Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1061: Love Song Duet

Chapter 1061: Love Song Duet

"Indeed, small quarrels are good, but sometimes big quarrels are the easiest to hurt feelings," Zhang Hongchuan sighed. "If the gully is not good enough, it only shows that you are not suitable, and you want to open it, you are all young. It ’s normal to talk about love, break up, break up, and so on. Besides, Yan Su is about to graduate. She will have almost no class next semester, and colleges are all parting seasons ... "

Just after sighing, a wave of cold around him had wrapped him up, Moluci stood up, "Whether you will speak, why are we not suitable? Those college breakup seasons are forced by reality and work, some After graduating, we will return to our respective hometowns, and Yan Su and I already have jobs. There is no need to worry about these ... "

Zhang Hongchuan blinked, "Many university breakups have a sense of security in addition to reality. Lucy, no matter how much you and Yan Su have experienced, your maturity in emotions will probably look like that. No one can slowly explore or even divorce, let alone we have not graduated. "

Molucy was silent, and after watching the playground for a while, turned and left.


Two days later, Xiacheng TV invited Li Dao to go to the rehearsal.

Moluci guided them past, and Yan Su was accompanied by his agent.

The schedule of the TV station is that their crew will be on the stage for ten minutes, and each pair will be about three minutes.

"Everyone is a one-on-one rehearsal. When Li Dao and Ye Yunyang went up to the rehearsal, Yan Su and Mo Liuxi sat down to communicate. The two were about to sing a love song.

"If you can't find the sound, just record it first, and then let someone fix it, and you'll be right in the mouth," the two sat for a while, Yan Su said first.

"No," Molucy refused. "Isn't it just singing, what's the problem?"

Shi Xu can do it, so can he.

Yan Su was speechless.

As a result, after the two came to power, basically the painting style was completely chaotic. Because Mo Lu Xi was running away so badly, Yan Su who sang with him desperately held it and did not run.

After practicing a few times in succession, the director of the show group became more and more jerky.

After stopping, the director came up politely and said, "Luxi, I see you and Yang Ziqian singing together in the recording studio. When it comes to phonics, forget about Yan Su and Ye Yunyang. I think they can sing a song together. A high-pitched love song will surely sing that feeling, and both are talented. "

Moriusi listened blankly, "Do you think I sing as bad as Yang Ziqian does?"

Yang Ziqian silently interrupted, "I sing well, it sounds better than yours, at least I didn't run away, but the treble is not good."

Lidao reminded, "Ziqian, don't speak too directly."

Moriusi gave a sharp look, meaning, you take care, anyway, people will not change.

Li Dao had to sigh, "It's not a good change. Didn't your show team say that Lucy and Yan Su felt better?"

The director said, "Now it's not strong. The strongest is Shixu and Yan Su. That's the best CP combination. Then, why don't your crew bring Shixu over this time? It's a pity."

Yan Su frowned, and Moulixi couldn't help but said coldly, "Now it's a storm, do you think they don't have enough things? We're here for propaganda, not for hype. If you want to find hype, I'm sorry , The wrong person. "

First more. . The second is more likely in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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