The priest summarized the plan roughly:

"We are currently on the 6th floor. The two floors above are guest rooms. The protagonist group is just above us. The 16th and 17th floors are mainly some observation decks, rest areas and high-end suites. The probability of things being placed on these five floors is not high. To be on the safe side, the adventurer will go to these floors after shrinking.

The luggage storage on the first floor is very suspicious, so the magician will go there; the 2nd and 3rd floors are mainly some shops, the 4th floor is the stern restaurant, and the 5th floor contains some restaurants, entertainment venues and shops. The prisoners and the blind girl work together


The above is everyone's respective arrangements. Do you have any questions?"

Several people shook their heads, and the priest continued:

"I was very concerned about the game part of the experience coupon that Cowboy sent to the group this morning. I suspect that the transaction between the Black Organization and the trading party is related to this."

The novelist immediately replied: "Is it a code? The trading party hides the transaction location in the slogan. For example, the slogan of the game is: 'You will play the role of an agent, find the person who will pick you up on the cruise ship, and take away the important items in the other party's hands.' This sentence means to remind the Black Organization to trade on the cruise ship."

"Yes, I think it is possible." The priest took out a pen and paper and wrote down the other three slogans.

Performance: 'The theater is open every day. No matter when you come, there will be wonderful performances waiting for you. '

Activities: 'Casino hegemony, swimming king, fitness expert, lying champion, each floor has different activities. Standing at the top of life, can you connect to the three floors and win all the first prizes in one fell swoop? '

Food: 'Remember the location of the restaurant. From bottom to top, each restaurant has a different flavor. It will feel different to eat in two restaurants together. ’

The blind girl pondered over these three sentences: “The performance should mean that the transaction time is during the day, and you can go any day. The penultimate sentence of the activity should have a deep meaning.”

The novelist checked the cruise guide on the table: “These activities are held on the 9th to 12th floors, and ‘the top floor of life’ and ‘three floors in a row’, are they hinting at the 15th floor?”

The prisoner was surprised: “Isn’t the 15th floor a bar?”

“For this kind of black transaction, it is generally easier to happen in dimly lit places like bars, so it is quite possible.”

The novelist The deputy prisoner looked surprised, and then continued, "Finally, the food, the two restaurants from bottom to top are the 4th and 5th floors, and they are combined to get 45, is it a number or something?"

"You will know this when you get there. It happens that you are in charge of the 15th floor, and Eiji Matsuda is also working there. If these few promotional words are really a code, then I am quite relieved that you two will join forces."

The priest's eyes encouraged. She thought for a long time before considering who would go to the 15th floor. Only adult female customers are served there. Those who meet the conditions for participating in this mission are herself, the Dream Witch, the Red Butterfly, the Antique Dealer, the Blind Girl, and the Novelist.

She and the Blind Girl don't want to go. The identity of the Red Butterfly does not allow her to go. The Dream Witch and the Antique Dealer are not yet adults, and they must ensure that their minds are not polluted, so the only choice is the Novelist. It happens that the Novelist is quite willing, so it is decided.

The novelist said righteously: "Leave it to us, it doesn't matter if you give up a little bit of integrity for the mission!"

The prisoner looked suspicious: "Do you have integrity?"

"How come you don't have it? I'm still a virgin."

"It's really erotic, as you can see from the last page of the book "Master-Disciple Love Is Not Good" you wrote."

"That's "Master-Disciple Love Is Not Good", you actually read it?!"

"Yeah, so why do you still need to be if you're already fan fiction?"

"Because... people will always get hurt in their lives."

The priest ended the topic: "Okay, it's almost time, the cruise ship is about to leave, blind girl, use your skills."

The blind girl took out the blind stick from the system space and knocked it on the ground, and ten translucent outlines appeared in everyone's field of vision, most of them were concentrated on this floor and the two floors above.

"It seems that the Black Organization has more than ten people dispatched this time."

Upstairs, Maori and his group gathered again.

Mauri Kogoro touched his empty stomach, and after reading the introduction of each floor in the guide book for a while, he waved his hand: "Let's go to the Japanese food store on the 5th floor to fill our stomachs, and then you can decide where to go. I won't go with you."

Mauri Ran also had a book in her hand. After reading it, she asked doubtfully: "Dad, you don't want to go to the bar, do you?"

"Ah, ah, how can this be possible? I want to watch a show, yes, a show." Maori Kogoro looked guilty.

Maori Ran: "Really? Then we can go with you."

"Okay. "Mouri Kogoro was crying like a wide noodle in his heart, and he went downstairs in a depressed mood.

It wasn't until he arrived at the Japanese restaurant that he felt a little better, but when he saw the prices on the menu, he felt that his heart was completely broken. At this rate, he had no spare money to drink.

After carefully selecting the dishes, he saw the total amount to be paid, and his heart, which had just been glued together, broke again.

Kitagawa Anshu made a bet in his heart whether he would encounter a murder case during this meal. If so, he would reward himself with tamagoyaki, and if not, he would punish himself with shirataki.

He believed in Conan's death physique and bet so big, but unfortunately there was no familiar scream until everyone had finished eating.

He looked at Conan with resentment, and convinced himself in Conan's confused eyes:

It's okay, shirataki, it's just the testicles of some fish, he can't bear it, anyway, no one knows what he bet on, and one person's bet doesn't count, it doesn't count.

After a peaceful half day, the sunset outside dyed the clouds The room was orange-red. In order to save money, Maori Kogoro refused to participate in any entertainment activities on the grounds of resting. Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko planned to go shopping in the mall. Conan wanted to find Amuro Toru alone, so he declined Kitagawa Anshu's invitation to join him.

After searching many places where the staff might be but to no avail, Conan finally gave up the search and returned to the room.

On the fifteenth floor, Mochizuki Moto hesitated in front of the door for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to open the door and go in. The two gatekeepers bowed to her together, and then said that she needed to show her ID.

Mochizuki Moto took out the fake ID she had prepared in advance. After the gatekeeper confirmed that she was an adult, he warmly welcomed her in.

The atmosphere inside was very ambiguous, with all kinds of muscles everywhere, the music was not noisy, and there were young men twisting their waists to sing love songs.

Mochizuki Moto's face hidden under the disguise mask was completely red. This is... heaven.

"Is there anything I can help you with? "A man wearing a cat-ear hairpin and a tight shirt bowed slightly. His appearance perfectly matched Wang Yuemo's fantasy of a wolf-dog type of man. His unbuttoned collar revealed his sexy collarbone, and his hand on his chest was slender and had distinct joints.

With this height and appearance, he doesn't look like a person who lives a simple life at all.

"I want to find a place to sit for a while, hoping to have a better view." Wang Yuemo felt that she had made progress and could speak without any hesitation. In her mind, she was like a cold and arrogant elder sister who had experienced love affairs for a long time. Some small seductive tricks were completely useless to her.

"Then please follow me. There are still a few better seats that have not been selected." He showed a very bright smile, with neat and white teeth, plus points +1.

"I recommend this seat. You can see the situation on the stage very well, and there are many opportunities to interact with people who are more suitable for you. It is also convenient to have a drink."

"Well, I know. "Mochizuki said reservedly. After thinking about it, she couldn't just sit there like that, so she picked up the menu on the round table in front of her and asked, "Please recommend a few dishes for me."

The man had analyzed her spending power when she came in, so he was very good at recommending, which would not embarrass her and make her more satisfied.

After all, she had been 'poor' for 18 years. When Mochizuki saw the price, she still felt it was expensive at first, but she soon calmed down. She got a lot of money from completing tasks, which was enough for her to squander.

"Then I'll take them all." She said this without blinking, and the man's smile became more sincere:

"Okay, wait a moment, the set meal and drinks will be delivered soon." He whispered something into the intercom, but Mochizuki didn't hear it clearly.

"So, what do you want us to call you? Guest, Princess, Miss, or something else?"

Although she really wanted to choose Princess, it was too embarrassing, so Mochizuki gave up and settled for the next best thing: "Just Miss. "

"Okay, miss, you can call me Youfeng. Next, I will present a dance for you. I hope you don't mind it."

Youfeng started in a relatively empty place in front of her. Just then, a new piece of music sounded. He raised his head slightly, and his slender neck outlined a beautiful line. Then, his shoulders began to move rhythmically, and his waist twisted and swayed gracefully in every beat, as if it contained endless charm.

Wang Yuemo's eyes couldn't help but move to his undulating and perky buttocks. Why didn't she notice that he was so perky just now? She really wanted to take a picture of it. Damn, the world owed her a dick.

His dance steps became more and more rapid, and his clothes were soaked with sweat, but it added a wildness and sexiness.

"Miss, is it okay?" His voice was panting, and his eyes were also flattering.

"Well, not bad." Wang Yuemo nodded affirmatively, and Youfeng smiled widely again.

The intercom on his waistAfter vibrating twice, Youfeng showed an apologetic expression, and then listened to the words on the intercom. After listening, he said:

"Miss, the food you ordered is ready. I will go get it for you. Please wait for a moment."


After he left, Mochizuki quickly observed the surrounding situation. The awkward Matsuda and the cheerful Amuro Toru just broke into her field of vision.

There were five or six women sitting in front of the two of them. Amuro Toru's mouth opened and closed, making several women laugh so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. One of them seemed to be very interested in Matsuda and pointed at him and said something. Amuro Toru pushed him to the front, and Matsuda spoke expressionlessly.

The other people also began to pay attention to him, laughing and making noises at him one after another.

When he became more and more stiff, Amuro Toru stepped forward again to help him out.

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