"Dad, don't be angry." Mao Lilan held Mao Li Kogoro, fearing that he would do something bad because of impulse.

Mao Li Kogoro snorted and stepped aside.

Seeing the attitude of the police officer, Conan knew that he probably wouldn't let a child like him approach the corpse, so he used glasses to magnify it in the crowd.

The corpse had been soaked in the lake water for a night, and the original clothes had been soaked and tightly attached to the body. There was a wound on his abdomen, and the skin and flesh were turned outward, showing a horrible erosion.

The face of the deceased was pale and swollen, without any blood color, his eyes were wide open, his eyeballs were cloudy and slightly protruding, and his eyelids were swollen, but at least he could still be distinguished from his appearance before death.

"Lend me your glasses." Kitagawa Anshu suddenly said standing behind Conan. Conan was startled. He almost thought that someone had discovered his secret again:

"Why did you suddenly make a sound? It's scary. Here, I'll give it to you."

Conan didn't bother about how Kitagawa Anshu discovered the function of his glasses. In his opinion, Kitagawa Anshu had strong observation and reasoning abilities, so it was not surprising that he could discover this.

And the reason why Kitagawa Anshu borrowed glasses was to show that he had carefully seen the scene. Otherwise, he would have drawn a conclusion without doing anything and just standing there. It was too incredible.

Fujiwara Chizuru took a look from a distance and confirmed the identity of the deceased. The deceased was her missing bodyguard. Thinking back to some time ago, she had used him very much. Unexpectedly, he died now. It was really unpredictable.

After sighing for a while, she asked a bodyguard to tell the police that she knew the deceased.

The bodyguard responded respectfully, then walked to the police officer and said: "Tell your investigation superintendent that our lady knows the identity of the deceased."

The police officer's originally impatient expression became friendly after seeing his developed muscles and fierce expression: "Okay, wait a moment, I will go and tell him."

After that, he hurried away, and soon, the investigation superintendent followed him. He looked around the bodyguard and saw no one else, so he asked: "Hello, is your lady?"

"Come with me, it's over there." The bodyguard pointed in a direction with his eyes.

The investigation superintendent and the police officer looked over at the same time. The woman under the cherry tree was so beautiful that she was like a bright pearl, which made them dazed for a while.

The police officer felt that he had fallen in love. He couldn't wait to know the other party's contact information, but now was not the time. He decided to chat with her after the case was over.

The investigating police officer quickly came to his senses. He could see that the lady was of noble status, so he looked away to prevent her from being offended.

Seeing them approach, Fujiwara Chizuru said:

"The deceased looks the same as my bodyguard who disappeared yesterday. Maybe I can help you with something."

"Thank you for your willingness to provide information. This will greatly reduce our workload. Next, I want to ask you some questions. I hope you can tell me the truth." The investigating police officer's attitude was very good, which made people feel comfortable.

"Of course, but before that, can you let this unknown police officer move his eyes away? He makes me feel like I am being stared at by a slutty bug. It's very uncomfortable." Fujiwara Chizuru looked at the police officer with disgust.

The police officer couldn't believe it. He was always confident in his appearance. In addition to his identity as a police officer, many beautiful women threw themselves at him. Now, this woman actually humiliated him in public!

The mocking expressions of the people deeply stimulated him. His expression was distorted, and dark thoughts kept coming out of his heart.

This made Fujiwara Chizuru hate him even more, thinking that maybe she could try her skills on him.

"David, go over and help first, I'll ask here." The investigating police sent him away, and David left with his head down, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

Conan and the others approached here quietly, wanting to hear any clues.

"I'm sorry to make you feel uncomfortable. I asked him to leave. Can I start asking questions now?"

"Well, you ask."

"What is the identity and name of the deceased?"

"His name is Kobayashi Shogo, and he is a bodyguard of our Fujiwara family."

"When and where did you last see him?"

"Yesterday at four o'clock in the afternoon, I asked him to help me buy some jewelry, but I waited for a long time and didn't wait for him to come back."


"Do you know who he has a rift with?"

"Sorry, I'm not sure about this, but you can ask my other bodyguards, they may know."

The investigating police thanked him again, and then asked the three bodyguards.

The first one was Nakamura Koroku. He said that the other two bodyguards had a rift with Kobayashi Shogo and even threatened to kill him because they felt that Kobayashi Shogo had taken the lady's attention away from them.During the time when Kobayashi Masago went shopping, he was the only one with the lady, and he had an alibi.

The second person was Takahashi Shunchi, who admitted that he hated Kobayashi Masago, but not to the extent of killing him. After 4 pm yesterday, although he was not with the lady, he went to the Washington Zoo to take pictures of small animals as the lady asked, and he returned to the lady at 6 pm. Those photos can be used as evidence.

The third person was Matsumoto Eihachi, who denied that he hated Kobayashi Masago and refused to answer where he went during that time.

The investigating police superintendent recorded all of this, and by chance, the autopsy results of the forensic doctor came out:

"The deceased died between 5 and 8 pm yesterday, and the cause of death was drowning and suffocation. There were signs of fighting on his body, and there was a knife wound."

"I know." The investigating police superintendent nodded, then said goodbye to Fujiwara Chizuru and others, and returned to the scene with the forensic doctor to investigate.

Maori Kogoro looked at Matsumoto Eihachi with suspicion, making him feel uncomfortable.

Matsumoto Eihachi's rough face actually showed some grievance.

Conan asked Fujiwara Chizuru: "Sister, was Mr. Nakamura Koroku always with you yesterday afternoon?"

"Yes, but I went to bed a little early last night, at seven o'clock, and I'm not sure where he went afterwards. And Takahashi Shunchi, he only took a dozen photos in two hours and came back, even though I asked him to take more." Fujiwara Chizuru suspected that one of the two people did it, because Maori Kogoro ruled out an answer for her.

"Thank you sister for telling me, being a detective is fun, I also want to work hard to find the truth!" Conan raised his hands high and jumped a little, looking very cute.

If his heart was not a 17-year-old high school student, Fujiwara Chizuru would hug him and ravage him.

The police fished out a knife from the lake. The blade matched the wound of the deceased. After identification, it was found to be the murder weapon. As expected, there were no fingerprints of the murderer on it.

The investigating police officer focused the investigation on these three suspects, and asked other people if they had been here yesterday afternoon. If so, he asked them if they had found anything suspicious.

"Last night, the lady went to bed early, so I went to bed early. I think the hotel surveillance should be able to testify for me." Nakamura Koroku's words and expressions made people feel more credible. To be on the safe side, the investigating police officer sent someone to the hotel to retrieve the surveillance.

"I stayed in the zoo for almost two hours yesterday. Although I only took a dozen photos, there was a reason. I met a lost child... After finding his parents, more than an hour had passed. In order not to be perfunctory, I took every photo carefully, so the speed was so slow." Takahashi Shunchi's tone was a little flustered, and the reason was a little far-fetched, and the suspicion soared.

Finally, Matsumoto Eihachi, he stammered and couldn't say anything.

"You are not guilty, are you? You haven't come up with a reason for so long. Turn yourself in quickly, it's better than wasting everyone's time here." Maori Kogoro paused for a moment and continued, "Look at you, you are sweating from nervousness. Listen to my advice, don't struggle, it's useless, we will find evidence sooner or later."

Matsumoto Eihachi looked shaken, Maori Kogoro added fuel to the fire: "I think you should have heard of me, my name is Maori Kogoro, I am a detective!"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Matsumoto Eihachi was no longer entangled. He thought, instead of being investigated by the police and a famous detective, it would be better to If you take the initiative to say it:

"I went to the hospital yesterday to check the condition of hemorrhoids. There were a lot of people queuing at that time, so I didn't get the medicine until almost 6:30. At 6:40, I returned to the hotel and chatted with Takahashi Shunshichi until 9 o'clock before we separated."

"Is that so?" Maori Kogoro was so shocked that his eyes widened, revealing two cute little eyes, and then suddenly became serious, pointing at Takahashi Shunshichi and said: "Then the murderer is you! What about helping lost children find their parents? This sounds fake."

Conan: Hey, where is the evidence? You can't identify the murderer based on a guess!

The veins on the investigating police chief's forehead twitched, and he said to Maori Kogoro with some displeasure: "Sir, although you are a detective, please do not interfere with the work of our police. Even if they are suspects, you cannot jump to conclusions about who the murderer is."

Mauri Ran couldn't help but cover her face and smile bitterly, thinking to herself: Dad is always like this, it's really embarrassing... and Dr. Agasa tried to quietly hide behind Maori Ran to avoid this embarrassing scene. Unfortunately, his hugeWith such a large body, it is impossible for Ran Maori to block it completely.

Kitagawa Anju already knows the truth. As long as the clue is discovered by everyone, he will start to deduce.

"It seems that the strength of Detective Maori is just like this. Sure enough, someone is helping him behind the scenes." Fujiwara Chizuru leaned over and said to Conan.

"Ha, ha, maybe uncle is hiding his strength?" Conan smiled awkwardly, but he began to struggle in his heart. If the truth is really found later, should he knock Uncle Maori unconscious to deduce?

If he doesn't do this, Fujiwara Chizuru will definitely be more certain of his guess, but if he does this, his deduction for Maori Kogoro may be discovered...

Everyone has different thoughts, Maori Kogoro still looks confident:

"I deduced this based on facts."

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