Jack was assigned to go to the third floor to find someone. When he got close to the side of the ship, several red flashing objects caught his attention. He stared at them for several seconds, wondering why this thing looked so much like a bomb.

[Rice Flower Worker (Jack): [Picture] This thing looks like a bomb, but it shouldn't be, right?

Blast Team Rising Star (Gardener): It's quite realistic. It looks like the real thing at first glance.

Blast Team Rising Star (Gardener): Damn! It's a bomb!

Blast Team Rising Star (Gardener): Or a time bomb! The countdown is only one and a half hours.

Blast Team Rising Star (Gardener): Call the police!

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): Huh? No, my friend, such a large cruise ship can be bombed [quickly grayed out]

Novel Creator (Novelist): The power of the Grim Reaper has not diminished.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): [Distorted and deformed] ×3

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): It's okay, it's okay, it's okay! Yes! Even if the cruise ship finally sank, we will definitely be fine. After all, in Conan, ordinary people will survive such explosions without any danger.

Besides, the priest's hole today is probably not used yet. It doesn't matter if it is used. We still have the fisherwoman, so we won't die.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Indeed, we don't need to panic. As long as we stay away from the bomb and don't get blown up, we will be fine.

Prophet (Priest): Let's wait and see. If we can successfully stay away from danger according to the instructions of the cruise ship staff, we will do as instructed. Then we will try to stay together. If anything unexpected happens, you know.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): Got it.

Antique Collector (Antique Dealer): Got it.

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): What about Matsuda? He doesn't have a brain channel, and he can't drill the priest's hole.

Bounty Hunter (Mercenary): Don't worry, he has Amuro Toru. With Amuro Toru's ability, he is unlikely to die again. Besides, even if he dies again, we can just revive him. Anyway, I estimate that we can't destroy the Black Organization in a year or two. It's hard to resurrect one in a month, and the undertaker still has extra coffins.

Officer's Daughter (Red Butterfly): Yes, where will we meet later?

Prophet (Priest): The introduction manual on the cruise ship says that life rafts and lifeboats are placed on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors, in the rooms on both sides of the ship, so the staff will most likely notify tourists to go to these three floors. You can go to my room on the 6th floor now.

By the way, not digging a hole in advance to let everyone leave is to prevent the staff from checking if there are any missed people after all the people have arrived at a safe place, and then checking out the few of us who bought tickets with real names.

Jack, quickly inform the staff about the bomb.

Rice Flower Worker (Jack): OK, I'll call now. 】

Jack called his supervisor, who then notified the security personnel. Nearly 20 security guards and staff went to this building to check and successfully found 30 time bombs that were still counting down.

They were located on both sides of the ship and on some important pillars. If they exploded, there was a 90% chance that the cruise ship would sink to the sea. Time was of the essence and action must be taken immediately.

However, none of the security guards and staff knew how to defuse the bomb, and it was still more than an hour away from the nearest place where help could be sought.

After comprehensive consideration, everyone unanimously decided to ask the Coast Guard for help first, explaining the specific situation on the cruise ship. At the same time, lifeboats and life rafts were immediately started here, intending to take tourists to a location farther away from the cruise ship in case they were not able to evacuate in time.

Everyone worked together, and in less than ten minutes, tourists who were still experiencing various things learned the news of this thunderbolt from the blue sky - the cruise ship might sink to the sea.

Most of the tourists immediately went straight to the floor with lifeboats and life rafts closest to them, and others took important items and took their children and took action quickly.

The elevator that used to have empty boxes when you press the button is now delayed, and the stairs are crowded with people.

Maori Kogoro and his group held hands to prevent getting separated. The positions are as follows: Maori Kogoro - Maori Ran - Suzuki Sonoko - Conan - Kitagawa Anju.

They were still on the top floor when they heard the broadcast, and now they are stuck between the stairs on the 17th and 18th floors.

"Alas, why can't we have a wonderful journey without any accidents?" Suzuki Sonoko cried, and suddenly she had a secret expectation when she thought of something:

If she sank into the sea and didn't leave the cruise ship, would she be saved by the Queen of the Sea again? My current phone happened to be covered with a waterproof case, maybe I could take a photo together! No, we can't take a photo together. If someone bad finds it by accident, it will definitely cause her a lot of trouble. After all, I will definitely not be able to help but look at the photos from time to time.

Queen of the Sea, I am your loyal fan, please bless us to be safe! I will always believe in you.

"Sonoko, it will definitely get better and better in the future. We just had bad luck this time." Mao Lilan comforted her. In fact, she was not sure. In the past six months, they have encountered too many murders and accidents, and there are few days without peace.

Suzuki Sonoko came back to her senses and shifted her sight between Mao Li Kogoro and Conan: "Anyway, this bad luck must be related to one of the two people, or both of them."

Mao Li Kogoro said after hearing this: "It is definitely the problem of this kid. I remember that there were not so many things before. Since this kid stayed at my house, various cases have never stopped."

Conan turned his head to one side: "I don't have any bad luck."

Kitagawa Anshu covered his mouth with his free hand and laughed: The god of death was complained.

Seeing this, Conan looked at Kitagawa Anshu with a betrayed look. Kitagawa Anshu coughed twice, looking straight ahead, and did not meet Conan's eyes.

Suzuki Sonoko ignored what Maori Kogoro and Conan said, and continued to say to Maori Ran: "Xiao Ran, let's go out together next time, let's go and appreciate handsome guys together." She said the last sentence in a low voice.

"Of course it's fine to play together, but handsome guys are not necessary." Maori Ran also whispered.

"I know there are a lot of male college students in a place, they are all young and handsome... Anyway, I really want to make up for my injured heart by watching these, just accompany me."


"No!" Conan said subconsciously, "I also want to be with Xiao Ran, I also want to play together, Xiao Ran, please don't leave me alone in the office." His voice was very clamped, and Kitagawa Apricot Tree's left hand in his pocket quickly opened the phone and blindly recorded.

"You kid, is it wronged for you to stay in the office?" Maori Kogoro's forehead had a well-shaped pattern, and it was obvious that his fist wanted to have a close contact with Conan's head.

"Okay, Dad, don't worry about these details, let's try the elevator." Maori Ran said.

They have now slowly moved to the elevator on the 17th floor. Perhaps because everyone has tried it and it didn't work, there are not many people in front of the elevator, and these people's goal is to take the stairs.

When several people came to the elevator, Mao Lilan tentatively pressed the elevator door opening button. After waiting for about a minute, when the door didn't open, they all planned to continue to take the stairs.

Unexpectedly, the elevator door opened and there were several people standing inside, one of whom was an acquaintance - Amuro Toru.

Because it was daytime, there were few people on the 15th floor where Amuro Toru and Matsuda Eiji were located. The elevator basically waited for a few minutes before one came, so everyone chose to take the elevator. The two were the last to get on the elevator.

After getting on the elevator, it did not go down first, but went up two floors to the 17th floor. It happened that Mao Li and his group came in and no more people could get on.

The people outside the door watched the elevator door close with regret.

"Toru Amuro, it's you. We meet again. What a wonderful fate." Maori Kogoro patted Toru Amuro on the shoulder, and Toru Amuro agreed: "Yes, Mr. Maori."

When Eiji Matsuda heard the name Mr. Maori, he couldn't help but look at Maori Kogoro. He looked like an ordinary middle-aged man. Was he hiding his incompetence?

His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden accident. For some reason, the elevator began to descend rapidly. When the people inside were about to make a safer posture, the descent slowed down again and finally stopped at the first floor.

"I'm sorry, there is a problem with this elevator and it is not available now. Passengers who are still in the elevator, please change to the stairs to prevent any accidents."

The prompt sounded three times, and after pressing the elevator door, ten people got out of the elevator.

Although there were not as many people on the first floor as on most floors, there were also hundreds of staff members. They lined up in a long queue from the stairs and moved forward slowly.

Perhaps because they didn't know about the bomb and thought the current situation was still under control, most people were relatively calm and didn't rush up, so no similar stampede occurred.

Suzuki Sonoko was a little bored and didn't know what to talk about, so she calculated: "There are only five floors between the 1st and 6th floors, and nine floors between the 8th and 17th floors. Ignoring a small accident that happened in the middle, at least four floors of time were saved."

"Indeed, it seems that we are lucky. I hope there will be no accidents later." Mao Lilan hoped that in this place and this situation, she felt that there was a bomb.

When his classmates said that there was a bomb on the cruise ship, Kitagawa Anshu considered whether to meet up with his classmates alone, or find an excuse to let Conan and the others go downstairs.

But for some reason, he didn't want to leave Conan and the others alone, so he tried to find an excuse, but he didn't persuade them to go downstairs after finding a few excuses. HeHe told Conan about the danger again, and the two suggested going downstairs. Suzuki Atom and Maori Kogoro said firmly that they would go downstairs to play, and they would stay on the top floor to rest. They gave up reluctantly.

Now it seems that the protagonists are likely to face the explosion head-on, and then go through a series of thrilling operations, and finally escape successfully.

He is average in strength and luck, but he has classmates. If he falls into the sea, he will have to ask the fisherman for help.

As for sticking bombs, when he reaches the fourth floor, he must stand the farthest. He is not sure whether he can survive the explosion.

Maybe if there is any world consciousness, it arranges a rescue script for itself. Seeing that the protagonists are in danger, at the critical moment, he ropes them one by one and keeps them away from the dangerous area.

It's quite passionate and exciting to think like this, and it sets off his image to be bright and upright. No, he is originally bright and upright, and should be bright and majestic!

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