Conan thought carefully about the connection between cowboys and detectives. Apart from a little similarity in spirit, there is no other relationship. In addition, Kitagawa Anshu carries a rope that can hook people, so some code names are based on the abilities of the members, right?

At present, we know little, and we can confirm it after getting to know more people in the future.

Conan thought of a few more questions and asked, but found that Kitagawa Anshu was already asleep. He still kept his legs crossed, leaning against the head of the bed, breathing long.

Although he didn't want to disturb his sleep, his legs would be uncomfortable after a long time in this position, so Conan woke him up:

"Brother Beichuan, don't sleep like this, sleep lying down."

Kitagawa Anshu hummed in a daze, then lay down, feeling uncomfortable, so he curled up on his side to sleep, which suited his taste.

He didn't know what Conan had imagined when he saw this sleeping position. He simply felt that this position was comfortable. He tried several sleeping positions and concluded that this was the most comfortable one.

Conan sighed, then downloaded the Sakura Novel software and searched for "Muse". The introduction showed that this was a female author, and she had more than a dozen works, with the short ones having a few thousand words and the long ones not exceeding 100,000 words.

After roughly reading the names of the novels, Conan suddenly didn't want to read them very much. What about "Silver-haired Villain Crazy for Me" and "Exploding Twin Stars Secretly Love", is this popularity serious?

Anyway, he downloaded the software specifically, so he just picked one to read, and this "Detective Phantom Thief Pseudo-Osteology" was fine. There should be reasoning elements. As for what pseudo-orthopedics is, he has never learned about it, but he thought he would know after reading it.

When he finished reading the introduction of the work, he felt a little familiar strangely, but at this time he didn't know what would happen next.

He read on with gritted teeth, and the interaction between the two protagonists became more and more vivid. He could associate the descriptions in the novel by recalling certain scenes.

Conan continued to read, frowning tightly. He suspected that the author was writing about him and Kidd, but how did she know what happened between them?

In the novel, the relationship between the detective and the thief is getting better and better, so good that they can sleep together. Conan thinks there is nothing wrong with this; they accidentally kiss each other, except that it is a little awkward; they hide in the alley and kiss passionately, and the police are looking for the thief outside. This is not... this is a big problem!

He suspected that he had read it wrong, so he went back and read it again. In fact, he was not wrong. The author described it very detailed.

Conan turned off his phone and was quiet, quiet, quiet.

Ha, ha, it might be a coincidence. The five, six, seven or eight interactive plots written by the author are exactly the same as those between him and Kid. Coincidence, coincidence is a big ghost. How can there be such a coincidence? The author must have done it on purpose. Who could have written it?

Could it be Mochizuki Sue? But she just met them recently, so she shouldn't know those things.

After thinking fruitlessly, he opened his phone and prepared to finish reading the novel. There were only 10,000 words left. He wanted to know what "surprises" were in the back.

The thief and the detective are cousins? The detective accepted his inability and wanted to leave the thief, but was imprisoned by the thief? The detective found out that they were not cousins ​​by blood, so it was a happy ending?

Wait, cousins, they are all male? !

Conan thought that the author had set one of them as a female, but he didn't expect that they were all male, so the masculine descriptions in the previous paragraphs were not meant to say that the detective or the thief was heroic, but that they were male.

What kind of devilish plot is this? Enemies, false blood relations, male-male, imprisonment... the author's bad taste?

The most painful thing is that because there are too many familiar scenes, Conan habitually thinks of those scenes in his mind, so when he sees them kissing, he inevitably substitutes for them, and then succeeds in getting a chill.

He can't be the only one to get hurt, he thought: Kaito Kidd, when we meet again next time, I must let you see it too!

The last page of the novel is the author's remarks, and one sentence caught Conan's attention: For the hidden plot, please go to ****, the viewing code is 54188, and give a good review after reading it~

As curious as Conan is, he honestly searched it. The hidden plot has more than 5,000 words, and then he was hit as soon as the screen opened.

He knew what the plot was. He was too naive to think that the hidden plot was the regular plot.

His excellent ability to obtain information made him clearly see that the detective was the one being developed. Now, not only can he not let Kidd read it, he also has to pray that Kidd doesn't read this novel.

Conan: Muse, don't let me know who you are! Otherwise, I will definitely have a good talk with you-talk-

He tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. When he closed his eyes, he would see certain scenes. Finally, he planned to read a few other brainwashing articles.

Mr. Amuro and Mr. Akai? Hattori and Kazuha? Me and Xiaolan? Gin and Mr. Akai...

The above are all familiar to him. There are still a few articles that he didn't match with the people around him. He thought those might be around Muse.people.

Muse not only knows them, but also knows the people of the Black Organization. They are definitely not simple characters. What is her purpose in writing these?

Kitagawa Anshu slept soundly this time. He stretched comfortably, and then saw Conan with two thick dark circles under his eyes tiredly swiping the screen of his mobile phone.

"Did you stay up all night?"


"What are you reading so fascinated?"

"Does your organization write novels?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"There is a novel author named Muse. Some of the content she wrote makes me doubt her identity, and from the time she wrote her first novel, it happened to be not much different from the time when the fifth personality appeared."

Cowboy looked away: "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"What I don't believe in the most now is coincidence. You didn't deny it, which means it really exists. I will definitely find her!" Otherwise, I can't comfort my wounded heart. It hurts, it hurts too much. He can't face some people calmly.

Kitagawa Anshu was silent, struggling with whether to read the novel written by the novelist. Two voices were arguing in his mind:

"Let's take a look. Aren't you curious about what she wrote? Don't you want to read the novels written by your classmates?"

"Don't read them. The names of the novels she wrote will make you dig your toes on the ground. Don't pollute your eyes and brain."

"What if she is just bad at naming, but the content is so good?"

"Don't bet. It's easy to fail miserably."


Conan didn't wait for his answer. He tidied his clothes and said goodbye. The Maori Detective Agency was next door. Conan opened two doors and went back.

At this time, the TV was playing the news. Maori Kogoro was sleeping on the desk, with several cans of beer bottles beside him.

Conan picked up the remote control and prepared to turn off the TV so that he could go back to his room to catch up on his sleep, but:

"Yesterday afternoon, a university professor was found dead on the street... College students who learned of the news mourned his death, and many said they must find the murderer..."

The photo of the deceased in the news was exactly the same as a member of the fifth personality I saw yesterday. Did he just die like that?

The mosaic could not hide the grief of his students. It can be seen that he was very popular in school, and from the achievements reported, he was also very good. Conan felt bad.

He watched the news for a while, and then ran to Kitagawa Xingshu's house.

"Brother Beichuan, someone in your organization died."

He thought Kitagawa Xingshu didn't know.

"Are you talking about the professor? I already know." Kitagawa Xingshu's expression was indifferent, without any sadness for the death of his companions, "The professor is dead, but it's only the professor who died."

He has changed into another identity beautifully.

"What do you mean?" Conan didn't understand. He felt that Kitagawa Xingshu's current performance exceeded his expectations and was so cold and ruthless.

"Anyway, don't worry, he's just dead..."

Conan interrupted him:

"What do you mean he's just dead?! He's dead! He won't come back, everything he has is gone, and many people are sad about it."

Kitagawa Anshu looked complicated: No - he can come back, how should I say it? Difficult.

"No, I misunderstood, I mean that although he's dead, he's still alive in our hearts."

Conan was stunned, staring at Kitagawa Anshu, a guess came to his mind: Is he too sad so he acts like he doesn't care? Going to bed so early last night is actually because he doesn't want to accept reality and wants to escape?

"How is the relationship between your organizations?"

"Very good, no one in this world will have a better relationship than us."

Sure enough, he was too sad, I have to find a way to comfort him, let's put the matter of testing Mr. Miura aside for the time being:

"Let's go to the park in the afternoon, it is said that the scenery there is better after the reconstruction, and there is also a sculpture hall and painting exhibition next to the antique exhibition hall, which opened in the next two days, we can also go and see."

Kitagawa Anshu: Conan took the initiative to invite me? ! Historic progress, wait, the statue hall and the art exhibition, aren't they opened by classmates?

"Are you trying to comfort me?"

"Yes, I hope you can feel better."

"Thank you, let's go tomorrow, you should have a good rest today."

At the Metropolitan Police Department, Miura Keimitsu was called in to ask questions.

"What is your relationship with those people in the restaurant, why did they attack you?"

"I don't know either. Yesterday, I made an appointment with my online friends to have dinner there, and they suddenly came to beat us, and then we defended ourselves, this is our chat record."

Miura Keimitsu turned out the chat record forged by Honda Yamato and showed it to Officer Sato. With the strength of these people, they could not find that the chat record was fake.

"Then why did you set off smoke?Where did the smoke bomb come from? "

"One of us is a university professor. He was trying it for fun, but it turned out to be useful. We were so scared at the time that we thought of using it to stop the attack of the men in black."

"Did you tie up those men in black? Why didn't you stay at the scene and wait for the police to come?"

"Yes, we were afraid of the police, so we left early."

"Can you contact a few other people to come to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"The professor is dead, and the other two can't be reached by phone. You can try to contact them."

"Dead? Was it the one who died on the street yesterday?"


Because there was no reason to continue detaining Miura Keimitsu, he went back soon.

Halfway through, Amuro Toru motioned him to go over in the alley.

"What's wrong?"

"You were at the scene in the restaurant yesterday?"

"Well, I and three other members were doing a mission there. "

"The organization is investigating you, but fortunately Gin can't remember your appearance clearly. Those who remember you are either dead or in prison. You are safe for now, but be careful if you meet Gin again. It's best if you change your identity. I can think of confirming your presence at the scene through the Metropolitan Police Department. Sooner or later, they will also be able to think of it."

Amuro Toru said worriedly. He really wanted Hiro to hide and not go on the mission, but no, Hiro would not agree.

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