Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1087: Mr. Jiang, don't you know us?

Chapter 1087 Mr. Jiang, Don't You Know Us?

After the meeting, Fan Yi said with emotion, "Feng Jichuan is really amazing. He only came last year. This year, he is the squadron leader. I have seen the fastest promotion."

"Who makes a terrible family," Fang Qi sighed. "But the job promotion was real. When I heard that the drug dealer was arrested and fled by boat, everyone didn't dare to chase alone, so he went alone. He also killed three of the other. You said who has the ability to do this. "

Everyone stopped talking.

Depression Nian Xi couldn't tell. She was a policeman years earlier than Feng Jichuan. As a result, they only came last year, much higher than her climb.

Of course, she climbed much faster than her, but Feng Jichuan is different after all. Is anyone inevitably trying to get a breath?

After returning to the office, Captain Chen summoned his men to meet again.

They are talking about several big cases last year. At the end, Captain Chen suddenly called Nian Xi's name.

"Captain," Nian Xi busy looking up.

Captain Chen threw her a document, "This case is up to you and Fang Qi."

Nian Xi stumbled, but saw Captain Chen turning on the projector, saying, "The dead Duan Yang, a doctoral student in the Department of Physics of Xiacheng University, Duan Yang disappeared after the winter vacation of Xiacheng University last year. The school's people thought he had gone home long ago. However, his family did not wait until he came back for the Chinese New Year to realize that something was wrong and called the police. Two days ago, someone found a corpse in the suburbs. It was Duan Yang. He died about ten days ago. "

Nian Xi frowned, and Captain Chen laughed: "The prisoner always has a motive. This case is difficult or difficult. You and Fang Qi cooperate well and give it to you, but I think we must check at least to open the school. Because maybe the prisoner is in the usual circle of the victim. "

"Thank you Captain Chen," Nian Xi was very pleased. This was the first time she had officially investigated a case since joining the Interpol Corps.

After the meeting, at noon of the Nianxi University, Fang Qi was pulled to discuss the case.

In the afternoon, the two went to the place where the body was found, met Duan Yang's parents, and checked the surveillance video of Duan Yang's last day.

After the Lantern Festival, Nian Xi and Fang Qi went to Xiacheng University together.

Only on the second day of school, the two went at about ten o'clock. After asking Duan Yang's mentor, they went directly to the classroom and wanted to find a classmate who usually went with Duan Yang.

After arriving in the classroom, Nian Xi saw that the large classroom, which could accommodate more than 300 students, was full.

She was astounded. "It's too serious to take the class now. You said that Duan Yang's classmates are all PhDs, so he didn't stay in the research room and came to class."

"Yeah," Fang Qi nodded with emotion, "but have you noticed that there are more female classmates coming?"

Nian Xi was reminded by him and noticed that at this moment, the two female students hurried to the classroom. "Hurry up, go late, the position is gone, it is rare that Professor Jiang will come to lecture. "

Nian Xi was awkward, and at this time the bell rang. She saw a long figure coming up the stairs on the right, a simple autumn gray coat with a high-neck black sweater, and dark clothes lining the other's skin. He was clean, with silky hair, plump forehead, and clean blue sky and white clouds behind him. He was as clear and clear as a banyan tree outside the window, as beautiful as white sheep fat.

Nian Xi and Fang Qi both stayed, watching each other slowly approaching with the two books in their hands, but it seemed that the other was like something, the dark eyes were loose, and Fang Qi was in a hurry until he walked over from the side. Cried: "Mr. Jiang, don't you know us?"

Tomorrow continues. . It will not be updated tomorrow morning. Let's change at 4 or 5 in the afternoon. I will take my baby to the hospital for a review of hemangiomas tomorrow. .

(End of this chapter)

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