuselage, and the consequences will be disastrous." The co-pilot cursed in his heart, which little clever ghost came up with the idea of ​​setting up long poles near the runway? The key is that no one has stopped it yet.

The captain gritted his teeth and said, "We must find a way to break the long pole in front of us. As long as it is gone, from our angle, nothing else will pose a threat. However, it is too late to contact the tower now. There is no time."

"It's still in time!" Kudo Shinichi's voice came, with a bit of breathlessness. When he just discovered this fact, he ran to the cabin to ask for a gun. Now he has a gun in his hand, and all seven bullets are loaded in it.

The captain was shocked: "You want it? ! ! This is very dangerous!"

"We don't know whether the airport behind us will be more difficult for us to land, so don't give up this one easily. How can we know the result if we don't try? Maybe I succeed. I will tie myself up."

Kudo Shinichi fixed himself while talking to ensure that he would not be blown out of the window in a while, and then skillfully opened the emergency device and pushed the window-no push.

"I'll help you." It was the forward, he also came over, he tied himself up, and then walked to Kudo Shinichi.

"Thank you." Kudo Shinichi was grateful, and the forward agreed, and then the two of them worked together.

The plane started to bump again, and Kudo Shinichi tried to stop shaking so violently (because of the wind), holding the gun tightly in his hand to prevent it from being blown away by the strong wind.

After a few dozen seconds, he got used to it, and tried his best to aim at the direction of the long pole, and seized an opportunity to fire the first shot, then the second shot, the third shot...

As the distance got closer, the next few shots became more and more confident, and finally, when the seventh shot was fired, the long pole fell down tremblingly.

Kudo Shinichi took back the gun and held it in his arms, and then used one hand to pull the side window with the forward, and tried to close it.

Finally, it was safe again. The cockpit was surprisingly quiet, with only heavy breathing and heavy heartbeats.

"Good job." The captain was almost in tears. He felt that the best way to express his gratitude now was to land the plane safely and successfully, so he cleared all the thoughts in his head and landed wholeheartedly.

The plane landed smoothly.

"We are safe?!!" A passenger in the cabin shouted excitedly, and the others cheered:

"Great! We finally landed!"

"I thought I was going to die this time, but luckily I am still alive."

"Baby, can we get married?"

"I can brag about this experience for the rest of my life!"


It is good enough to land safely. As for where we are now, it doesn't matter. The priests and other people who know the truth also smiled.

Under the arrangement of the staff, everyone got off the plane one after another, and then went to a nearby hotel to rest, and waited to fly to the United States the next day.

As for the robbers, they were temporarily detained here, waiting for the decision of Japan.

"I canDo you know your name? "Kudo Shinichi asked before the forward left.

"My name is Jiangkou Xinren, I am an ordinary sports student, nice to meet you."

"Me too, nice to meet you." He will probably remember this experience for a long time, "Thank you, you are very brave and powerful. If you didn't help stop the robbers at the beginning, the result might not be like this."

"This is what I should do, I am also trying to save myself, goodbye." The forward walked to the adventurer who was waiting for him and left.

"Shinichi, what should we do now? We have to wait until tomorrow to go to the United States. What if your drug effect expires in advance, how can I take you on the plane?"

Dr. Agasa was worried, and Kudo Shinichi said:

"It's okay, I brought three antidotes this time. "


A few hours later, at the American airport,

the antique dealer and the novelist got off the plane. It was already dark and a little cold, so they checked in at the hotel.

Behind them, Maori Kogoro received a call from Dr. Agasa soon after.

"What?! The plane you were on encountered an accident?!"

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