Legends – stories and records of people who stepped past the boundaries of reality and myth. Facts so horrifying and unbelievable that regular people lose the power to differentiate between fact and fiction. An unbelievably disturbing fact often becomes distorted multiple times. With time, the original story is diluted and polluted to suit the perception of the people and what their minds are able to comprehend safely.

This precise reason is why it is useless to protest against it once a legend is established. Who was right, who was wrong, what was the truth – everything becomes meaningless? The only thing which is left behind is the legend. Its power strengthened continuously until it surpasses the truth of the original record. At this point the truth loses its meaning, the original characters are forgotten and the characters born from the legends take their place.

You may ask yourself this question: why do I know so much about all this? It's because I have lived through the age of myths, or I should say my original did. I, the demon emperor who once had the entire universe bowing at his feet am now a forgotten piece of lost history as my legend replaces me. All because of the fact that at a certain point in my life the power corrupted my mind and I made a single mistake. This resulted in the decline of my regime, who before that point was named as the Wisdom Demon Emperor.

I used to be praised as immortal and undefeatable, but all I am now is a spirit surviving in a fake soul. Having lost all my powers and my original soul in exchange for breaking away from the Wheel of Fate and my Legend, all I have now is my wisdom and knowledge I gathered over my lifetime. After wandering the space-time void in search of a rebirth, I think it's finally my time now. The Wisdom Demon Emperor is about to be reborn in a new life now. A new life will write a new legend, perhaps one surpassing the old.

The world I am about to currently be reborn in seems kind of similar to my previous world, despite the fact the world laws concerning the supernatural seems slightly off. Though I am still a foetus in my mother's w.o.m.b, the immense spiritual power I had is slowly getting restored. This is because my fake soul is merging with the nascent pure soul previously in the foetus. To avoid my current fake soul from overloading and damaging the pure soul, The Wisdom Demon Emperor's knowledge has to be separated.

I converted my entire knowledge base into a spiritual library and implanted it into a fragment of my fake soul, giving birth to a spiritual seed with limited consciousness. I named it 'Iraivan' and bound it deeply to my new soul. Most of the Divine, Demonic, Arcane and Meta-Physical Scientific knowledge from my previous life has been hidden deep in Iraivan. All I kept with me are some basic knowledge which will hopefully help me in my new life.

Once I was done with this, I let my consciousness go into a deep slumber as I was supremely tired after wandering in soul form for such a long time and creating Iraivan from the fragment of my fake soul. I let the embrace of darkness and slumber soothe my body and soul as the warmth of my new mother sent me into the land of peaceful dreams.


Year 2500 RC, Daeva Shapit Ruins on Outskirts of New Indraprastha

As the world finally welcomed the year 2500 of the Rebirth Era, a poor couple were blessed with a strong healthy baby boy in these ruins. Being poor as they were, they couldn't afford much healthcare so they had to manage on their own in these ruins.

The father was a junkyard scrapper and managed to bring home meagre amounts of money every once in a while. Though previously the couple had survived in this meagre amount, they were pretty clear that with the addition of this new life this won't go on.

The mother on the other hand was blind. However, she had gained the power of Spiritual Sense, sort of like how bats use sounds to echolocate. Though it would have ordinarily been a very valuable power as it allowed the owner to have no blind spots, the mother's spiritual energy and talent was very low. Hence, she was only able to 'see' few meters around herself.

Unknown to both of them however, their boy was unbelievably special. He was fully cognizant and in control of his body from the moment he was born. In actuality he would barely need to sleep as his immense spiritual power would rapidly nourish his body at every moment.

The boy, using his spiritual energy, had already poked around in his mother's mind and gained all the information his mother had about the current state of the world. After he accomplished that, he decided his own name and inserted a guidance thought in his mother's mind which would make her think it was her idea. The boy was named as Acura, son of Mina and Yash.


The Rebirth Era had started 2500 years ago when due to some inexplicable reason, the Planet Earth was bombarded with some unknown Stellar Radiation for a certain amount of time. This led to the emergence of the first Chaos Gates. Though known as gates, these were a form of dimensional distortions that gave off the same Stellar Radiation. This radiation gave birth to the first Aberrants and Legend Inheritances.

Aberrants were Non-Sentient species such as various animals, avians or plants that were able to gain strange inexplicable powers under the influence of this radiation. These powers were the result of the emergence of Legend Inheritances.

Legend Inheritances were phenomena where all living species would somehow form an innate link between them and various mythical figures of legends. This link generally formed somewhere during their early years, from the moment they were born to the age of 7, sentient species taking more time as compared to Non-sentient. They would then some supernatural power related to the mythical figure: whether it be some demon, god, devil or monster.

Often the trend was that the more well known the legend, stronger are their Legend inheritances and the power gained. But sometimes people would gain power from unknown or forgotten legends too. In these cases, the strength and usefulness of the powers varied randomly, sometimes being unbelievably strong and other times being a minor affair.

Acura's parents were of the latter case as they both gained meagre powers from unknown or forgotten legends. Acura himself was pretty interested in these supernatural powers, especially since he had lost his Demon Emperor body now and was simply a human.

But since he had not awoken and he didn't want to keep messing with minds of his parents, he decided to grow up as a normal child until he awakens some power or his spiritual power had made his body strong enough to withstand the effects from applying his knowledge.

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