Acura came to his senses after an unknown amount of time. The floor beneath him was caked with dried sweat and blood which cracked as he slowly stood up. He really didn't know how much time had gone by, but he didn't feel any fatigue or discomfort despite the gruelling ordeal he went through. As he stretched his limbs, he felt absolute control over his muscles and an unending power flowing through them.

Acura suddenly took a stance and his figured blurred for a moment. The next moment it was as if hundreds of monsters had rampaged inside the small area in just a second. The floor and walls cracked with the sheer force his punches generated in the air. In just a moment he had punched out tens of times. Acura was pleasantly surprised with the result; he had clearly succeeded in refining his physique and much more.

Satisfied with his experiment, he started using Transmutation to disintegrate the entire shed into metal essence. At that point he realized that his Transmutation power had suddenly become very precise and powerful. It was like it had a hundredfold increase in a heartbeat. Though he felt shocked, he knew it wasn't the time to analyse this. He finished dismantling the shed, and was greeted with a wasteland in front of his eyes.

Trampled over junk along with torn and rotten corpses decorated the place that was formerly the junkyard he knew. Also, near his shed, he found a corpse with its head and half a body missing. But he instinctively recognized it as his father's. He shuffled over slowly in stunned silence, he simply couldn't believe that after his mother, he would also have to face his father's death so soon.

Walking up to him, he saw that even in his dying moments, his father's corpse had been clutching a tightly folded piece of paper. He carefully pried the rotten fist open and took out the folded piece of paper. As he had expected, it was his father's dying note.

"Son, if you are reading this then you know I have passed away. I tried waiting for you son, along with my friends. But you really took your sweet time huh? We really could not hold on any longer, sorry my boy. I am sure you have many questions but I really don't have much time or means to communicate with you a lot, hence I will make it brief. The Chaos Gate at Kurukshetra became berserk around two days after you went in seclusion for your experiment. It had transformed into a Chaos Calamity and the entire land of Kurukshetra along with its nearby region transformed into a forbidden land."

"Every Chaos Gate is born at the sites of important legends and historical events. Forbidden Lands are places where a previous Chaos Gate has destabilized for some reason and become a Chaos Calamity. The Chaos Calamity recreates a twisted horrible aberrant form of those legendary characters in the events that happened at these places. Though the aberrant characters are just an imitation of actual legends, their power is nothing to scoff at."

"Similar event happened at Kurukshetra, the waves of aberrant legendary characters swarmed whole of Kurukshetra and its neighbouring areas. Unfortunately, our junkyard is also one of such places. By the third day of your disappearance, me and my friends who stayed behind were already on our last legs. Other than one of us, who had the power of an innate affinity to anything he decides is a weapon, rest of us could only use crude handmade weapons and our wits to fight."

"In the end, only I and my fighting genius friend made it to the fifth day of your disappearance. I simply didn't have the heart to let him risk his life for me anymore. I told him to try and escape on his own while I stayed back. I had already lost one of my legs at this point hence I would only be a burden. Luckily, whatever you did to your shed worked in your favour. For one lesser amount of Aberrants came this way. Secondly, none of the attacks of the Aberrants could damage your shed."

"However, my friend surprisingly came back at the next day, saying he had discovered some information and wanted to share with me so that I might have a slightly higher chance when I finally decide to leave. It seems the Aberrants are patrolling the entire Kurukshetra forbidden land in the form of an ancient battle formation called the Chakravyuha. My friend wanted to inform me of this before trying and breaking through this battle formation and escaping outside the forbidden land. He didn't have much knowledge about it so he could use a hit and run tactic. I don't know if he succeeded but I haven't seen him since."

"Anyway, my time is also up son. Currently it's the seventh day of your disappearance and another small horde of Aberrants is coming towards me. Let's see if I survive this and meet you. In case I don't, forgive me my son and know that I am really proud of you and what you will become one day. I know that you will be able to survive son. Don't spend your precious time mourning about me since I will be joining your mum and cheering you on from the afterlife. Take care son, and good luck."

Drip… drip…

Two small drops fell on the stained and dirty piece of paper on Acura's hand, it was the height of the emotion he permitted himself. He pushed all his emotions down, deep within his heart, and completely shut them out. Transformed into a cold and indifferent person now, Acura summoned Iraivan out to know what had happened while he was unconscious.

"Greetings Master. The information provided by your dad was completely right except for a few missing points. The instability of the Chaos Gate was caused by Master's breakthrough. at the critical point of your body refining, your body became exceedingly pure and subsequently it started s.u.c.k.i.n.g in huge amounts of Stellar Radiation that is present in the atmosphere and which is the basis of the awakening of the powers in the humans."

"The sudden void stellar radiation concentration made the Chaos Gate overcompensate to fill it, causing the instability. Chaos calamity was the result of that. However, through absorption of tremendous amounts of Stellar radiation and infusing them into your body while refining it, your powers got upgraded. Your Transmutation power has become phenomenal currently. Its drawback in regards to quantity has completely vanished. You can easily match and even surpass the best magic craftsman in terms of both quality and quantity of crafting ability. Along with that, your superb control over Energy Manipulation and the knowledge you have stored in me allows you to manufacture unique artifacts unavailable anywhere else."

Acura didn't know whether to be happy or sad. He was glad he had unlocked the full potential of his powers, however his recklessness also turned out to be the reason his father died. If he was a bit more careful and patient, he could have found a secluded spot to undergo the refining process. This realization only made him lock away his emotions even more tightly.

While he was figuring out his next step, he heard a whistling noise behind him. he swiftly dodged to the side and the next moment, three arrows struck the place he was standing at. Looking back, he saw three archers and two sword bearing warriors rushing towards him, all dressed in weird armor.

Acura didn't waste time wondering what was going on. The Demon soul of him didn't take well to challenges, and this was a blatant threat to his life. Metal essence he had stored quickly acc.u.mulated in his hands and formed two straight swords with extremely sharp edge. By the time the archers loaded their next volley, Acura was already in front of the warriors with his swords tearing apart their armor to shreds.

Swiftly decapitating the two warriors, he dodges another volley of arrows, this time at close range. He once again transformed the swords, this time to a bunch of sharp edge disc weapons, three for each hand. Before the archers could attack, he had already thrown the discs at them, targeting their head and their bows. Unsurprisingly, the discs tore through their intended targets, just like the swords before.

Seeing the results of the battle, Acura was not surprised as he knew he had grown powerful. He was more aware of the growth in his power though. The speed with which he formed the weapons and the accuracy with which he could analyse and determine the composition of the materials was incredible. He swiftly summoned Iraivan to do an analysis.

"Master, you Transmutation has shown 346% growth in metal manipulation speed and 589% growth in material analysis. The amount of energy you can input at a time has shown an incredible 2130% growth. In simple terms, you are a walking armor now as long as you have enough base materials. In my opinion, we should start decoding rune engraving styles suitable for this world soon. That will allow even randomly created weapons to have power comparable to artifacts."

"hmm, rune engraving is something I was planning to research after my body refining anyway. It will also allow me to achieve a limited amount of elemental manipulation through my creations once suitable runes are engraved. But that will have to be delayed until we escape from here. Any idea what these are--" when he looked at the place where those five enemies had fallen, all he could see was broken armor and weapons. The actual enemies had disappeared, or more accurately their corpses had.

"Master, I have a theory. These enemies were most likely the Aberrants your father mentioned. they are probably just creations of the forbidden land that would automatically disappear when defeated. They must have been attracted by your energy that was leaked as aura when you were using your transmutation to disassemble the shed. I think they are similar to dungeons that exist in some world, the creation of this forbidden land is not completely alive, but rather work on some pre-existing limited consciousness provided by the Forbidden Land. Their existence must in some way be linked to whatever legend the respective forbidden land is based upon."

"Seeing that the Forbidden Land was formed in the Kurukshetra, and dad mentioned the Chakravyuha battlefield, I think we can conclude we are in the ancient battlefield of Kurukshetra. This is not good for us as this was one of the worst battlefields in the legends. Millions of people died for each day the battle went on for. Let alone those supreme heroes who killed tens of thousands on their own, even the regular soldiers were berserk and bloodthirsty, fighting to their last breaths. Their blood drenched the whole battlefield red for generations."

"Yes Master, there is never ending danger in this place. Even with masters upgraded physique, it's not a guarantee that you will be able to escape this place."

"I know, I won't get overconfident in my new abilities, don't worry about that. First priority is to ensure safety, and we will take the first step using these." Acura glanced at the broken armor and weapons, their superb materials yet poor craftsmanship made him both drool and weep mentally. He was looking forward to create something amazing from these and then go and explore the rest of the battlefield to look for a way out.

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