The atmosphere became increasingly tense, and the conflict seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

Maori Kogoro was rarely serious. He stared at the others warily. Although it seemed that the restaurant had a grudge against the table, they might hurt them if they started fighting.

Conan was editing the message. Once they started fighting, he would immediately send a message to Officer Megure.

"Ah--someone's dead!" The scream came from ordinary people at the third table, who were the only ordinary people here.

Before Maori Ran could react, she had already taken out her mobile phone and quickly pressed the alarm number. Before she dialed it out, a man grabbed her wrist hard. She felt pain, and her mobile phone fell to the ground, and then was crushed by the man's foot.

Conan immediately sent a message. The man saw him holding the mobile phone, so he snatched it and threw it on the ground.

"What do you mean?!" Maori Kogoro stood up and tried to grab the man's collar. The man took two steps back, then made a gesture, and more than a dozen people surrounded the two tables.

The customers at the table where the dead person was saw that something was wrong, and they endured their fear and didn't scream out.

"Do it."

Several strong men took the lead. Maori Kogoro and Maori Ran both took the posture of fighting the enemy. Conan also turned on the switch of the foot-strengthening shoes. At this time, the patient suddenly shouted:

"Ah--the aliens are invading! Let's fight the aliens together! Hehehehehehe!"

He stood on the table, raised his hands upwards. In the eyes of everyone looking at him as a fool, he kicked away the three big men who were trying to stop him in a posture that did not match his stature:

"Monsters, die! I, Gulala, the sun god, will not let you invade the earth!"

His golden finger: As long as he is sick in the eyes of others, he can enter the invincible state. If he is found to be pretending, he will immediately cancel the state. If not, the invincible state can last for up to half an hour at a time.

So, although it is awkward now, as long as he can be invincible, he can act in anything, so let him "shine".

Everyone just watched him get sick and beat down the people who rushed over one by one. Finally, the man who was the leader of the crowd couldn't hold his temper anymore. He took out a pistol from the secret compartment under the counter and shot him.

Conan was the first to notice the man's action. He wanted to stop him, but it was too late. The man shot too decisively and didn't give him any chance.

The bullet flew towards the patient. Time slowed down in Conan's eyes. His pupils contracted. The scene of the patient falling to the ground next appeared in his mind.

However, the patient turned around to avoid the bullet. It was so natural that it seemed that the same result would be the case if he got a few more bullets.

The man didn't believe it and then shot him a few more times. Without exception, he dodged them all.

Everyone: So strong!

The fisherwoman and the others didn't just watch and took action directly:

The fisherwoman got a harpoon from somewhere. She circled around a few people and found the right time to stab them. Those who were stabbed basically fell to the ground on the spot. They wanted to get up again, but they felt difficulty breathing and weakness all over their bodies. After struggling for a long time, they fainted.

Miura Keimitsu was no problem against three people, but he couldn't kill them, so after a while, his opponents were still the same people.

The professor was the worst in fighting among the few people, but his defense points were full, and others couldn't beat him.

Conan noticed the scale-like shield that appeared on the professor's body when he was beaten. In his opinion, it should be some kind of high-tech. He wanted to ask Dr. Agasa to study it so that he could be beaten less in the future.

The father and daughter of Maori were both beating people. For a while, the only people who were idle at the scene were the three people at the table of the deceased, Conan and Kitagawa Anshu.

Kitagawa Anshu wanted to help, but with his skills, he might even make things worse if he was not careful, so it was better to hide and save his life.

Obviously, those people in the restaurant were gradually at a disadvantage, but the man didn't seem angry or worried. Conan had an ominous premonition, and as if to confirm this feeling, a familiar Porsche parked outside the restaurant.

Gin? !

Conan's pupils turned gray. Why did he come here? Was it because of these people? What was their relationship with the organization? What should he do now?

When the fisherwoman broke the door by force, the news was passed back to the organization. Gin came without thinking. As long as there was a possibility that the fifth personality appeared, he would not give up the opportunity to catch them. Gin always remembered the account between them.

Although the people who made trouble this time did not wear the iconic masks, Gin instinctively felt that they were the fifth personality. Even if they were not, they would steal things from the organization, which showed that they were not simple and had to be strictly questioned.

Regardless of whether they would accidentally hurt others, Gin threw a bomb in. He didn't believe that they would die just like that, because the power of this bomb was not great and it would most likely only hurt them.

As he thought, the four fisherwomen had no other injuries except a little skin breakage. Maori Kogoro was unlucky and was knocked unconscious. As for the useless guys, Gin didn't even know them.How did he get so badly injured?

"Sir, you're here." The leading man said respectfully, and Gin entered the restaurant.

After so long, Conan was so close to him again. This was not a good thing, because Gin would most likely kill them to silence them.

Maori Ran didn't care about the culprit who came in, and anxiously looked at Maori Kogoro's condition.

[Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Oh, Gin is here, what should we do?

Psychiatric Patient (Patient): Bet he doesn't remember our appearance, just put on a mask and do it!

University Professor (Professor): It's our fault for not being cautious enough. Now that we wear a mask, even if Gin doesn't remember, others will remember our appearance, especially Conan. If we had worn a mask or disguised ourselves as discussed in class from the beginning, there would be no such problem.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Who would have thought that this mission would not only attract Conan, but also Gin. This is the first time that we have appeared in our true appearance since the system was updated. Conan and his friends did not meet those who were closer to the Mori Detective Agency, but we happened to meet them in such a remote location. I seriously suspect that there is some kind of world consciousness at work.

Unscientific Mermaid (Fisherwoman): Fortunately, I don’t come to the ground often, so it’s okay to be exposed; the patients basically stay in the mental hospital, and it’s not a big problem to ask Sawada to change the medical records; it’s just that the professor and Miura Keimitsu are a bit troublesome.

University Professor (Professor): The peaceful days will leave me, Amen.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Now that things have come to this, let’s take it one step at a time. Miura Keimitsu is still calm, and he is the closest to Conan. 】

The professor and his friends put on masks one after another, and Miura Keimitsu thought it was a good thing that he carried them with him, otherwise he would not be sociable.

Conan was still making excuses for Miura Kagemitsu: Miura Kagemitsu didn't know what his friend did, it was just an accident.

And now, he put on the mask of the fifth personality in front of him. It turned out that the person of the fifth personality was so close to him. He felt that he had missed 100 million.

Gin's desire to hit someone reached its peak. He was ready to start with Miura Kagemitsu. Miura Kagemitsu was a little nervous. He knew that Gin was powerful. Even at his peak, he couldn't beat him, not to mention that he hadn't recovered yet.

But he couldn't show his cowardice, which was a taboo.

Gin was about to make a move, and the patient suddenly inserted himself between the two of them. He shouted: "Big guts, dare to kill my kind, and see how I step on you, a dung beetle, under my feet. Remember my name, my name is Baba!"

After that, he didn't look at Gin's reaction, and punched Gin in his invincible state. Just one move, Gin knew that he couldn't beat him head-on.

He looked for an opportunity to shoot, but what he didn't expect was that the patient could dodge even though they were so close. This was no longer an ordinary strong man.

Kitagawa Anshu, who was squatting under the table, was stunned. He now wanted to know what would happen if the patient encountered a missile when he was invincible.

The fisherwoman saw that Gin was focused on dealing with the patient, so she quietly attacked them. She slowly walked around the two of them. When the water vapor closed, Gin seemed to have sensed something and moved outside the circle before continuing to fight the patient.

Fisherwoman: Haha, I don't even want to say it, Gin is just a cheat, and his danger perception is too damn awesome.

He looked at Miura Keimitsu, and the two of them beat up the others together, and the professor silently joined the spectators.

"Hey, uncle, why are you wearing this mask? What is the pattern on the mask?"

Faced with Conan's cute question, the professor had a blank expression:

"Little boy, has anyone ever told you that curiosity kills the cat?"

"Ahaha, I don't understand what you mean. Is there a cat on the mask? Why didn't I see it?"

Professor: Conan is so awkward in pretending to be stupid. I feel embarrassed for him.

The professor simply ignored him.

Conan returned to Kitagawa Anshu in a bad mood, looking at Gin and the patient seriously. The patient was fighting and talking nonsense from time to time. Is he mentally ill?

What kind of people are the fifth personality? Not all of them are good at physical skills, and their mental state is not necessarily normal. Is strength supreme, and then good at a certain field.

Conan was constantly brainstorming, and Gin didn't want to waste time with the patient anymore, so he took the opportunity to shoot the professor. Fortunately, the professor was still wearing scales, otherwise he would be in trouble.

After the first attack failed, Gin tried the second one. How could the professor be a target for him to attack? He kept moving his position to make it more difficult for Gin.

Five bullets didn't kill him, or even hurt him. Gin didn't plan to continue fighting, and turned the gun to shoot the fisherwoman, but the patient kicked his wrist, and the huge force made his gun fly out directly.

Gin didn't stop for a moment, and threw a micro-bomb with his other hand. This bomb made a much louder noise than the first one. The fisherwoman flew a distance away. When she was about to land, the cowboy hooked her and pulled her to his side.

The scene where he suffered several losses in front of them overlapped with the present. Gin changed his mind. Since he couldn't capture them alive, he would kill them all.

He continued to throw micro-bombs, and then successfully killed several of his own people and zero of the enemy.

"Sir, stop bombing, our people are almost gone!"

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