Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1165: You are the best in my heart

Chapter 1165: You Are The Best In My Heart

After the guests left one by one, Lausanne took a shower and found out that the average young man was still sitting dullly on the bed without saying a word.

Thinking of her husband losing too badly today, Lausanne sighed and stepped forward to comfort him, "Don't be upset. Little Apple today is a happy day."

"But this is the lowest day of my life," said Jun Ting, annoyed and annoyed. He has grown so big that he has never been the only one to slap others. Today it is ...

Feeling that her husband was really sad, Lausanne quickly hugged and hugged him. "You are the best in my heart. It doesn't matter if you play cards badly. What's important is that you are handsome and capable, or a business wizard."

Encouraged by his wife's love, the average annual thunder suddenly lifted her spirits, and clenched her lips directly, "I am not only a business wizard, but also a wizard in bed."

Lausanne was afraid he would throw himself directly onto the bed, and hurriedly tried to push him away, but he couldn't push it, he said, "Husband, let's talk about business."

"Aren't we always talking about business," Ting Jun raised his eyebrows.

Lausanne was speechless, what a matter of course, "I plan to go out to work, and Little Apple will take care of me and take care of me."

The average annual trembled, and then the whole person was depressed. "But Little Apple wants to feed and he is so young. How can you not let him feed? The World Health Organization advocates breastfeeding until the age of two ..." "

Lausanne was ashamed. "You fight with Apple every day for rations, would you agree with him to be two years old?"

"I agree," Ning Junting said arrogantly, he was used to seeing Lausanne every day when he came home from work, and he was used to turning around him and Little Apple, but if she went out to work, she would often travel, as before Sometimes, I even get busy until the early morning.

"Jun Ting, did you forget how you promised me before, and let me go out to work when the child came out, and the family was not left unattended," Lausanne said earnestly, "I also know that Little Apple is still small, so I temporarily work outside No, I will only take a job in Xiacheng, or I will return on the same day, and I am also warm to find me today. I would like to participate in the dubbing of the new film, but the guidance is strict and I still I need more exercise. I have n’t dubbed it for more than half a year. I have to get started quickly. "

"Are you sure you won't pick up in the field?" Ni Junting emphasized.

Lausanne nodded and hugged his waist. "Jun Ting, I'm still young, and I still have dreams. Didn't you support your own career as a wife before?"

Nian Junting frowned, grieving helplessly, "Lolo, I always support you, but you can't go to work anymore, ignore me, you still have to accompany me often."

"Well, I will always be with you and Little Apple," Lausanne nodded comfortably when he agreed.

"Mainly I can do it, and Little Apple is second," said Tingjun.

"Childish," Lausanne squeezed his cheek, and finally kissed him again, feeling, "I have a little envy of Professor Jiang today. I wanted to marry you, but in the beginning I was met by your mother and young Everyone outside the Xi boycotted, but it was only the first day that even your grandfather recognized it. "

Junting Tian held her small face. "Rest assured, I don't recognize it."


Don't you agree that it doesn't matter at all.

"Don't think wildly," Nian Junting touched her head. "People are scientists, and people who have never seen the world generally have a mysterious yearning for scientists and always feel very sacred."

First more. . Mr. and Mrs. Nian daily dog ​​food

(End of this chapter)

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