Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1186: Lausanne will suddenly have trouble

Chapter 1186 Lausanne Suddenly Suffers

"That's it," Lausanne nodded, Chan Ruohua with a pretty smile on her face, "then how did you touch me when we weren't married?"

"Don't I propose to you," said Jun Ting immediately.

"You didn't take advantage of me before you proposed," Lausanne's face chilled. "Who brazenly climbed into my bed again and again, but I'm sorry to say that I hugged you up. Later, after sharing the bed with you, do you just Just kiss me. "

Junting Ting blinked, and her guilty conscience.

Lausanne thinks more and more uncomfortable, puts down the chopsticks, "What you can't do by yourself forces others to do it, why, because I'm not your real sister, it doesn't matter if you want to touch it, or do I think I didn't? Loved ones, whatever you want? "

Jun Ting was stunned. I didn't expect Lausanne would suddenly get angry and seemed very angry. "Of course not, because that person is me, I am the best man in the world, and from the first day I associate with you , I have already decided to marry you. If all the men in the world are as natural as me, there is nothing to worry about, but there are too many bad men in sheepskins. "

Lausanne smiled angrily, "You don't put much gold on your face, you're obviously lascivious."

"You ca n’t say that, Luo Luo, from the time we have been to now, how good I am to you, you ca n’t forget because it's past, I really care about you and do n’t kiss my son. You matter. "

Lausanne, "If you come out with a girl, you would have forgotten me to go to outer space, you really don't like your son."

"You're wrong with me," Jun Ting was still righteous.

"You guys are selfish," Lausanne couldn't even eat the noodles, and stood up discouraged. "Don't come into my room tonight."

"Why?" Ning Junting disagreed, wondering, "Are we going to quarrel for a Jiang Yanning?"

"I'm not feeling well now. I still say the same thing. Before anyone else, take a mirror to look at yourself. I dare say that Jiang Mining is definitely more pure than you. People must have at least no ex-girlfriend. You, ex-girlfriend It's Bai Yueguang in your heart, "Lausanne sneered," but you said it yourself. "

Jun Ting was depressed, "At that time, were we arguing, and you broke up with me, and I only deliberately stimulated you, my Baiyueguang is only you, are all married, is it necessary to quarrel for such things, anyway, now in my heart , Nian Xi is root grass compared to you. "

"It's useless for you to say this now. Anyway, what you say tonight makes me uncomfortable," Lausanne went upstairs after speaking, and slammed the door down and locked it after entering.

Annual average Ting depressed Jiang Yanning severely cursed again.


After Jiang Yining returned, he sneezed several times and rubbed his nose. I don't know who scolded him behind his back.

After coming out of the shower, Nian Xi called and said, "After you left with my brother, did he tell you something that you should not touch me before you get married?"

"... You are so good," Jiang Yanning admired.

"I knew it," Nian Xi said coldly.

Jiang Yining whispered, "Xi Xi, in fact, your brother is right. He really cares about you. I have promised that he will never have a relationship with you before getting married, except you will never touch you."

Xixi: I can't accept it. I can't accept it.

Fourth night.

(End of this chapter)

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