In the specialty restaurant on the 13th floor, several people walked carefully in the aisle to search, under the tables and chairs, behind the decorations, and in the dining table compartment, but they couldn't find it. Several people thought that this store didn't have it, so they planned to change to another one.

Just after leaving the store, Conan saw a black box exposed behind the big vase by the door, and he ran over and said: "Here!"

Opened the box, it was empty.

"It seems that we are a step late. The card has been taken away by someone else." Mao Lilan was not discouraged and was full of fighting spirit. "We have to find the box quickly. Why don't we split up and go to one direction each? Maybe the efficiency will be better."

Suzuki Sonoko agreed with both hands: "Okay, I want to go to the jacuzzi, and you guys can divide the rest!"

Conan pointed in a random direction: "I'll go there."

Ma Lilan and Kitagawa Anshu each chose one of the remaining two directions, and then Mao Lilan said: "We will gather at this location in a while, and start now!"

Conan turned into an aisle. There were many specialty restaurants on this floor, so he looked around and saw that there were restaurants everywhere. He started looking from the nearest store in order. It didn't take long for him to find three suitcases, one of which was empty, and the white cards in the other two said: clue 'empty'.

Conan: Is everyone so fast?

In the third restaurant in front of him, the priest walked to the place suitable for hiding the suitcase with a clear goal. Sure enough, there was one in one of the positions. When he opened it, he saw a white card with the clue: "child's voice".

So far, the agent game has been going on for less than 20 minutes, and she alone has turned over 5 boxes and obtained 3 clue cards.

Because some classmates speculated that there is a certain probability that the important object in the hands of the game's counterpart is the target suitcase, everyone decided to send the clues on the clue card to the brain channel immediately when they found it, so that everyone can find more clue cards faster.

After collecting 20 clue cards, one classmate will immediately change the clue of the counterpart. I think the organizer will not prepare only one clue, so the students on the cruise ship will continue to collect the second and third 20 clue cards until the counterpart is found.

Conan was confused when he found the empty box again: Could it be that someone happened to be looking here, and then in front of him?

Conan ran forward for a while, and the figure of the priest rummaging through the box came into his sight.

People from the fifth personality came to the cruise ship to play the agent game? How could this be possible? How could they have such leisure time? There must be some deeper purpose.

‘Agent game’, it can’t be a real ‘agent’, who would integrate tasks into the game for no reason? Wait, if it is to use the game to cover something, it seems possible.

Conan’s expression became more and more serious. He quietly followed the priest and observed her every move. The priest found him when he was lost in thought. She thought: Let Conan see it, anyway, I am playing the game now.

Another half an hour passed, and this direction had been searched. The priest seemed to be going to Xiaolan’s direction to search. Anyway, there were no boxes left here, so Conan continued to follow with peace of mind.

"Conan, why are you here?" Ran Maori saw Conan and asked. Conan scratched his head:

"I've finished my search, so I came here to take a look."

Ran Maori's eyes lit up: "So fast, Conan, how many clue cards did you find? I found 4."

"Ah, this, I didn't find any clue cards, someone found and took them away before me." Conan said embarrassedly, thinking: If I had known, I would have run ahead of the red-haired woman to find them. At least I wouldn't be so embarrassed now if I found one.

Ran Maori covered her mouth with a smile: "It's okay, Conan, let's find it together."

Conan looked to the left and saw that the priest was no longer there, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay--"

The massage bathtubs are distributed next to the swimming pool. It is an open-air public place. Whether in the swimming pool, the massage bathtub, or the deck chairs, there are men and women in swimsuits relaxing.

Suzuki Sonoko: I'm here to find the box, not to see the handsome guy! Absolutely not! !

Huh? It's the handsome guy with glasses!

Suzuki Sonoko was in high spirits. She looked at him with shining eyes for a while. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, sitting on something that looked like a wooden box, and seemed to be editing some information with his hands.

Feeling Suzuki Sonoko's gaze, he looked up at her and then continued to do his own thing.

Suzuki Sonoko pretended to be busy in an instant, walking around in the crowd, muttering: "Black suitcase, black suitcase, not here, not here either."Yes, here... I got it!"

After successfully finding a suitcase, Suzuki Sonoko put the glasses man behind her. She opened the box expectantly, closed her eyes, and then slowly opened them a crack. When she saw that it was a blank card, she picked it up disappointedly:

"What? It's actually a blank card."

She turned to the back of the card, and it said: Clue 'Stairs'.

"Great, it's a clue card! You found one so quickly, you are worthy of being my Sonoko-sama hahahaha!"

Now she doesn't care whether he is handsome or not, winning the game is more important.

Beichuan Xingshu, he bumped into the Dream Witch, and at this time he protected the three clue cards behind him. The Dream Witch controlled Darren and smiled like a villain: "For the fifth organization, hand them all over!"

"No, I can give you two if you want, but you can't take them all. At least leave me one, otherwise Conan and the others will each find several clue cards, but I don't have any, which is a complete insult to my strength. "

Darren's expression became tangled: "But...Okay, give me two."

Kitagawa Anshu breathed a sigh of relief and readily took out two cards for her.

At the stairs, Mao Lilan and Conan and the other two came to gather. Not long after, Kitagawa Anshu came over with a white card in his hand:

"I've finished searching over there. There are several empty boxes. All the others except this one have been taken away."

"It seems that the competition in this game is quite fierce." Mao Lilan said, thinking that fortunately the clue cards she found here are all there. At present, there are 6 cards including Kitagawa Anshu's, which is almost 1/3 of the completion. This speed is quite good.

"Xiao Lan--you are all here, sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I just found a box hanging from the ceiling. I took a lot of effort to get it down, but it turned out to be an empty clue. The person who put the box was too hateful. I only have one clue card here, maybe because it is not easy to hide over there. "

Suzuki Sonoko handed the card to Mao Lilan, who took it and said, "Let's continue to look for the next floor."

On the 15th floor, Mochizuki Moto entered the bar again. There were almost no people inside at this time. Mochizuki Moto sat at the bar and ordered a glass of Matsutakemei Shirakabe Mio, which is a sparkling sake with an alcohol content of only 5%. It has a sweet and sour fruity taste. It is delicious and not intoxicating, which suits her very well.

She pretended to ask a question casually: "What are the VIP booths here?"

The bartender replied respectfully: "There are eight VIP booths from No. 5, No. 15, No. 25 to No. 75. Do you want to reserve them?"

"I want to reserve booth No. 45. What do you need me to do?"

The bartender's momentum suddenly changed: "Please follow me. ”

Mochizuki:?!! He is not simple, the things can't be really here?!

They came to a box, there were two numbers in gold on the door: 45, the bartender knocked on the door, and it was quickly opened, and a familiar person stood inside-Youfeng.

"I didn't expect you to be Sake, I have heard of your name for a long time, and I heard that you are a martial arts master, I wonder if I can teach you a lesson?"

His expression was cold, and his eyes were full of uncontrollable fighting spirit.

Mochizuki: He definitely wanted to take revenge, and he was "flirting" in front of me yesterday, now he regrets it. It was a mistake, when he was so docile last night, I should have patted his buttocks twice. As for Sake, a new bottle of wine, most likely someone sent by the Black Organization to trade, with high martial arts skills, it seems that I have to be careful.

"Please go ahead. "Momo Mochi's expression was indifferent. She made an international friendly gesture behind her back and went in, ready to fight with Youfeng.

The bartender saw her little action, looked at Youfeng with a complicated expression, closed the door and left.

Youfeng swung a punch at Momo Mochi's head. Momo Mochi leaned back to avoid it, and then kicked him sideways in the waist. Youfeng wanted to grab her ankle with her hand, but it was just a feint of Momo Mochi. As her left leg fell, her right hand slapped his forehead:

"I can't bear to damage your face, otherwise many girls will be heartbroken, and you still have to rely on this face to please others. "

Youfeng felt that she was too talkative, and what she said was very challenging to his nerves. He punched her mouth with a straight fist, and at the same time, he prepared an elbow with his other hand.

Mochizuki Moto was a woman with a cheat, and after the setback from Gin, she had been practicing all the time, so Youfeng was still a little naive to face her.

She turned sideways, grabbed Youfeng's arm with both hands, and then threw him over her shoulder. Youfeng rolled on the ground and half-knelt to stabilize his body:

"You are really good, so where is your sincerity?" He stood up and looked at Mochizuki Moto's empty hands.

Mochizuki Moto's mind was working rapidly, and then he casually reported the room number of a member of the Black Organization.:"To be fair, I took the trouble to come to you to get the things, so don't you have to go and get them in person? After all, we are not the only beneficiaries of this transaction."

Youfeng pondered for a while, then said: "What you said makes sense. If I find that your sincerity is not enough after I go there, don't blame us for turning against the organization behind you."

Turning against the Black Organization, that's a good relationship. Wang Yuemo tried to keep a cold expression: "Our organization is not a small minion. We will definitely give what we deserve."

"I believe in you. The things are here. Take them away."

He took out a small box of unknown material from under the cabinet and put it on the table. Wang Yuemo picked it up and looked at it in his hands. His mind was full of: Why is it a small box? Isn't it a suitcase?

"I have something to do and I'll leave first. Find a chance to get it yourself."

Wang Yuemo opened the door and left. Youfeng did not stop him.

As soon as I left the bar, the message in my brain channel was refreshed:

[Task Checker: Congratulations to the novel creator (Novelist) for completing the hidden task "Special Brainwashing Aid Trading", and three lucky draw opportunities as a special reward. 】

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