Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1159: I can be dazed

Chapter 1159: I Can Be Dazed

Lausanne pouted his lips. "That year, the school bully was huge. I didn't know if you were better at school or he was better at high school."

"... The fanfare is equal. Later, I went to be a soldier. He became our number one science champion, and it was considered that I had completed him," said Jun Ting proudly.

Lausanne didn't laugh before he said, "I'm going to work in the county, won't it be the government?"

The average year is very good. "He is a judge."

Lausanne stumbled, and then a surge of admiration erupted. "It's amazing. I didn't expect such a young and good-looking judge."

"Good-looking?" Tingjun raised his eyebrows. "Did you just say that you can only look good, why are you looking good now?"

Lausanne coughed, "Of course it can't be compared to you. Why haven't you heard that you still have a friend who is a judge? It's awesome. It's worthy of being a bully equivalent to you."

The young average **** raised his chin arrogantly and felt quite useful. "Nothing to say, what about the judge, can you help if you break the law and find a judge, and he only became a judge last year. Coupled with my business, he is sometimes sensitive in politics. Xu Bohan is very rigorous. Just like his name, it is cold and cold. Do n’t believe it. When he was in trial, he had I once met his uncle in court, he directly sentenced his uncle to jail, and he was sentenced to ten years in prison. After the sentence, everyone knew that the prisoner was his relative, and it was not long before his parents broke the divorce. Now. "

Lausanne was stunned, but also a little admired by such people, who can be selfless, "Um ... quite admirable, if I can't do it."

"So you can only be my wife," Nian Junting smiled, holding her waist.

"By the way," Lausanne suddenly looked up. "Are you having any problems recently? Why are you suddenly reluctant to try on that watch?"

Nian Junting Jun's face froze, and he coughed softly. "I'm fine, but there are some problems that I may not be able to detect, so it's better not to wear my face."

"Really?" Lausanne wasn't convinced.

"I don't believe it," Nian Junting said quickly. "Come on and pick up the little apple. Nian Xi must have a hard time holding it."

He walked away quickly after speaking.

Lausanne stared at him in the back.


On the way to the Tianhu Villa, everyone has a car. Nian Xi and Jiang Yongning are still a car.

On the way, Nian Xi said, "You shouldn't have promised my sister-in-law just now. Their big group of men are not playing cards, and you won't play."

Jiang Mining was in deep thought, "I really don't, I hate playing cards."

"I hate it, too," Nian Xi sighed. "It's just like spending time with my elders. I used to go to bars and clubs, or play fishing and the like. Now everyone is too busy, and there are fewer going out."

"It's okay, I can be dazed, you play cards, don't worry about me," Jiang Yongning said honestly at the end.

Nian Xi: "..."

I've never heard of being in a daze after playing mobile phones and watching TV.

After arriving at the villa, Xiao Zhan had to pull Jiang Yongning to play cards. "Do you guys, do n’t learn to play cards? What ’s the point? Later, we will marry Nian Xi, we have to participate in the New Year and the New Year. Come, let me teach you, rest assured , We a few young people playing, I let you. "

Nian Xi looked at Jiang Yanning, who was unwilling, and couldn't bear it: "People don't like to play with these, why are you forcing him?"

Sixth more. . Tomorrow continues. .

(End of this chapter)

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