His mother's death had brought some drastic changes in his father. By the time his birthday came, which was barely a few weeks after his mother's death, Acura saw his father's transformation. From a gentle and mild-mannered man, he now became a violent and rude drunk. All that mattered to him now was money, which he spent without restraint on strong alcohol and some weird tattered books.

Acura didn't mind his father's antics and did his best to support them both, despite being a kid himself. He took care of the chores of their new 'home', which was a very great complement to the miserable shack they were currently living in. His father had managed to find a dilapidated shack for them, near the junkyard where he worked.

On his 5th birthday, just like most other children of his current world, he managed to awaken his innate talent or superpower. Unfortunately, the superpower he awoke was of the unknown legend category.

He awoke the power of Transmutation, which is believed to be one of the mythical alchemical skills. But either due to lack of the proper legend behind it or due to lack of the understanding of the skill it was currently one of the low-class skills. Its current known applications were mineral control and runic inscriptions in enchanted weapons.

However, as fate would have it, Transmutation was considered jack of many trades but master of none. Its powers of mineral control were better accomplished by metal element controllers, magnetic polarity masters or certain variant telekinetic masters. Similarly, runic inscription powers were better accomplished by rune masters, enchantment masters or magic blacksmiths.

If one had to list the advantage of Transmutation, then it would be its precise control over its powers. Transmutation users had almost absolute level of control over the meagre amount of power it can display. Transmutation users had precise control over the energy used and could even flawlessly merge various minerals.

However, all these was not enough to compensate for its lack of quantity over quality. For every single rune an average Transmutation user could inscribe, a rune master could do 30-40 in the same duration. For every sword or dagger a transmutation master produces, a magic blacksmith could produce tens of times more.

Therefore, over the course of time, Transmutation masters became a highly useless category of superhumans. They had given up on trying to improve themselves, and looked for various other means to survive. Thus, this already rare form of superpower was lost even more in the folds of time.

When Acura's father found out about the power he awakened, he lost his final hope that Acura would be able to something great for himself. He started neglecting Acura even more, instead of taking care of him.

He introduced Acura to his boss and got him a small garbage sorting job in the junkyard. Though the pay wasn't anything to speak of, he didn't have any heavy job either. Since the boss took pity on Acura, he gave him the job of sorting amongst the piles of trash in the junkyard and find all small scraps of metal that may be left from broken pieces of bigger junk.

Acura had to store all of it in a separate small yard in one corner of the enormous junkyard, where they would eventually some day be melted down to recyclable metal once the pile became big enough. Though it was called a job, almost everyone at the junkyard treated it as a kid playing around and gaining pocket money. Unlike his father, most of the elders working at the junkyard treated Acura nicely.

However, hidden from others eyes, Acura would use his daily acc.u.mulation of small metal pieces as his practice materials. While Acura had sealed most of his knowledge inside Iraivan, his leftover knowledge was enough for him to have an idea of how to effectively use his power.

With the use of his Transmutation, he separated all the metal particles from the small junk pieces and gathered them into small cubes of various metals. Over the course of a few months, with his spiritual power growing rapidly every day, he managed to gain almost complete elementary control over his powers. He now had a small pile of various cubes of metals, primarily among them were iron, nickel, cobalt, copper, aluminium, tungsten etc.

He managed to create some amount of Spirit Iron and Dark Tungsten, which he created into a special alloy and fashioned a blade for himself out of it. Though so far, he had not faced any enemies, but he had heard of wild Aberrants in the areas near the junkyard. The mercenaries hired by the junkyard boss patrolled and killed such wild Aberrants every day.

After finishing refining the deadly looking blade, he managed to fit it with a simple wooden handle, carved with some grooves for better grip. The blade had good spirit energy conductivity, which allowed it to have increased durability while infused with spirit energy. Using transmutation, Acura had also given the blade a razor-sharp edge that could cut through most wooden material like butter.

Acura kept his daily life like this for a period of time until one day, exactly eight months after his mother's death, his father called him in the middle of the night.


"Dad" Acura quietly called out to his father who was poring over some old tattered books he had collected filled with some strange content. In the dim candlelight, his face looked dark and ferocious.

"Ah Acura, you are here. Sit, I have some knowledge to share with you. This would probably help you live a decent life in future." Yash waved him to sit on the ground in front of him.

Acura silently came and sat as told, curious as to what did his father want to teach him in the middle of the night. Yash took one of the thinner books he had and gave it to Acura.

"I finally managed to get some hope for us Acura. The books I have been collecting for all this time is precisely the hope I am talking about."

"How is that possible dad?"

"Hehe, it really took me a lot of trouble to gather this information. Legends my boy, Legends are power. Legends are the Legacy we were left with by our ancestors, and they contain the source for our powers."

"Have you ever wondered Acura, why did those mythical figures in our stories possessed all sorts of powers? Yet why are we limited to the blessings we get at our awakening?"

"The answers lie in the legends. In truth we are not limited, we have always been capable of lot more than simply relying on our blessing. Blessings are our strongest and most compatible weapon to us, but that doesn't mean we can't handle other weapons with certain amount of practice and persistence."

"Best examples are in these books, that describe various legends. Humans are not the only ones who appear in these legends, there are other beings too. We can use their methods and techniques to make ourselves strong."

"There are innumerable legends, but most are not available to books that record such legends are not available to us common folk. They are reserved by those bigshot clans of the big cities and the Guild. I managed to procure some handwritten smuggled copies. Through that I managed to determine records one of the ancient races of the legends, the Asura."

"The Asura were an apex and extremely strong race. They were a cousin race of the bloodthirsty Rakshasas that followed the demonic path. However, that is not what concerns us. The thing that should interest us is that the Asura managed to find ways to manipulate the World Energies. Through that they were able to devise many Mantras that could achieve miraculous effects."

"They were the primary adversaries of the humans and they Daevas. Daevas were similar to Asuras in the fact that they could innately manipulate World Energy in certain fixed patterns, which sounds pretty similar to our blessings."

"Anyway, by following the legends of the Asura, I managed to decode few of the Mantras. The utilisation of these Mantras would give us various miraculous powers similar to Blessing. The difference is that these Mantras can be less efficient depending on your comprehension of the Mantras. Plus, you need to have talent in the ways of Prana or the spirit energy, otherwise these Mantras are useless."

"It is said that all Asura were innate masters of Prana, hence this was never a problem for them. But according to the legends I have found so far, most humans don't even have a speck of talent in the ways of Prana. The only ones who have talent comparable Asura in human history are the Legendary Sages and Ascetics."

Mention of Spirit Energy sent a bolt of lightning down Acura's spine. Was this it, the deviation in the supernatural laws he had detected? Would researching the path his father pointed out truly let him discover the ways of application of spirit energy in this world? Oh, it seems spirit energy is called Prana here. Hmm, the word holds a form of soul shivering attraction somehow, as if I came alive just by listening to it.

Alright then, if this is the path for me then so be it. I have a feeling that Transmutation would also be enhanced if I truly managed to decipher the laws of Prana in this world. Nothing will stop me from mastering my own powers. I guess it's also time to finally wake Iraivan up, it's time to write the Legend of the Wisdom Demon Emperor.

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