It was drizzling in the sky. Mochizuki came out of the hotel and walked across a street. She saw a Porsche 356A parked on the side of the road. The license plate number was ‘Shinjuku 54み43-68’.

Enemies often cross paths. I didn’t expect to run into Gin’s car just two days after returning to Japan. There was no one in the car. It would be unreasonable not to cause trouble.

She looked in her pocket and found a folded paper. On it were some inspirations about Gin’s CP written last night. Why was it him? Because Gin was not only the black side, but also the white hair, and his strength was also strong. This was very inspiring.

The car window was closed tightly. Mochizuki didn’t try to open it. She put the paper directly on the roof of the car. I believe Gin would definitely notice it, hehe.

Let Sawada deal with the nearby surveillance, and she left happily.

Gin and Vodka finished their lunch and returned to the front of the car one after the other. From a distance, Gin noticed the folded paper on the car.

Gin stopped and looked at Vodka, who nodded, then cautiously came to the front of the car, and took it down after noticing that there was no special device.

He opened it and saw that it was full of words: boss Qin, Aka Qin, Qin Bo, Su Qin, and Tentacle Qin.

Although Vodka had thick eyebrows and big eyes, he understood the meaning behind these words the moment he saw them.

If one of them didn't look like his eldest brother, he might have taken a closer look, but the word "Qin" made him dare not read it in front of his eldest brother.

Vodka handed the paper to Gin, and Gin looked at the content on it expressionlessly:

Boss Qin: Gin failed the mission, and the boss decided to give him a hundred million points of punishment, so he customized many small toys for him, allowing him to accept the punishment while completing the mission.

Aka Qin: Akai Shuichi met his old enemy lover Gin who was seriously injured, and took him home for treatment and imprisoned him.

Qinbo: Gin didn't expect Bourbon to use the honey trap on him, and he didn't expect that he would fall for it. When he saw Bourbon using the honey trap on others again, he pinched Bourbon's chin viciously: "Who else do you want to seduce?"

Suqin: Under the cold appearance of Scotland is a gentle heart. In the organization, he only shows his true self to one person, that is Gin.

Tentacle Gin: The tentacle that escaped from the destroyed laboratory fell in love with Gin at first sight, and it couldn't help but entangle Gin all the time.

Gin's hand tightly grasped a corner of the paper. This was a provocation. The person who wrote this was telling him that the other party knew a lot of information about the organization: the organization's boss, member information, undercover identity and experiments.

"Check for me, who put it here." Gin put the paper in his coat pocket and got into the car.

Vodka responded: "Yes, big brother."

【Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): The Black Organization's task platform is already ready. I added a small program to it. It will record their task status every day and automatically send it to a platform. The platform can be viewed by entering the correct password.

In order to prevent the Black Organization from discovering and finding traces of our browsing through the platform in the future, let's hand over the platform to a classmate to manage.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I agree. In this way, no matter how the Black Organization searches, it can only find that classmate.

Mysterious Man in the East (Susan): Let me do it. I think I am more suitable.

Prophet (Priest): What you said is indeed good. You have plenty of time and are good at analysis and sorting. When you finish sorting out their task information every day, you can send it directly to the brain channel. Does anyone else have any opinions?

American Tramp (Night Watchman): No opinion.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): No opinion.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): No opinion.

Man with codename Electric Eel (Prisoner): Break the formation, +1.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Fork out the one who broke the formation upstairs!

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Then I will install the platform on Susan's phone now, the password is wuhuang1313113.

Mysterious Man from the East (Susan): OK, I remember it. 】

As expected, Vodka found nothing. Gin did not express his opinion after learning the result. He went back to the safe house to make a report. The people of the fifth personality appeared again.

Vodka saw that he had nothing to do and had no plans tonight, so he reported that he was leaving. Gin knew that he was doing it for his pink hobby. As long as he did not hinder the mission, did not betray the organization, and did not dance in front of him... Gin did not care what he did.

Mia, the super popular American idol singer, will hold a concert in Japan tonight. As a die-hard fan, Vodka grabbed the ticket early. This is his habit. No matter if he has time or not, he will grab tickets as long as the star he is following has an event.

He prepared cheering sticks and other items and drove to the concert.The venue was still more than four hours away from the concert. The door to the auditorium had not yet opened, but many people had gathered outside.

In the dressing room, Mia was reading comics with great interest. It had to be said that the comics drawn by the Japanese who lived a good life were pretty good, and her Chuunibyou soul was burning.

"I really don't know why you suddenly want to come to Japan for a concert. Although you said you wanted to change the environment and change your mood, my intuition was not like that." The agent came over and asked, "Are you in a relationship? Is the other person Japanese?"

Mia looked up in shock: "Why do you think so? Didn't I say I wouldn't fall in love?"

The agent looked encouraging: "Mia, we advocate free love, even if you are in a relationship, it doesn't matter."

"I really didn't, believe me. In fact, I came to Japan because I made some friends online, and I asked you for those concert tickets just to give them to them."

"Is that so."

[Idol singer (opera singer): Who can come to my concert tonight?

Novel creator (novelist): Me! I came here after dinner. I haven't seen you for a long time. I missed you.

Antique collector (antique dealer): I'm with the novelist. I haven't heard you sing yet. I'm a little curious. But considering your current status, you must sing very well.

Prophet (priest): I received the ticket. I will come too.

Aura painter (painter): And me, the sculptor.

Man codenamed Electric Eel (prisoner): I just finished a mission. I have time. I will come to support you in the evening.

Idol singer (opera singer): Good classmates, I miss you too. It depends on my performance tonight. I won't let you down. 】

After dinner, the novelist and the antique dealer took a taxi to the outside of the concert. As soon as they got off the car, they noticed three people: Mao Lilan with a hairstyle like horns, Suzuki Sonoko with a headband, and the death god elementary school student.

"Mochizuki-sister, Akimoto-sister, you are also coming to the concert? What a coincidence." Mao Lilan saw the two of them and greeted them. Suzuki Sonoko and Conan also greeted them.

"Yes, fate is really wonderful. By the way, where are your seats? Maybe our seats are also quite close." Mochizuki asked.

Mao Lilan looked at the tickets: "We are both in the third row, how about you?"

"We are in the second row, it seems that we are not far away."

"By the way, I don't know what Akimoto-sister does. Can I ask?" Mao Lilan felt that Akimoto Miyuki, an antique dealer, had a special temperament, so she was curious about her profession.

Akimoto Miyuki replied: "I am an antique dealer, and I usually collect some antiques."

Conan's nerves jumped. Antique dealer? She doesn't look like she exercises much, but her figure is very similar to the one I saw that day. Could it be her?

If so, what about her? Conan's eyes fell on Mochizuki Sue. Her physical skills were very powerful. Generally, novelists have weak constitutions, not to mention martial arts training. However, there are exceptions to everything. I hope he is just overthinking.

"Wow, it seems cool to collect antiques. It would be great if I had the opportunity to visit the antiques you collected."

"I'll give you two tickets later. I've put all those antiques in the exhibition hall. You can go there anytime if you want." Akimoto Miyuki thought to herself: In fact, you have already been there.

Mao Lilan and others suddenly had a guess: "Are you the antique dealer behind the 'Rice Flower Antique Exhibition Hall'?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to know there."

"We visited it a few days ago. I feel like we have learned a lot about antiques. The layout and antique descriptions there are very well done."

Suzuki Sonoko thought of Nakama Aro and added: "The staff are also very handsome! And very responsible."

"Really? Thank you for the compliment." Akimoto Miyuki smiled and tried not to think about someone.

The sculptor and the painter walked side by side, deliberately passing by several people to attract the attention of Mochizuki Sue and Akimoto Miyuki, but because their appearance was quite different from before and they had not seen each other since they crossed over, they did not succeed.

Conan noticed it, but he did not intend to greet them: they only met once, there was no need to greet them, and it was definitely not because the thought of pretending to be young was too embarrassing.

Reality always distorts people's faces. The sculptor stopped in front of Conan and bowed:

"Ah, isn't this the little boy who dreamed of becoming a superhero."

"Well-it's true, we meet again." The painter stopped, "Did you get closer to being a superhero today?"

"Ah, uh, hello, big sister and big brother." Go, go! Conan tried to smile.


Ran Mao Li was quite interested in hearing this: "Superhero? Can I know what happened?""Of course." The sculptor roughly recounted what happened on the bus, "He said his dream was to be a superhero. His eyes were still shining at the time, very cute."

Conan: [Nothing to say] [No desire in life] [No desires]

Ran Maoli couldn't suppress the corners of her mouth, Suzuki Sonoko teased:

"I really didn't expect that a child who always pretended to be mature would dream of becoming a superhero. Oh-I know, pretending to be mature is also a part of your dream!"

Mochizuki laughed in his heart: "Come on, Conan, you can do it, we support your dream!"

"Conan, don't be ashamed, it's a good idea to have this idea." Akimoto Miyuki looked serious, and broke down after three seconds, "Hahaha."

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