Officer Megure nodded, but before he could give any instructions, Takayama Yuanye covered her face and cried and admitted:

"I did kill him, and I am unwilling to accept it. Why can he easily get the love of Mai Okubo, and I have worked so hard and paid so much, but..."

Mai Okubo was shocked: "You like me? You never told me."

"Isn't it obvious that I showed it?! You often sit diagonally in front of me in class. I measured it and it was about 37°, so I changed the names of all my social accounts to 37°; you like to eat tempura, and I eat it in front of you whenever I have the chance to show that I like what you like; your English name is Charlotte, and there is a missing d between the first letters c and e, and the middle is There is an o in the square, so my English name is Dod..."

Takayama Yuanye felt wronged, and his sincerity was misplaced.

"I have hinted so much, even if you didn't see it, what about the 99 roses I gave you that day?"

Okubo Mai was silent for a long time, and she asked in confusion: "Didn't you say that someone asked you to pass the roses to me?"

"How can I say that I want to give it to you! I was so nervous that I could hardly speak. Shouldn't you have seen it at a glance?"

"You looked like you wanted to leave immediately, and I thought you were impatient, but it turned out that you liked it?" Okubo Mai was speechless, and her right hand touched her forehead. It was so unlucky to be liked by him, and she even caused her excellent and handsome boyfriend to be gone.

Gao Shanyuanye misunderstood the meaning of her expression, thinking that she also had feelings for him, but only now realized her feelings, so she regretted it. He said affectionately:

"Now that you know it, Mai, are you willing to wait for me to get out of prison?"

"Ugh——" Okubo Mai felt nauseous, "Are you sick in the head? You killed my boyfriend, and now you want me to wait for you to get out of prison? Do you think I'm stupid to wait and live with a murderer? Besides, you look like a fake person, and I feel uncomfortable when I see you."

Gao Shanyuanye's face darkened: "It turns out that you are so superficial. I'm so unlucky that I fell in love with you and killed someone for you. My whole life is ruined by you. On your body. Come out, and you say that you love Miss Dajiu, do you know her? "" Why don't I know her when I have time? " Ask you, do you know my birthday? Do you know my ideal type? She sneered: "Is this your love? It's so light that it's worthless. You make me feel sick."

Takayama Haruno's mind flashed with the images of those affectionate male second roles in anime. He felt that his current situation was the same as theirs, but he was more rational. Since others didn't understand his love, he didn't love them anymore: "Hahahaha, scold me more and let me give up on you completely... I will compensate you for killing Ishihara Daichi in the future."

Inspector Megure felt that he had seen the diversity of species. He signaled Officer Takagi to quickly take Takayama Haruno away. He felt uncomfortable listening to such scalp-numbing words.

"Brother Kitagawa, let's go quickly. The more we care about this kind of person, the easier it is for us to be corrupted. Anyway, the case has been solved and the park has been visited. Let's go to the sculpture hall now."

The main purpose of Conan's coming out today is to take Kitagawa Apricot Tree to relax, but he can't have the opposite effect.

"Okay." Kitagawa Anshu nodded. He sent out what the man said in his brain channel. His classmates complained one after another. Seeing that everyone had the same views, Kitagawa Anshu felt much better.

The two of them said goodbye to Inspector Megure and left. They took a taxi and arrived at the sculpture hall in a short while.

[Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Sculptor, Conan and I are here~

Master Sculptor (Sculptor): Come on, I held three meetings with the employees yesterday. Not only did I say that they should get along harmoniously, I also specially asked them to play truth or dare and say who they hate, and thenThe two sides reconciled.

Spiritual Painter (Painter): You look stupid, so I sent a message in the work group: ‘I found someone’s little trick, I hope that person will not do anything illegal. ’

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): What am I? I didn’t prepare anything last time.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): Conan has already shown his power once today, and nothing should happen again.

Dog-headed Detective (Cowboy): No wonder, @Master Sculptor (Sculptor) someone died at the door of your statue hall, fell from the upstairs, according to experience, most of it is murder.

Master Sculptor (Sculptor): ╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮】

“Brother Beichuan, call the police!” Conan approached the body lying in a pool of blood, trying to find the truth as quickly as possible.

Beichuan Xingshu called the police and gave a general account of the situation. The operator said that the police would arrive at the scene soon.

Passersby and people in the statue hall gathered in a circle, boldly commenting on the corpse, while the timid ones wanted to take a look, struggling with their conscience.

Kitagawa Xingshu pretended to observe the surroundings and started the mini-game again.

Conan retreated into the crowd and looked at the place where the deceased fell from the building. The railings there were intact, so there should not be an accidental fall.

Another thing is that the wound on the head of the corpse was a little strange, as if someone had broken it in advance and then fell to the ground.

He planned to go upstairs.

The security guards were basically around the corpse, and no one stopped Conan from going upstairs. He successfully came to the place where the deceased fell. After observation, there was a little blood on the railings and the ground. It seemed that the deceased was indeed injured before falling from the building.

When Inspector Megure arrived, he saw that it was Kitagawa Anshu again, and sincerely suggested: "Brother Kitagawa, why don't you go to the temple to pray? You haven't been there for half a day and you've encountered a second murder."

"It's okay. It's not like I'm unlucky like this every day. There's no need to pray." Kitagawa Anshu changed the subject, "I looked at the body carefully. He should have been hit on the head and fell to his death. The shape of the wound on his head is a bit strange. It doesn't look like it was caused by ordinary tools like hammers. It looks like it was caused by irregular stones."

"Irregular stones?" Inspector Megure repeated this sentence, and his eyes gradually moved to the sculpture hall On the statue, a flash of inspiration came to mind, "Could it be a statue?!"

Kitagawa Anshu confirmed his guess: "It is very likely that Conan and I happened to be here when the deceased fell from the building. Although we did not see the murderer, we did not see anyone carrying something suspected to be a murder weapon, so the murder weapon is probably still in this statue hall."

Inspector Megure nodded: "Sato, Takagi, after I communicate with the person in charge of the statue hall, you will take people in to search, and remember not to miss any corner!"

"Yes!" ×2

[Doghead Detective (Cowboy): Sculptor, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?

Master Sculptor (Sculptor): Bad news.

Doghead Detective (Cowboy): The murder weapon is one of your works.

Master Sculptor (Sculptor): My heart is broken! [Vomiting blood] Each of my works is my good child, damn murderer, why do you do this to my child? ! I treated those staff so well, and my kindness was in vain.

What is the good news?

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): The good news is that the murderer is not a staff member, but a visitor. Your kindness is not in vain.

Spiritual painter (painter): Huh? Now we have to protect not only the staff members?

Master carver (sculptor): No, each of my exhibited sculptures is well isolated with explosion-proof glass. How did the murderer get it?

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): The murderer can pick the lock. He directly disguised himself as a staff member to open the explosion-proof glass and take it out.

Master carver (sculptor): ... (*  ̄ー ̄) Nothing to say, I want to be quiet. By the way, which of my works did the murderer use? Is it a fisted hand?

Dog-headed detective (cowboy): No, it's a rose.

Master carver (sculptor): What did you say! ! ! Rose! I'm dead, don't cue me.]

The murder weapon was first discovered by Conan on the display stand. It was a 'red rose', the only one in the entire sculpture hall that was painted, but the red paint could not cover up the mottled bloodstains faintly revealed on it.

Conan reminded Officer Sato of the location of the murder weapon, and Officer Sato was controlled at the first glance.

It was just like the real thing, delicate, fragile, and full of vitality. It was hard to imagine that it was carved from hard stone. The thinness and softness of its petals, the natural curling and overlapping, all showed the sculptor's skills and intentions.

Sato Miwako sighed. It was obvious at a glance that this rose was of great significance to the sculptor. If the sculptor knew that it was used to kill people, he would probably be very sad.

SuspectAfter everyone arrived and the murder weapon was found, Beichuan Xingshu started to reason directly. The reason why the murderer killed the deceased this time was relatively normal: the deceased stole the murderer's sculpture work to participate in the competition, and after winning the first prize, he showed off in front of the murderer. Not only that, he also deliberately destroyed the murderer's second prize work and mocked him for not being able to make waves without connections.

It can be said that if you don't commit suicide, you won't die.

The murderer did not regret killing the deceased, and he had a relieved smile on his face.

"Watch it!" The sculptor ran over as soon as he got out of the car and kicked the murderer in the face. "In my eyes, you are as hateful as the deceased! Your work is a work, but mine is not? I carved dozens of sculptures to carve this most spiritual one, and you destroyed it in one go! Damn, bitch!"

The murderer's body was suspended in the air for a second and then fell to the ground. He finally realized that his behavior was so hateful.

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