Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1120: You're here

Chapter 1120 You Are Here

Nian Xi stayed until the fire went out.

The fire burned a total of five laboratories, causing heavy losses to the school.

When the principal came over, he was very distressed. "There are a lot of instruments and materials in it. The school paid a lot of money and lost at least millions."

The fire chief explained: "Because it is a laboratory, it is full of flammable materials. In addition, there are a lot of wires in the fire place. The amount of current is very large. It was initially determined that when an instrument fell to the ground, a strong current ignited instantly. In view of the flammable materials in the laboratory, this current should reach more than 10,000 watts at that time. After the incident, the general fire extinguisher did not work at all. Under normal circumstances, if the laboratory cannot be escaped in three minutes, it will undoubtedly die. "

Nian Xi's sweat was cold, and she was once again glad that she had brought Jiang Yongning tonight.

The principal nodded, "Yes, this laboratory does have a lot of electrical wires, but for safety measures, it is necessary to require the leaving students to cut off all power. There has not been so many years ..."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Nian Xiyan with a complex mood.

Nian Xi was annoyed: "Why, you do n’t believe what I said, I do n’t know anything about the laboratory. Would n’t it be such a big fire that suddenly occurred to people who knew the laboratory, and then Professor Jiang was by my side at the time, With his skill, can't you see what the laboratory is studying, principal, you should believe what Yang Wenzhi said. "

The principal sighed, but the fire chief said: "It should be artificial, when our personnel went in, the instrument rack fell to the ground, which coincided with that of Police Officer Nian, hoping to find more evidence to prove that the killer was responsible. for."

"That would bother you."


After Nian Xi was busy, she rushed to the hospital immediately.

After getting in the car, I found that I was wearing a thin sweater. I didn't feel busy outside before, but now I feel cold.

He even sneezed two times, suddenly remembering that Jiang Yongning was also wearing something similar to himself.

So I bought another coat on the way to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, he contacted Jiang Yongning and realized that he was infusion.

There were several beds in the infusion room. He was lying on a hospital bed near the window, his cuffs were rolled up half, and a bandage was wrapped around him. A white bedding was placed on top of him, and a white lamp was against his head. There was a pale, cowardly beauty in the whole man.

It's like a porcelain doll played by Xi Nianxi. It seems that it will break when touched.

His eyes were closed, he heard footsteps, suddenly opened, and saw Nian Xi standing on the edge of the bed with a happy smile on his face, "You are coming."

"How do you know it's me," Nian Xi was surprised.

"Your footsteps," Jiang Yanning's lips were high, smiling like a child, "always in a hurry."

Nian Xi looked at the bedside table, there was nothing on it, not even water, and she had a little pain. Did he lie here like this for an hour, "How come you are alone, usually Uncle Han doesn't leave you Can't stand still. "

Jiang Yanning's thin lips moved, and finally he told the truth: "I notified Uncle Han, and Uncle Han said that you would come, and he would not come, otherwise he came, and if you think he will take care of him, you will not be held against me. responsibility."


Nian Xi couldn't help crying and laughing. He really served Han Shu, an old fritter, but he was so rude to his cute and delicate gentleman.

First more. . . Second in the afternoon. .

(End of this chapter)

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