When the decisive evidence appeared, the bartender did not cry, kneel, or confess like most people, but confessed silently. This confused and surprised everyone present, including Conan. When the police asked him about his motive for committing the crime, the bartender said nothing and remained silent.

Conan always felt that something was wrong. This bartender seemed to be hiding a bigger secret, and this secret might be related to his real motive for murder.

Conan noticed that when the bartender was questioned, his eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of the bar toilet. He realized that there might be some important information hidden there that he had not yet discovered. So Conan decided to investigate this mysterious clue again. He just ran to the toilet and someone grabbed his collar.

"Conan, where are you going again? Don't run around." Mao Lilan was waiting outside. When she saw the police were withdrawing, she came in to find her father and Conan.

Maori Kogoro seemed to have just woken up. He looked around first, then stuck out his tongue and laughed: "Hahaha, I am the sleeping Kogoro. I solved the murder case so quickly."

Nakamura Ishii and Fujii Nami on the side had already put away their contempt. They looked at Maori Kogoro with a trace of admiration and said: "You are worthy of being a famous detective. If it weren't for the last reasoning, we would have thought it was an exaggeration."

Hearing what Nakamura Ishii and Fujii Nami said, Maori Kogoro showed a smug smile on his face.

Maori Ran finally saw Conan in the corner, but he seemed to be running around again, so she simply grabbed him.

"Sister Xiaolan, I just want to go to the toilet." Conan explained.

"Why don't you go to the next store? There was a case in the toilet here, so it's not suitable to go." Kitagawa Anshu said.

Hearing him say this, Mao Lilan also agreed: "Yes, Conan, let's go next door now."

"No, I suddenly don't want to go up. Brother Beichuan, can we talk alone?"

"Go ahead." After nodding to Mao Lilan, Beichuan Xingshu took Conan aside.

"You should have seen that my real purpose is the secret hidden here." Conan pushed his glasses, and the lenses reflected the cold light.

"Well, I saw it, but there is no rush to investigate. I will check it again at night when there are many people and eyes. Now there is something more important to me, and I may need your help." Beichuan Xingshu's eyes turned and began to use the big bluffing technique.

"Hey, I can't come in at night, okay, my current identity is a child!" Conan couldn't help complaining, "But you can call me if you need any help."

"Of course I know you are a child, so I will go to investigate instead of us going together." Beichuan Xingshu said as a matter of course. His words made Conan very disagree, and he wanted to participate in the investigation personally.

Conan frowned: "No, I want to go too. How can I be left out of this kind of thing?"

Kitagawa Anshu looked at Conan and sighed in his heart. This little brat is really troublesome. But he still tried to explain patiently: "After all, you are a child now. If you are found sneaking into the bar, it will definitely arouse suspicion. And it will be more convenient for me to act alone, which can avoid unnecessary trouble."

Conan was obviously not satisfied with this arrangement: "But isn't it a good time to investigate now? We can all participate."

Kitagawa Anshu: Very good, I didn't get confused at all.

"There are so few people now, and our every move may be noticed. What if someone hits us with a stick when we are not paying attention?" Kitagawa Anshu said seriously.

Conan thought that he was forced to become what he is now because he was too busy investigating and didn't pay attention to what was behind him, so he nodded:

"You have a point. But..."

"No buts, the truth is here, we will find it sooner or later, there is no rush."

"Okay, then what is the important thing you said?"

"The friend who studied anti-aging that I told you about before is missing, I want to invite you to investigate with me."

Beichuan Xingshu and Conan roughly explained what happened recently: "Since a few days ago, Liu Zhizi's mood has become a little strange. She no longer meets with me and gradually stops replying to messages. I can feel that she is a little panic, but she didn't say anything. Until the day before yesterday, I didn't receive a message from her. Out of worry, I went to her rented house to find her, but the landlord said that she had already moved out."

Conan: "That means she is missing, but I'm not sure whether it was active or passive. Did you call the police?"

"No, I found the code she left for me in her room: Don't call the police. I know her well. If she said she wouldn't call the police, there must be a reason.Her considerations. " Kitagawa Anshu said so much that even he almost believed it.

[Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): @Novel Creator (Novelist) Have you finished the story of the undertaker and I? Hurry up, what should I say if Conan asks about our past.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I'm editing it, the general direction is out, and we will slowly improve the details. [Pictures and text]

Novel Creator (Novelist): I also asked the cheerleaders to install the patches inside, so Conan can't find any problems even if he checks, so you can use this story boldly.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Okay.]

Fortunately, Mochizuki didn't participate in the mission and had nothing to do, otherwise he wouldn't have made up a story so quickly.

In Class 11, there are several people who can plan, but she is second to none in storytelling, not only because she is fast, but also because of logic.

"After I investigated her room, I can be sure of one thing. She left on her own initiative. ”

Kitagawa Anshu wanted to say something, but Mao Lilan reminded them that it was time to leave.

Conan looked back from time to time when he left the hotel, and finally made up his mind to focus on Yanagiko's disappearance.

"Yagiko and I were classmates in elementary school. Her grades were always better than mine, so I often challenged her. After a while, we became good friends. Later, even though she and I were in different schools, our relationship did not fade. One day she told me that she was admitted to the Department of Biology at Toudou University. She was very happy at that time, and she had endless things to say every time she chatted with me..."

"I don't know from which day, she became more and more unhappy, and rarely talked about her research. The last thing she talked to me about was anti-aging..."

"Then it's like this now. I suspect that she joined a research organization that is definitely not good, because she once said to me, 'The senior suddenly died, and I don't know why. ', I didn't ask in detail at the time to avoid irritating her. Later, when I went to Toudou University, I found that no senior around her had died..."

After listening to Kitagawa Anshu's words, Conan said: "So you suspect that she was threatened? ”

“Almost. I think she made one wrong move and then she kept making mistakes.”

The temporary story-writing duo formed a small group:

[Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Fortunately, Cowboy and Undertaker were classmates in elementary school in this world, otherwise it would be more troublesome to falsify the records.

Novel Creator (Novelist): I wrote that story after reading their identities and backgrounds…

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Or you would consider it. So how far should we let Conan investigate? Will he return empty-handed or will he know that Undertaker was forced to join the Black Organization?

Novel Creator (Novelist): We must let him know, but not now. For now, we just need him to ‘guess’ that he has joined the Black Organization. The research organization that the undertaker joins is affiliated with the Black Organization, leaving him with a thought, so that when he really meets the undertaker in the future, the first question he thinks about is how to use the cowboy to turn the undertaker against the Red Team.

Crispy Hacker (Cheerleader): Then the undertaker joins the Red Team and helps steal various research materials?

Novel Creator (Novelist): Yes, I will go and tell the undertaker to hide more materials. 】

In the afternoon, a group of black-clad people went to the underground trading place from the passage in the mountains.

The leader was a mercenary. He was called to serve as a soldier just after completing the bounty mission because he could fight.

Because the first mate hypnotized Boss, He sent a message to the trading partner saying that the transaction was continuing, so the trading partner was waiting for them at this time.

Maybe it was because it was afternoon, or maybe it was because the murder case in the Heisen Bar attracted the police, so there were far fewer people in the underground trading venue than last night. This is a good thing for the fifth personality.

First connect the code, and then hypnotize the other party when he is not prepared. After all, it is impossible to give money.

The amount that the Black Organization wants to trade is a bit large. The weapons are placed in a room. The trading partner personally opens the password door and lets the fifth personality in to move.

[Spiritual Counselor (First Officer): @Prophet (Priest) You are still as good as God. Fortunately, We didn't rob directly, otherwise we would have missed these hidden treasures.

Prophet (Priest): It was just a lucky guess. I just thought it was a bit wrong to put such good weapons outside for trading, so I reasonably speculated that many good things were placed in more hidden places.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): I got rich.

I Love Invention (Mechanic): Move the hidden things first, try not to arouse suspicion, and then take them all at once when they are almost all moved. 】

Except for the first mate and the gardener, everyone else was moving things. This scene did not arouse suspicion from others because it was too common. It's just that the people who moved things in the past were relatively large.In comparison, this group of people was a little petite.

All the people present were smart, they knew not to look at what they shouldn't look at, and consciously did their own things.

The first mate asked the trading partner to take them to other loading rooms. The trading partner was not responsible for these items and didn't know the door password, so the gardener took action. With the toolbox, he could dismantle anything.

A man in charge of antiques looked at a few people strangely as they moved the few antiques away. They were so confident that the man suspected that there was something wrong with his memory and he had forgotten such a big order.

His sight stopped when he moved to the obviously dismantled door: This is... robbed?

"What (person)..." Before he finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by the invisible Jack's knife.

After all, it was just an underground trading place. No matter how big it was, it wouldn't store too many good things. Putting all the eggs in one basket was something that only a fool could do. It was impossible for a shrewd person like someone who specialized in walking on the edge of the law to do this.

In less than an hour, all the useful things in all the rooms for the fifth personality were taken away like locusts passing through.

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