Several policemen chased after him, and other policemen who received the notification also approached this side. The two policemen guarding the door to the rooftop were alert.

The prisoner successfully went up to the third floor and thought he was safe, but four policemen were waiting here, and there were five policemen behind him. It seemed that he had no way out... What a big ghost.

The prisoner was blocked in front and behind, and there were still left and right. He chose a direction based on his feeling and continued to run.

The four policemen looked at the five policemen on the opposite side and wondered in their hearts, wasn't there only four people in each team assigned this time? Why was there one more?

"Kaito Kidd was caught?"

"That's for sure!" The four policemen on the opposite side all exchanged the secret code, and the eight people simultaneously turned their eyes to the silent "policeman".

Kaito Kidd did not hesitate and left quickly, running in the same direction as the prisoner. He ran faster than the prisoner at full speed, and soon caught up with the prisoner who had been running for a while.

Through the reflection of the window, the prisoner saw the man in police uniform getting closer and closer to him, and thought: If I shock you, don't blame me, it's you who insisted on running so fast.

It's not that he doesn't want to shock the police, but his current strength doesn't allow it.

Kaito Kidd suddenly felt his scalp tingling, and his steps slowed down unconsciously. A torrent rushed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. He felt numb all over his body, and then there were bursts of tingling, as if he was electrocuted.

Is there a leakage here? Kaito Kidd was puzzled, but it seemed that there was no device here that would leak electricity, so he guessed whether this was a countermeasure by Officer Nakamori and others, such as secretly placing some small weapons on himself.

This is possible, maybe it was placed when the police found something wrong.

His eyes condensed, and his hands quickly touched his body. He didn't touch anything, but the feeling came again. I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but the feeling of being electrocuted seemed to be stronger.

This can't go on any longer. Kaito Kid changed his clothes in a second and threw away the police uniform he had taken off: This should be enough.

He focused his attention on the prisoner again and closed the distance that had just become farther.

"Ah (trembling)" This time the electric current stimulated his whole body, making him scream out and his legs couldn't help but weaken.

Is that thing still on him? Damn, where is it? Do I have to take it off completely?

I have to find a place to hide it.

Kaito Kid took the gun from his waist, aimed at the surveillance camera and shot, then flashed into a room.

Eight policemen came up behind and accelerated forward. Behind them, Conan didn't fall behind with his short legs. Behind them, Suzuki Jirokichi led a group of policemen to the third floor.

The prisoner was happy to get rid of the policeman who was chasing him the most, but he didn't slow down just like that. He was afraid that if he slowed down, he would not be able to run fast later.

After running around the corridor on the third floor, he just missed Suzuki Jirokichi and others and chose to go downstairs, and destroyed the surveillance with electric current before entering the surveillance range. Fortunately, the police did not follow him until he entered the toilet, and he dragged his tired body through the hole made by the priest.

On the other side, the magician ran for a long time and did not find anyone catching up. He looked at the little girl in confusion, and the little girl shook her head.

He didn't know that the surveillance here had been processed by Kaito Kidd, and the people in the monitoring room could not see anyone coming here at all. In addition, most of the police officers went to support the arrest of prisoners and Kaito Kidd. Even if they sat here and waited, they might not be able to wait for anyone.

[Man with code name Electric Eel (prisoner): I give up, why are they chasing me? I was almost caught up. I have never run so fast before [crying]

Pandora Thief (magician): They all went to catch you? ! Why? My century magic duel with Kaito Kidd is over? I was so nervous that I couldn't sleep these days.

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): I'm so tired that I have cramps. Forget it, it just so happens that you can't beat him now, so it's good not to meet him again.

Man Codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): Those who came to arrest me are all police. I didn't see Kidd and Conan. Maybe they are looking for you. 】

The magician and the little girl felt a chill on their backs for a moment. The magician gave the little girl a look, and the little girl turned around to see what was going on behind:

The three red glowing circles were particularly eye-catching.

After waiting for several seconds, the little girl didn't respond to him. The magician couldn't help but ask in his brain channel:

[Pandora Thief (Magician): What's wrong, little girl? Little girl? Girl? Child? Damn! Don't scare me.

Teitan Elementary School Student (Little Girl): I was in a trance just now. The person who came was Spider. I felt that there was something wrong with the three red circles on his mask. I took a look and my mind became a little unclear.

Pandora Thief (Magician): Oh my God, soAwesome! Why is he here?

Circus Director (Spider): Maybe he couldn't wait for Kidd after waiting for so long on the rooftop.

Zoo Director (Prophet): Don't panic, I told him your current appearance, he won't attack you.

Pandora Thief (Magician): Well, I'm not panicking, not at all. 】

"I have already snatched the gem from Kaito Kidd, so I will retreat first. The rest depends on what you do."

The magician said calmly, without turning around, and then he walked away with big steps. He knew that the other party didn't move by his sixth sense.

It was about to reach the corner. The magician maintained the same speed. The little girl continued to stare at Spider's legs and swallowed silently.

With a swish, Spider came behind the magician, and the little girl's pupils trembled: Is this speed real? !

"Where is Kaito Kidd?"

The magician was startled, and the remaining rationality controlled his mouth to answer:

"Maybe on the other side, it depends on your own ability to find it."

In the study on the third floor, Kaito Kidd squatted behind the bookshelf with messy clothes. All parts of his body were checked, and there was no small instrument at all. He scratched his hair in annoyance: Why was he electrocuted?

"Search everywhere, they must be hiding in these rooms!"

Kaito Kidd vaguely heard the conversation outside. He tidied his clothes and then observed the window. He had pried similar locks like this before, and it might be a breakthrough.

He opened the window and sent a rope with an iron hook to the rooftop. He tried it hard and it was very strong, so he moved to the rooftop along the rope.

Spider found the second floor and saw his figure climbing up through the French window in the corridor.

Kaito Kidd was not in a hurry to leave. He carefully reviewed the incident. As the tension in his heart relaxed, he remembered one thing: when the gem was robbed, his hand also felt like it was electrocuted, so he was probably wrong just now. It was not the police who did it.

Could it be that person? He recalled the details of the prisoner. The other party did not look like a magician. And with his alertness, he was very sure that the magician was not near him at the time, so the only one who could make him feel electrocuted was that person.

If that person and the magician were in the same group, it would make sense:

He first assisted the magician to snatch the gem from his hand, then deliberately revealed a flaw (footsteps) to let Conan and himself chase him, and then attracted the attention of the police and used their power to get rid of himself...

Kaito Kidd suspected that he was slack, and he only realized the truth now.

"Click." The door lock was being opened, and Kaito Kidd felt something was wrong. He jumped off the roof and opened the glider, but he was stopped in the air by a spider web before he flew far.

It's over...

Since Conan is Kidd's nemesis and it's impossible for Kidd to choose him as a pretender, Suzuki Jirokichi readily agreed to let Conan join the team to find Kidd. They came to the study, and there were no signs of movement in the items here. It seemed that Kidd had never been here.

Conan put himself in Kidd's perspective and speculated that he might leave through the window, so he went to the window to observe. Sure enough, the lock was opened.

"Conan, did you find anything?" Suzuki Jirokichi came over and followed his line of sight to look at the window lock, "Oh-I know, Kidd must have run from here!"

He opened the window, looked up and barely saw a piece of clothing: "Kid is on the rooftop! Come on, follow me to catch him!"


Mouri Kogoro and Nakamori Ginzo couldn't sit still. They watched some surveillance cameras suddenly break down, and some surveillance cameras seemed to have bugs. It was obviously useless to watch like this, so it was better to lead the team to find it personally.

"Suzuki Jirokichi has gone to the rooftop to find Kidd, so let's go find the long-haired man who got the gem. Each of us will go in one direction, and we must get the gem back!"

Mouri Kogoro was excited: "Okay! You go to the direction where the surveillance is broken, and I'll go to the other side."

The three teams took action separately.

Suzuki Jirokichi and Conan came to the top floor and saw that the two police officers guarding the door had fallen to the ground. No wonder they couldn't get in touch.

The door was wide open, and everyone filed out.

Spider was suspended in the air, in the opposite direction of Kidd:

"Are you ready for a nightmare? Kaito Kidd."

Kaito Kidd put one hand behind his back, then pressed a device, and transparent glass surrounded him in front. Spider sneered:

"Do you think you can stop me like this? I will invade your... mind, hehe."

The three red lights on his mask seemed to be changing, and as if they had never changed, Kaito Kidd's forehead was flushed.He broke into a cold sweat. He had suffered from Spider several times before, and it was unknown what would happen this time.

"Kaito Kid! Surrender!" Suzuki Jirokichi's voice was like heavenly music, and Kaito Kid was so grateful.

Conan saw that Kid was in a bad situation and aimed the tranquilizer gun at Spider.

Spider was in a bad mood and was interrupted again. He wanted to kill someone, but finally said:

"I will send you a nightmare. See you next time."

After speaking, he turned and disappeared. Conan's anesthetic needle was shot there just one second late.

Suzuki Jirokichi didn't know Spider, and could only guess from his outfit that he was probably not a good person. Unfortunately, he disappeared in an instant. In addition, his target was Kid, so Suzuki Jirokichi temporarily put him behind his mind:

"Everyone! Catch Kid!"

"Sorry, I have to leave again. Goodbye." Because Spider left, Kaito Kid easily broke free from the spider web and flew away on a hang glider.

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