Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1065: I will protect you with my son

Chapter 1065 After I Protect You With My Son

"Where are you going, you've passed the ward," Molucy stared at her with a frown, "a disappointed look."

"Just ... thinking about something," Yan Su looked up, seeing bloodshot eyes under his eyes, and asked, "have you been here last night?"

"Well," Molucy's thin lips moved slightly, trying to say anything, but in the end he said nothing.

Until Nian Xi came out of the ward and saw her beckoning in surprise, "Yan Su, you are here, come and see my cute little nephew."

Yan Su walked into the VIP ward, which was very large, with a kitchen and a guest room. Lausanne was lying on the hospital bed, his face was pale, but he was awake. The average young man sat next to her, and there was a small cradle beside them. .

Yan Su walked over and looked at him, the little guy was still sleeping, very sweet, and the corners of his mouth were curved, cute and cute, and he looked more like the average young man, but his nose was tall and his lips were delicate. Looking at the future Even a good looking handsome guy.

The heart she saw had melted, and it was probably just before she came in that she realized that she might be pregnant. She was very panicked, but at this moment, when she saw this little baby, she was suddenly not so scared.

It seems good to have such a baby.

On the side, Junting Ting saw her staring so intently, and said lightly, "Don't look, what's so good about a wrinkled little mouse? I always thought that Junting Ting would make a perfect and impeccable little boy. The baby came out, but it turned out ... ah ... "

Before he could finish speaking, his thigh was pinched by Lausanne.

"You are not allowed to say my little apple like that," Lausanne glared at him fiercely.

The young average was aggrieved, and his wife would never look at herself with this look before. Now his low position in her heart is straight down. "Luo Luo, do you know it was because of him that you hurt for so long, and it still tears down Six stitches were cracked, all blame him, usually so fat, so hard for you to give birth, from 6 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday to 11:59 am, I was born, this little king and eight lambs, I waited outside I ’m desperate. If it was n’t for my dad and your dad holding me, I almost smashed the outside doors. If you have something that is three or two short, I would never let him go. ”

"Junting ..." Lausanne shook his hand. If there weren't so many people, he wanted to kiss him.

Although she gave birth inside and died alive yesterday, she still heard the loud voice of Junting Ting yelling outside. How long did she hurt, how long did he yell, and it was specially arranged in the hospital. An obstetrician came to appease him.

Nian Junting looked down at her affectionately, thinking she would say two touching words to appease her, but she said, "Little Apple is your son after all, treat him well in the future."

"No, I'll be good to you," Nian Junting glanced at his son disapprovingly. "Son, is it for abuse? When he can walk, I will teach him boxing and kung fu. I will be with my son later protect you."

Nian Xi covered her eyes in pain. "Can you two take care of the feelings of others? There are so many bachelors in the ward."

She was so envious that she wanted to pull a man to have a baby immediately.

Yan Su also laughed. Lausanne was indeed very envious. In this life, he could meet a man who had only her in her heart. Although he got married early, he was worth it. "So he was born at 11.59? "


-PS: Many people say why Yan Su didn't tell Molucy about the day. In fact, she understands very well. She is an insecure person. Although Lucia has been dating, her heart is actually very emotional about this relationship. Not sure how far you can go. If you tell Molucy when your relationship is not stable, first of all Molucy will definitely have a relationship with her immediately. Second, Moluccy knows that Yan Su gave her for the first time and will definitely treat her. Responsibility will also make her responsible. What she wants is not responsibility. What is needed is that two people are suitable for each other to truly love each other. The relationship is stable. If the two are not suitable, because they are barely together for the first time, the breakup will not bind and fetter each other in the future. If the relationship between the two is stable, Yan Su will naturally tell him that the problem is that the two have always been in conflict.

In addition, I said that I will write this month, and I will definitely write it.

First more. . Second in the afternoon. .

(End of this chapter)

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