Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1101: Can't see you ... I'm not feeling well

Chapter 1101 I Can't See You ... Uncomfortable

A touch of guilt flashed across Nian Xi's face.

He was deceived for rejecting him.

I hope he will die.

But the moment she saw him at the airport, she regretted it.


On the other side, he suddenly smiled as happily as a child, "It doesn't matter."

Nian Xi was stunned and didn't understand why he was so happy suddenly, "Yes, when in France ... the days when he was kept inside ... are you okay, I wanted to wait for you, but our director Let's come back. "

Hearing her words, Jiang Yining was even happier.

It turned out she wasn't so ruthless, "It's good, but I can't see you ... I'm not feeling well."

He finished talking and lowered his furry head.

That look made Nian Xi really can't help but want to reach out and touch his head again.

"Then I thought about it later, but I didn't see it, and it was troublesome to see it, indicating that you were locked up like me," Jiang Mining whispered.

Nian Xi's heart softened suddenly and he said quickly: "Hurry up and eat, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Jiang Yining ate the things he ordered and ate them, leaving Nian Xi alone to struggle.

He watched Nian Xi eat one lobster after another, his brows could not help but frown, and then he reached out and dragged the lobster plate in front of him.

Nian Xi was stunned, remembering the last time he came to eat lobster with Nian Junting and Lausanne. At that time, his brother had just pursued Lausanne, and he diligently stripped shrimp. As a younger sister, he was really abused. Envious.

He shouldn't peel himself off.

Could it be that he still has this awareness and emotional intelligence.

As soon as her eyes lighted, she looked a little bit expectant, so she pretended to ask, "Why do you drag the plate away, I still have to eat."

Jiang Yanning shook his head. "Eating lobster is not good for you. Crayfish is a freshwater creature that lives in very dirty water. My dad once experimented with it. There are heavy metals and parasites in it. You do n’t see it in the microscope shrimp. Parasites look like the dirtiest trash bins ... "

"Enough, don't say it," Nian Xi's face listened to green, "You don't have to peel me shrimp, just let me not eat, don't go too far."

"I'm doing it for you," Jiang Yaning was aggrieved when she saw her face so serious. "It's really dirty, and the restaurant outside is more casual. My dad showed me the news. I used shrimp washing, washing Shrimp meal is a kind of oxalic acid commonly used in the industrial field, which is extremely harmful to the human body.

"It's okay," Nian Xi waved his hand. This is the trouble of going out with a scientist to eat. This is really like his brother. "First of all, the lobsters are now cultivated by others, and they are not as dirty as the wild ones. Secondly, I do n’t eat outside every day. I ’ve eaten this time this month. I wo n’t get sick if I do n’t eat every day. Also, if I ca n’t eat outside, would you give me food?

Jiang Yanning opened her eyes and looked at her, then said dumbly, "I won't."


Nian Xi dragged the lobster plate. "Then don't stop me, then you can't stop me. Believe it or not, I won't come out to eat with you."

"In the future?" Jiang Yanning's eyes lit up. "So what next time?"

Nian Xi was a little embarrassed. "When did I say we only eat this time?"

Jiang Mining blinked, suddenly shy, "You didn't say."

Molucy: I can cook lobster, hum.

First more. . Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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