After learning that the two codenamed members had a car accident and were unconscious, Gin cursed them for being useless, and then made a patch for the next action plan.

The photographer who started it all had already left the auction humming a little tune. His current identity was the Duke of France. The reason for his visit to the United States was tourism, so after doing his part for the mission, he was going to take photos and check in at some famous places.

Of course, he would not be too far from the auction, and he wanted to do his second part.

In the Mercedes-Benz WA 136ABC,

The adventurer squatted under the driver's seat. Until now, the men had not discovered him, and he had sent all their chat contents to the brain channel. After the translation and refinement by his classmates, everyone roughly understood the FSB's plan.

In order to prevent the FSB from causing trouble for the mission, everyone decided to interrupt them before they implemented their plan.

Alexander Ivanovich Petrov, the person in charge of the Russian FSB in this operation, saw that the time had reached 12 o'clock. He knew that this was the best opportunity to sneak in, because the staff and those patrolling people would go to eat in batches from then on.

He signaled the other three people in the car to start moving. The three people stood up almost at the same time, and then got off the car to go to the auction site. At this time, a gust of wind blew, and one person fell to the ground without any defense, and the other two barely stabilized.

Alexander got off the car to see the specific situation. The three people said that they were fine. Suddenly, two cats came from nowhere and pounced directly on Alexander. Alexander subconsciously dodged, but he was still a beat slower than them, and then his right leg was bitten, and his left hand was even grabbed and bitten by the cat.

"Проклятие!" (Damn it!)

He shook off the two cats, and the cats did not continue to entangle him, but ran away directly, but Alexander's arms had begun to bleed, and his legs were broken without looking.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked the others to continue the task, and told them to contact him in time if they had any questions, while he went to get an injection.

Not far away, the night watchman sat on the ground with a rag bag in front of him. From time to time, people threw money into it. After seeing a target fall down because of the wind he controlled, he smiled, but the smile froze when he saw a familiar car coming.

A wealthy woman dressed fashionably and adorned with jewels came out of the car. She walked to the night watchman in high heels, looked at his face and paused for a second, then said in a slightly arrogant tone:

"Young man, I think you look pretty good. It's so hard to wander around like this every day. Why don't you accept my kindness? I will definitely let you live a comfortable life."

"No, I have already rejected you. Please don't come to me again, thank you." The night watchman said. He has integrity. In his eyes, only people who truly love each other can do this.

"Rejected? When did you reject me?" The woman thought this was the first time she met the other person.

The night watchman then remembered that his appearance had changed greatly under the apostle's command. No wonder the other party called him "young man" instead of "handsome guy" as he had called him before.

"When I said 'no'."

The woman was so angry that her eyes, nose and mouth were crooked. She couldn't lose face, so she snorted and stomped away. The night watchman breathed a sigh of relief. It was a sin to be handsome.

On the other side, the apostle touched the two cats that ran back and fed them a can of food. After comforting the cats, she let the cats go back and continued to wait for an opportunity.

The three people dispersed and went to the auction. The forward rushed over from the opposite side and hit one of them heavily. The man fell to the ground and fainted:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too anxious. My movie ticket was left in the hotel. If I don't hurry up, I will miss the movie. I didn't mean it!"

After saying that, it seemed that he realized that the other party had fainted, and he immediately called an ambulance.

After hearing what the vanguard said, the passersby understood what was going on. The other two also thought it was probably an accident, and they looked at each other for a few seconds and planned to continue their mission.

The two walked on both sides of the road. The apostle took advantage of their inattention and swiftly stepped forward to knock one of them unconscious with a handkerchief soaked with drugs, and then helped him walk to a sparsely populated area. In the eyes of others, it was just like her helping her drunk boyfriend to leave, because no one believed that this harmless-looking woman would be a "bad person".

After confirming that there was no one, the apostle tied him up and threw him in a corner. She was not afraid that the FSB people behind her would find her, not to mention that the relevant surveillance would be handled by the cheerleaders. Even if she asked the passers-by who had seen her, it would be useless, because she was different from the original one after removing her current makeup.'s appearance is very different.

The superb makeup skills are not the golden finger given to her by the system, but a skill she originally knew.

At the same time, the night watchman knocked on the window of the Mercedes-Benz WA 593FGH. The people in the car thought he was asking for money and opened the window to show that they would not give money. As a result, the night watchman threw a stun shell that was almost over the front swing into the car at lightning speed.

The adventurer got out of the car next to him. The night watchman bent down and put him in his hands, and then hurried away.

The only FSB member who could still do the task was a little closer to the auction. He could see two teams of staff coming in and out. He was about to mix in with the team that went in, but when he turned around, he found that his companion was gone.

He: ? ? ?

He looked around carefully, but there was still no sign of his companion. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that there was a problem. He sent a message to Alexander, but he didn't receive any message from him.

Helplessly, he could only give up temporarily, because the things used to replace the potion were on the disappeared companion. If he continued to do the task alone, he would most likely fail.

The man walked back, but still did not see his companions on the way. He quickened his pace and walked to another car, wanting to discuss with the other team that was arranged to pick him up what to do.

However, he did not expect that the car window was already open. He opened the car door, and the four people inside were all unconscious. He could not wake them up no matter how hard he shook them.

A hand knife chopped his neck, and he fell into the car, and then the car door was slammed shut.

In a luxurious restaurant, Maori Kogoro just generously said that he would treat everyone to a meal. The next second, after seeing the prices on the menu, his face showed an expression as if struck by lightning.

"No, we appreciate your kindness, but there is no need to treat us." Mochizuki waved his hand.

"Ah, so, forget it this time. I will definitely treat you to a good meal next time. I know a great chef. You will definitely like it then." Maori Kogoro said.

"Then we are really looking forward to it." Mochizuki Sue and Hinata Haru looked at each other and said at the same time.

Everyone chatted for a few more words and then started to order.

Conan ate a little absent-mindedly, and his eyes frequently looked in the direction of the auction. This restaurant was right opposite the auction. The entire front was made of glass, and he could clearly see the auction site.

Perhaps it was luck, he saw a person's behavior was slightly suspicious, and he used glasses to magnify it. Wasn't that person one of the Russians he met yesterday?

Conan's expression became serious. He looked at the other person looking around, as if he was struggling with something, and then he made up his mind to leave.

Conan wanted to follow and see, but just as he was about to stand up, Maori Kogoro held his shoulder:

"Little boy, don't run around, this is not Beika Town, what if you get kidnapped by bad guys?"

"Yes, Conan, don't be naughty, sit here and eat." Maori Ran said immediately, and Mochizuki Moto also joined in:

"Children, don't always look so worried."

"Okay - I know." Conan was depressed for a while, and then he was revived after hearing the conversation at the next table.

"Ethan is really ungrateful, causing us to run so far to do the mission."

"Shh, don't say this here, after all, this is not our old territory."

Ethan? Conan felt that the name was a little familiar. After opening the phone to search, the first result was his character information. After a rough browse, Conan was almost certain that the Ethan they were talking about was the backer behind the Amy Auction and the current owner of the mysterious potion.

As for the mission, they are probably here for the bottle of potion. Their accents don't sound like pure Americans, and their looks don't look like Asians. Are they from Germany, France, or other countries?

No matter which country they are from, they are now wearing the uniform of the auction staff, which means they have successfully sneaked in.

Conan is a little anxious. How far have the people in the Black Organization gone? Where is Mr. Amuro? What is the attitude of the police towards this bottle of potion...

After a moment of hesitation, Conan set his sights on Kitagawa Anshu, who is the only person he trusts and knows his identity:

"Brother Kitagawa, can you go to the toilet with me?"

Kitagawa Anshu nodded without thinking, and the two of them said hello and went to the toilet together.

Probably because everyone else was eating at this time and there was no one in the toilet, Kitagawa Anshu got straight to the point:

"Tell me, what do you want me to help you with?"

Conan considered his words, then said: "The auction this afternoon will auction something unusual, I want to investigate, hopeCan you help me cover for me? "

If he goes to investigate by himself, he will be blocked by his uncle and others, but if he acts with Kitagawa Anshu, he won't have to worry about this.

"Is that so? Of course."

"Really? Thank you so much!" Conan didn't expect him to agree so straightforwardly, and he didn't even ask any specific questions.

"Just tell me if you need any help in the future." It would be even better if you can come to me on your own initiative when you encounter any cases. Kitagawa Anshu didn't say the last sentence, but just thought about it in his heart.

Conan was moved by his words:

"If you need me for anything in the future, you can also call me, I will do my best to help you!" He promised.

Conan's expression was serious and serious, and Kitagawa Anshu was embarrassed, but he was thick-skinned enough:

"I will definitely come to bother you when the time comes."

"Yeah. "Conan continued, "I want to go backstage after the auction starts this afternoon. Let's go to the bathroom together, and then I'll pretend to be lost, and you come to find me, but try to get to the backstage later."

"It's hard to get in backstage if you're not a staff member, right? Especially for such a large auction." Kitagawa Xingshu raised his doubts reasonably.

"I'll have a way when the time comes, don't worry."

"Since you said that, that's fine, but let me make it clear first, the auction is so small after all, I can only delay it for more than ten minutes before going backstage to ask if anyone has seen you." Kitagawa Xingshu said after a rough estimate.

"Yeah, thank you in advance."

"You're welcome."

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