Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1015: Are you here to see me?

Chapter 1015 Sister, aren't you here to see me?

Yan Su's eyelashes trembled and he stared at him sternly.

The two usually do not interact with each other at school during the daytime. She really doesn't know these things.

But maybe that's what it's like to be a person.

And she didn't seem to have been careful enough to understand his preferences and interests.

In this relationship, it seems that she has always been the passive one.

"Lucy ...," she said intricately.

Morius slenderly touched her lips. "Susu, you can see all these books, and I have never touched some of them before, but I ca n’t help but see what you like. Open, see the last word from the first word, I like what you like, and I am full of joy when reading the books you have read, and I also enjoy it. "

Yan Su was really shocked by his sweet words. She didn't say anything. She silently reached out and hugged his narrow waist, and buried her face in his arms.

If she might have been interested in him before, now she is pretty sure she likes him.

Rare is she so active.

Molucy bowed her head and hugged her quietly.

"Let's go, let's go to the musical," Yan Su said, looking up.


When Morius returned to the room and changed his clothes, when he was about to leave, a doorbell rang outside.

Yan Su cried out in his heart, and now he was most afraid to see An Ning when he came to his house. Of course, recently, An Ning was stared at by the gatekeeper seriously. If he couldn't get in, only Mo's people would be there.

Squinting into the cat's eyes, it's really Lausanne and the average annual Ting.

It's just that the two of them ran over for dinner.

Yan Su's guilty hurriedly let go of Molucy's hand and drilled into the kitchen to pretend to have taken a kitchen knife and started preparing to prepare meals.

Molucy looked at her silently before opening the door.

"I haven't seen it after knocking for so long. I thought you were not at home," Yan Su saw the shoes at the door, a little familiar, "Su Su is there?"

"Well, when I'm a servant," Molucy threw out two pairs of slippers and came out.

Lausanne wore a pair of high-top shoes, because the month was too big, and it was not convenient to take it off, and the average young man immediately bent down to help her untie the laces.

Molucy watched his eyes and saw that he was quite proficient in removing his shoes. He should haven't done that yet. "Why did you come here suddenly?"

Really, nothing's wrong with him.

"Don't you tell me to go out and take off the thread today? I happened to be shopping outside with him in the afternoon, so I will come to see you by the way, and stop for a bite to eat," Lausanne put on his shoes and went straight to the kitchen. You worked hard to take care of Lucy, I went shopping in the afternoon and bought you a gift. "

Lausanne said, handing the paper bag in his hand, "Don't you like this brand of clothes before, but you just kept saving and you couldn't buy it. I just bought this dress after I thought it was good-looking and suitable for you, although I know You should not be short of money to buy this clothes now, but I think of you when I see it. "

Yan Su opened it and saw that it was an embroidered orange coat. It was really beautiful, and it was a brand that the two used to go shopping before. She was moved in her heart and quickly hugged her. , I never thought you would always remember. "

"That is required."

On the side, the two men looked at the two women in a hug, their faces were completely black.

Molucy rubbed his eyebrows and couldn't help reminding him, "Sister, aren't you here to see me, do you have anything for me?"

Lausanne: "..."

Tomorrow continues.

(End of this chapter)

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