"You actually used the toilet trick taught by the entertainment director?" Matsuda said this deliberately. For some reason, he wanted to "treat" Toru Amuro specially.

Toru Amuro recalled what the entertainment director said, 'Even after going to the toilet, you can still smell fresh blah blah blah...' After a long time, he finally nodded.

Matsuda Eiji tried to suppress the corners of his mouth. He really wanted to laugh. This blond bastard actually admitted to doing such a thing.

Wait, something is wrong. Why do I feel so special about him?

The two of them had different thoughts. Matsuda Eiji asked a few questions symbolically, and Toru Amuro answered them one by one. Finally, Matsuda praised: "Mr. Amuro is very experienced."

Toru Amuro didn't want to stay with him for the time being, so he found another excuse: "I haven't eaten this morning, and I'm a little hungry now, so I'll leave first."

"It just so happens that I want to eat something, let's go together." Matsuda Eiji said.

This is the third time that Matsuda Eiji said 'It just so happens that I want to' for the third time. Is he really unintentional?

Amuro Toru's eyes became sharp in a place where Matsuda couldn't see, and then returned to gentleness. It should be that he was too suspicious. He really wanted to go to the bathroom just now, it was just a coincidence.


The two went to have breakfast together.

The man with glasses left the outdoor swimming pool and walked to a deserted place. Just as he was about to contact someone, he suddenly felt his scalp tingling, as if something was staring at him.

He couldn't see that the dream witch put her face very close to him and was carefully observing his neck. She had good eyesight and finally saw a little flaw. This man was disguised. The person who disguised him was very skilled. Was it Vermouth or Kudo Yukiko?

I strongly suspect it was Vermouth. Maybe this man was Vermouth in disguise.

Dream Witch: No matter whether it is or not, I will spy on him next! Don't try to escape my sight.

The man with glasses observed the surroundings vigilantly, wondering if there were hidden cameras installed nearby, but the walls and ceilings next to him were very smooth and flat, and there was no problem at all.

It is not necessary to contact here. The man with glasses moved to another place, but found that no matter where he went, the feeling of being watched always existed.

He began to wonder if he was too nervous. To verify, he deliberately walked around in crowded places. Sure enough, the feeling was still there. It seems that he needs to take a good rest after this mission is over.

The man with glasses went to an empty place again, first sent a message to confirm that the other party was available, and then made a phone call.

"Meet at the theater on the 11th floor at 2 pm."

The dream witch and the eavesdropping Conan were both refreshed. The transaction location? / What secret transaction is he going to make with the fifth personality?

"There is a little noise over there." A woman's voice came from the phone. The man with glasses realized what she meant and immediately searched his body.

The advantage of wearing simple clothes is that he found the bug behind him in less than ten seconds. He looked at the bug for a while, then threw it on the ground and crushed it:

"Nothing, maybe there was something wrong with the phone, it should be fixed now."

"Then goodbye." The call was hung up, and the man with glasses sent a group message again, "Before 3 pm, go to the theater on the 11th floor." to more than a dozen people's emails.

The Dream Witch was now absolutely sure that he was the person sent by the Black Organization to get the things this time. She sent the message to the brain channel. Ten minutes later, the priest sent out the revised plan.

Conan was not surprised that the bug was found and destroyed. Although the time was a little faster, he heard the important information anyway.

I hope they don't change the mission location.

The Lying Down Contest is next to the opening scene of the game. After Mao Lilan and others put the rewards, they came together to watch Mao Li Kogoro's game.

There are a hundred mats on the field, and less than ten of them have people lying on them. Mao Li Kogoro is one of them.

The electronic screen on the ceiling plays the rules of the game:

No sleeping, no leaving the mat, no sitting up, no large movements (such as turning over), no looking at mobile phones or reading books, etc.

It is held every half day, each time for 4 hours, and the last half hour will enter the interference period, and contestants cannot participate repeatedly.

If there are more than three contestants left on the field, they will share all the grand prizes together. If there are only three or less than three contestants left, they will be divided into first, second and third places according to their performance. The longer they maintain a posture, the better their performance.

Maori Kogoro has been lying flat for nearly three hours. His expression is sometimes serious and sometimes excited. He is comparable to the most heavily dressed hostess that the philanthropist met yesterday. She can't remember how many times she was moved to tears by the story she imagined this time. In short, tears come out every once in a while.

People watching the game outside the field are smallSome were talking in a low voice, and some were still betting on who would be the champion.

"I didn't expect that Dad was so good that he could hold on for so long." Mao Lilan said in surprise, and Suzuki Sonoko nodded in agreement:

"Yeah, I thought that uncle could only hold on for an hour at most. Now it seems that he is likely to get the reward."

Conan observed everyone on the field. When he saw the crying woman, he subconsciously thought in a bad direction: Was she coerced by someone?

"Ah, Xiaolan sister, why is that big sister crying all the time?"

Mauri Ran looked in the direction he pointed, and there was indeed a woman with tears falling from both sides. Before she started to guess, the people who had been watching the game next to her took the initiative to explain:

"The referee went up and asked a long time ago. She said that she always liked to imagine some sadomasochistic stories when she was in a daze, so she was moved to tears."

"Really?" Although it was a bit strange, Mao Lilan still believed it, and Conan was thinking: Can such an outrageous reason be believed?

He expressed doubt, and this doubt lasted until the woman burst into laughter and then her expression gradually became strange: The world is so big that there are so many wonders.

There was one less person on the field, and now there were only eight left. The referee said to the microphone:

"Another person lying flat missed the reward. The remaining eight people lying flat, as long as you can hold on for less than an hour, you can get the grand prize. If everyone succeeds to the end, then everyone will share at least 400,000 yen!"

"If the number of people decreases again, and there are only three left, the first place will get 1.5 million yen, the second place will get 1 million yen, and the third place will get 700,000 yen!"

Kitagawa Anshu silently calculated that if converted into RMB, it would be equivalent to more than 70,000 for the first place, nearly 50,000 for the second place, and nearly 35,000 for the third place. It is worthy of being an activity on a luxury cruise ship, and the reward is huge.

Maori Kogoro was originally numb, and he got excited again after hearing this. As long as he could maintain this posture for less than an hour, 1.5 million yen would be mine!!! By then, hehe, not only can we be more generous, but we can also go to the bar and have a good drink.

Time passed by minute by minute, Mao Lilan was still nervously looking at Mao Li Kogoro, Suzuki Sonoko started to pass the time by looking at her mobile phone, Conan leaned against the wall in deep thought, and Kitagawa Anshu was browsing the system mall.

The referee suddenly stood up and walked into the arena. Many people focused their eyes on him, curiously watching what he was going to do.

He came to a young man and patted his body: "I'm sorry, you violated the rules, now go out."

The referee used a timer to count the time not long after the young man closed his eyes. After five minutes, the other party still did not open his eyes, which meant that he was probably asleep, and sleeping was a violation, so the referee came to call him off.

Detective Conan's radar sounded, and Kitagawa Anshu also looked over nervously: Is this a dead person?

The referee called the young man twice again, but he still did not respond. Conan was ready to rush over.

The referee pushed him twice again, and he opened his eyes in confusion. After realizing the current situation, he sighed: "I thought I was good at being in a daze, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even last four hours."

He stood up and left the arena, and several of his companions surrounded him and teased him.

Conan retracted his legs that wanted to run over, and Kitagawa Apricot continued to browse the system mall.

Maori Kogoro was in a good mood. With one less competitor, he could at least get a prize of more than 450,000 yen. I hope there will be fewer people.

There are only a few people like Maori Kogoro who are short of money and come for the prize. Most people come to get a "Master Lying Flat Memorial Plate". After all, they can play on this luxury cruise ship, so they are basically not short of money.

There is still half an hour left. Two contestants unfortunately left because of their excessive movements. Only the last five people are left. They all look like they can hold on to the end.

Maori Kogoro can't even fantasize now. His mind is full of how long it will take? There will be two less people!

The referee announced that the game had entered the interference period: "Next, we will use some means to interfere with your game. Remember, the interference means may sometimes exceed your imagination."

After speaking, everyone found that the words on the electronic screen disappeared. Suddenly! A face with a pale face, wide eyes, and an unknown object in his mouth appeared. Many people screamed, and a contestant was scared to crawl.

The referee announced that he violated the rules.

The terrifying scene disappeared, and the next few minutes were very quiet. The four contestants turned their eyes away at the same time to prevent the electronic screen from playing a more terrifying scene.

Because Maori Kogoro was used to seeing corpses, he was not very scared of the previous scene, but he couldn't say for sure about other things.

"There are only 20 minutes left.Please turn over, everyone." The referee said into the microphone.

The hostess listened to the referee subconsciously, and then was declared in violation. Her tears flowed again, and she looked at the referee with resentment.

The referee gave her an embarrassed look, and she left with regret.

Yeah! There are only three left, and the first place must be in my pocket!

Time became long in the eyes of the three contestants. I don’t know how long it has passed. The referee announced: "The game is over, congratulations to everyone for successfully persisting to the end, come and receive the prize."

Mouri Kogoro has maintained this posture for too long, and now he can’t move for a while, so he plans to slow down and get up again; another contestant not far from him feels that the time is wrong, so he waits for the other two to move first; the third contestant breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it is finally over, he stretched, and then stood up.

"I'm sorry, you violated the rules." The referee's cold voice sounded, and his expression instantly became dazed: nearly four hours, in vain...

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